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Last active June 23, 2018 16:12
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OGMO Feature Set

OGMO Feature Doc



  • Preferences
    • Maximize on startup (checkbox)
    • Undo limit (per level) (textfield)
    • Open level limit (textfield)
    • Clear Project History (button)
    • Done (button)
  • Check for Updates
  • About
    • Logo
    • Version
    • Credits
    • Discription
    • URL
    • Donate (button)
    • Open Website (button)
    • Done (button)
  • Exit


  • New Project
  • Open Project
  • Edit Project
    • Settings (project wide settings)
      • Project Name (textfield)
      • Background Color (textfield, color picker)
      • Grid Color (textfield, color picker)
      • Angle Export (multi selection)
        • Radians
        • Degrees
      • Level Size
      • Default (two textfields for width/height)
      • Minimum (two textfields for width/height)
      • Maximum (two textfields for width/height)
      • Camera
      • Enabled (checkbox)
      • Size (two textfields for width/height)
      • Export Camera Position (checkbox)
      • Level Values
      • [Value List]
        • Create (button)
        • Remove (button)
        • Name (textfield)
        • Type (multi selection)
          • Integer
            • Default (textfield)
            • Min (textfield)
            • Max (textfield)
            • Show Slider (checkbox)
          • Boolean
            • Default to true (checkbox)
          • Float
            • Default (textfield)
            • Round (textfield)
            • Min (textfield)
            • Max (textfield)
          • String
            • Default (textfield)
            • Max Chars (textfield)
            • Multiline (checkbox)
          • Enum
            • [Enum List]
            • Directions (Enter enum elements one per line)
          • Color
            • Default (textfield, color picker)
    • Layers
      • [Layer List]
        • Create (button)
        • Remove (button)
        • Move Up (button)
        • Move Down (button)
      • Name (textfield)
      • Grid (two textfields for width/height)
      • Scroll Factor (two textfields for x/y)
      • Type
        • Grid
          • Color (textfield, color picker)
          • Export Mode (multi selection)
            • Bitstring
            • Trimmed Bitstring
            • Rectangles
            • Grid Rectangles
        • Tiles
          • Export Mode (multi selection)
            • CSV
            • Trimmed CSV
            • XML (IDs)
            • XML (Co-ords)
        • Entities
    • Tilesets
      • [Tileset List]
        • Create (button)
        • Remove (button)
        • Move Up (button)
        • Move Down (button)
      • [Tileset Preview]
      • Name (textfield)
      • Image File (file picker)
      • Tile Size (two textfields for width/height)
      • Tile Spacing (textfield)
    • Entities
      • [Entity List]
        • Create (button)
        • Remove (button)
        • Move Up (button)
        • Move Down (button)
      • Name (textfield)
      • Limit (textfield)
      • Size (two textfields for width/height)
      • Origin (two textfields for x/y)
      • Resizable X (checkbox)
      • Resizable Y (checkbox)
      • Rotatable (checkbox)
      • Nodes (checkbox)
        • Limit (textfield)
        • Draw (multi selection)
          • None
          • Path
          • Circuit
          • Fan
        • Ghost (checkbox)
      • Values
      • [Value List]
        • Create (button)
        • Remove (button)
        • Name (textfield)
        • Type (multi selection)
          • Integer
            • Default (textfield)
            • Min (textfield)
            • Max (textfield)
            • Show Slider (checkbox)
          • Boolean
            • Default to true (checkbox)
          • Float
            • Default (textfield)
            • Round (textfield)
            • Min (textfield)
            • Max (textfield)
          • String
            • Default (textfield)
            • Max Chars (textfield)
            • Multiline (checkbox)
          • Enum
            • [Enum List]
            • Directions (Enter enum elements one per line)
          • Color
            • Default (textfield, color picker)
      • Graphic Type (multi selection)
        • Rectangle
          • Color (textfield, color picker)
        • Image File
          • [Image Preview]
          • File (file picker)
          • Tile Image (checkbox)
  • Close Project


  • Level Properties
    • Level Size (two textfields for width/height)
    • Minimum Size (reference text)
    • Maximum Size (reference text)
    • [Level Values]
    • Apply (button)
    • Cancel (button)
  • New Level
  • Open Level...
  • Save Level
  • Save Level As...
  • Close Level
  • Close Other Levels
  • Duplicate Level
  • Save As Image...
  • Save Camera As Image...


