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Created January 28, 2021 21:09
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Bloomin' Particles
import zero.utilities.Vec2;
import h2d.Graphics;
using zero.utilities.EventBus;
class LineParticles extends Graphics {
var lines:Array<LineData> = [];
public function new(parent) {
public function add(line:LineData) {
if (line.acceleration == null) line.acceleration = Vec2.get();
if (line.last == null) line.last = line.pos.copy();
if (line.drag == null) line.drag = 1;
if (line.alpha == null) line.alpha = 1;
function update(?dt) {
var to_remove = [];
for (line in lines) {
line.pos.x += line.velocity.x * dt;
line.pos.y += line.velocity.y * dt;
line.velocity.x += line.acceleration.x * dt;
line.velocity.y += line.acceleration.y * dt;
line.velocity *= line.drag;
line.acceleration *= line.drag;
lineStyle(line.width, line.color, line.alpha);
moveTo(line.last.x, line.last.y);
lineTo(line.pos.x, line.pos.y);
line.last = line.last + (line.pos - line.last) * 0.25;
if (!verify(line)) to_remove.push(line);
for (line in to_remove) {
function verify(line:LineData) {
if (line.last.x < 0 || line.last.x > Main.width) return false;
if (line.last.y < 0 || line.last.y > Main.height) return false;
if (line.velocity.length < 0.1) return false;
return true;
typedef LineData = {
import h2d.Object;
import hxd.Window;
import h2d.filter.Bloom;
using zero.utilities.EventBus;
using zero.extensions.Tools;
class Main extends hxd.App {
static function main() new Main();
public static var width:Float;
public static var height:Float;
public static var particles:LineParticles;
override function init() {
width = Window.getInstance().width;
height = Window.getInstance().height;
s2d.filter = new Bloom(4.2, 10, 128, 3, 1);
particles = new LineParticles(s2d);
override function update(dt:Float) {

Bloomin particles

To use this you gotta install zerolib haxelib install zerolib and add it to your build.hxml -lib zerolib


Here I'm just doing a handful of things

  • exposing width and height (I'm assuming there's some standard way of doing this in heaps but I'm lazy
  • throwing a bloom filter onto the stage (s2d)
  • creating an instance of line particles
  • in update() I'm using my EventBus utility to dispatch an update signal with the delta time


This does a few things:

  • it keeps an array of active line particles
  • you can instantiate a particle with add()
  • it's just a graphics object that clears itself and draws active line particles every frame
  • lines are removed from the array if they leave the screen or if their length is small enough

The lines look rad bc of the bloom

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