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Last active August 15, 2022 18:22
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Vim Highlight Syntax file for Cadence cds*.lib assura*.lib
" Vim syntax file
" This is based on spice.vim by Noam Halevy
" Language: correct highlight cadence cds*.lib assura*.lib file
" Maintainer: Garrett Zhou
" Last Change: 09/20/2016
" Comments: Add follow line into your ~/.vimrc file
" autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead cds*.lib,assura*.lib set syntax=cdslib
" filetype indent off
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" cdslib syntax is case INsensitive
syn case ignore
syn keyword cdslibTodo contained TODO
" Misc
syn match cdslibWrapLineOperator "\\$"
syn match cdslibIgnore "\ \ \ "
syn match cdslibStatement "^ \=\.\I\+"
syn region cdslibString start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
syn region cdslibComment start="--" end="$" contains=cdslibTodo
syn region cdslibComment start="#" end="$" contains=cdslibTodo
" Matching pairs of parentheses
syn region cdslibParen transparent matchgroup=cdslibOperator start="(" end=")" contains=ALLBUT,cdslibParenError
syn region cdslibSinglequote matchgroup=cdslibOperator start=+'+ end=+'+ oneline
" Errors
syn match cdslibParenError ")"
" Syncs
" =====
syn sync minlines=50
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_cdslib_syntax_inits")
if version < 508
let did_cdslib_syntax_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink cdslibTodo Todo
HiLink cdslibWrapLineOperator cdslibOperator
HiLink cdslibSinglequote cdslibExpr
HiLink cdslibExpr Function
HiLink cdslibParenError Error
HiLink cdslibStatement Statement
HiLink cdslibNumber Number
HiLink cdslibComment Comment
HiLink cdslibOperator Operator
HiLink cdslibString String
HiLink cdslibKeyword Type
HiLink cdslibIgnore Ignore
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "cdslib"
" insert the following to $VIM/syntax/scripts.vim
" to autodetect HSpice netlists and text listing output:
" " Spice netlists and text listings
" elseif getline(1) =~ 'cdslib\>' || getline("$") =~ '^\.end'
" so <sfile>:p:h/cdslib.vim
" vim: ts=8
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