  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Select All
  • Deselect


  • Editing Grid (checkbox)
  • Center View
  • Zoom Out
  • Zoom In
  • Layers (checkbox)
  • Tools (checkbox)
  • Tile Palette (checkbox)
  • Entities (checkbox)
  • Entity Selection (checkbox)


  • Batch Resaver (opens and saves levels with current settings)
  • Shift Renamer (shifts numeric value in level names)
  • Swap Renamer (swaps the names of two levels)

Start Page

  • [Logo]
  • Recent Projects List
  • Changelog
  • Open Website (button)
  • Donate! (button)

Map Panel

  • [Map State]
  • [Camera View] (if setup)
  • (Mouse Scroll / Touchpad pinch) Zoom
  • (Mouse Middle Button Pressed / Space and Mouse Move) Pan

Layers Panel

  • [Layer List]
    • (Mouse any button Pressed) Select Layer
    • [Layer Type Icon]
    • [Layer Visibility] (checkbox)

Tile Palette Panel

(Available when tile layer selected)

  • Tileset (multi selection) (selects layer tileset)
  • [Tileset palette]
    • (Mouse any button Pressed) Select Tile
    • (Mouse any button Pressed + drag) Select multiple Tiles

Tools Panel (Tile Layer Selected)

  • Pencil
    • (Mouse Left button Pressed) Place selected tile(s)
    • (Mouse Right button Pressed) Remove tile
  • Eyedropper
    • (Mouse Left button Pressed) Select Tile
  • Flood Fill
    • (Mouse Left button Pressed) Flood Fill selected tile(s)
    • (Mouse Right button Pressed) Flood Fill no tile
  • Rectangle
    • (Mouse Left button pressed + drag + release) place rectangle of selected tile(s)
    • (Mouse Right button pressed + drag + release) remove rectangle of tiles
  • Line
    • (Mouse Left button pressed + drag + release) place line of selected tile(s)
    • (Mouse Right button pressed + drag + release) remove line of tiles
  • Select
    • (Mouse Left button pressed + drag + release) drag selection
    • (Mouse Right button released) deselect
  • Move Selection (when selection exists)
    • (Mouse Right button pressed + drag) Move selection

Entities Panel

(Available when entity layer selected)

  • [Entity Palette]
    • (Mouse any button Pressed) Select Entity
    • [Entity Image]

Tools Panel (Entity Layer Selected)

  • Create
    • (Mouse Left Button released) Place new Entity
  • Erase
    • (Mouse Left Button pressed + drag + release) Remove Entities in Rectangle
  • Select
    • (Mouse Left Button pressed + drag + release) Select Entities in Rectangle
    • (Mouse Right Button pressed) Deselect
  • Move (when selection exists)
    • (Mouse Left Button pressed + drag) Move selected Entities
  • Resize (when selection exists)
    • (Mouse Left Button pressed + drag) Resize selection (from bottom right)
  • Add Node (when selection exists)
    • (Mouse Left Button pressed) Add node (at end of sequence)
    • (Mouse Left Button pressed (on node) and drag) Move node
    • (Mouse Right Button pressed) Remove node (from sequence)
  • Insert Node
    • (Mouse Move) (highlights where node will be inserted)
    • (Mouse Left Button pressed) Insert Node (in sequence)

Selection Panel (One Entity Selected)

  • [Entity Type]
  • [Entity Image]
  • ID
  • Count (how many entities of same type exist)
  • Position (x/y)
  • Size (width/height)
  • Angle (if Entity is Rotatable)
  • [Entity Values]

Selection Panel (Multiple Entities Selected)

  • [Selected Entities List]
    • [Entity Image]
    • (Mouse any button Pressed) Select Entity

Info Panel

  • Zoom Amount
  • Mouse Position (x/y)
  • Mouse Grid Position (x/y)
  • Project Title
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