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Windows 10 Hold Microphone Volume Constant
from subprocess import check_output
from threading import Timer
import os
NircCMD = os.path.join( "C:\\" , "Program Files" , "NirCmd" , "nircmd.exe" )
NircCMD = '"' + NircCMD + '"' + " setvolume 1 "
VolumeCeiling = 65535
FractionPercentage = 0.55
Percentage = str( int( VolumeCeiling * FractionPercentage ) )
finalCMD = NircCMD + Percentage + " " + Percentage
def setMicVolume():
check_output( finalCMD , shell=True )
while True:
t = Timer( 0.01 , setMicVolume )
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