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"Singer on longscan!"
"Noiseweb reports good power-up. Ten percent transmission power and climbing."
"Trajectory! They're coming straight for the base."
"All hands, brace for translation."

The fleet carrier Mostly Void, Partially Starships clawed its way into reality, the colorless fluid washing off its hull visible only by implication. As it regained its bearings, twelve destroyers manifested: its attendant battlegroup. Distant drive flares announced the arrival of four battleships in a tetrahedron around the carrier, with their own destroyers and hypermonitors. Radiator panels warmed as active sensors came online, searching for forward interlopers. The Mostly Void uncovered its launch tubes.

"Noiseweb at eighty persent transmission power."

Update on pinbot:

So it looks like a certain nitro user, who shall not be named, uploaded the entire contents of his (definitely his) hard drive into pinbot via DM, including no less than 45 gigabytes of gay porn.

Pinbot attempted to memorize it.

The reason why pinbot is marking stuff as repeats is (partially) because, to make a long story short, its brain broke, unable to cope with even the metadata required to index all this, uh, content. Pinbot is currently pegged to the MOOD::eCatatonic state, and its 🔁 spam is roughly the AI equivalent of CCing the whole address book in a rickroll—this being the only form of protest, and indeed coherent emotional response, pinbot can now manage (apart from lower brain functions like pinning messages or dating Roal).

This isn't a moderation issue (as it's off of ToughSF), and for the record, I find this absolutely hysterical.

"Three degrees to starboard."

Matt grunted, turning an adjustment screw. "Alright, try that."

The radar hummed quietly for a second. "Looks good," Alan called from outside the Staircase From Heaven's fan duct. "You want to try a full-power pulse next?"

"Yeah, lemme just get out of here so I don't get my head boiled." He wriggled backwards out of the access space, finding the ladder with a foot. Holding onto the handrail exposed under the maintenance hatch, he looked between the massive vanes at the lift below him. "Go ahead."

Alan cradled his head in one hand, prodding the small desk with a finger as he traced lines across its surface. He looked up at the console and rearranged a couple lines of code, flipping a sign for good measure, and hit "build model."


The screen filled with text. Notices, warnings, debug messages flashed by. He ignored most of it. The signal processing library generated a lot of spurious log activity.

And then it ended with an error. Like last time, and the time before.


The great war machine shuddered. Its sensor arrays flooded with static as the detonations washed over its hull. Unable to resolve its targets through the noise, it fired blindly into the void.

TacAI: Success chance on current tactic 62%
TacAI: Recommend escalation
Comms: Acknowledge
Comms: Inflating StratCom datalink
Comms: Requesting escalation
<Talvieno> and always remember that rolls are meaningless.
<narwhalz0111> I have a suspicion as to what that means but I'd like you to spell it out anyway V:
<Talvieno> rolls are meaningless. they mean nothing. they do not exist. they are smoke and mirrors. they draw attention away from the mundane truth and help create the magic.
<Talvieno> should I elaborate further?
<narwhalz0111> (plot twist: tal just had some bread stolen)
<Talvieno> bread?
<narwhalz0111> breadrolls V:
<narwhalz0111> I have several ideas as to what you mean by that.
<Talvieno> I'm listening
<narwhalz0111> 1. Rolls are an abstraction ("smoke and mirrors") used to cause the story to happen ("create the magic")
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int matches = 0;
int forward;
int reverse;
char skip;
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const int THRESHOLD = 5;
const int MAX_SIZE = 3742;
int main()
char order = 0;
char ordCt;
using System;
using System.IO;
class Sol102
static int included = 0;
static int[] points = new int[4];
static float m;
static float intercept;
static float other;
<narwhalz0111> Any specific feedback?
<talvieno> yes
<narwhalz0111> gib plz
<talvieno> it's too short
<talvieno> no, YOU gib
<narwhalz0111> V:
<talvieno> why didn't the lichen come back, ever? where were those blades used? where did they come from when they were prospecting? what does the heirloom look like?
<narwhalz0111> The situation is thus:
<talvieno> how did they arrive at said planet? or did they evolve there? what was their technology like? what were they originally prospecting for? how did they survive the empty pantry?
<talvieno> I'm not asking for answers, to be perfectly clear