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Last active January 10, 2019 10:51
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mb_parse_str($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], $qs);
$rid = array_key_exists('rid', $qs) ? $qs["rid"] : "";
$timeformat = array_key_exists('timeformat', $qs) ? $qs["timeformat"] : "0";
$refresh = array_key_exists('refresh', $qs) ? $qs["refresh"] : "0";
$reverse = array_key_exists('reverse', $qs) ? $qs["reverse"] : "0";
$hidecar = array_key_exists('hidecar', $qs) ? $qs["hidecar"] : "0";
$dark = array_key_exists('dark', $qs) ? $qs["dark"] : "0";
$ivrno = array_key_exists('ivrno', $qs) ? $qs["ivrno"] : "";
$stopID = array_key_exists('stopID', $qs) ? $qs["stopID"] : "";
$stopName = array_key_exists('stopName', $qs) ? $qs["stopName"] : "";
$routes = json_decode(file_get_contents("bus_data/".date("Y")."/".date("m")."/".date("d")."/routes.json"));
$routes = json_decode(file_get_contents("bus_data/".date("Y", strtotime("yesterday"))."/".date("m", strtotime("yesterday"))."/".date("d", strtotime("yesterday"))."/routes.json"));
for ($r = 0; $r<count($routes); $r++) {
if ($routes[$r][0]==$rid) $ro="99999";
if ($ro!="99999") $rid = "";
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print ' <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="'. $refresh*20 . '">'."\n";
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<?php echo $dark==1&&$hidecar==1 ? "border: 5px solid #D1D3D4;" : ""; ?>
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<?php echo $dark==1&&$timeformat==0 ? "border: 5px solid #D1D3D4;" : ""; ?>
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<?php echo $dark==1&&$timeformat==1 ? "border: 5px solid #D1D3D4;" : ""; ?>
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if ($rid == ""){
print "<title>臺中市公車結合去回程的動態到站時刻表</title>";
}elseif($ivrno == "" || $stopID == "" || $stopName == ""){
$table = file_get_contents("$rid");
$table2 = file_get_contents("$rid");
//$table = preg_replace("/\n/","",$table);
//$table = preg_replace("/<!--.*$/","",$table);
//$table2 = preg_replace("/\n/","",$table2);
//$table2 = preg_replace("/<!--.*$/","",$table2);
foreach ($routes as $r) {
if ($r[0]==$rid){ print "<title>$r[1] - ".date("H:i:s")." - 臺中市公車結合去回程的動態到站時刻表</title>"; }
$table = file_get_contents("$ivrno&stopID=$stopID");
//$table = preg_replace("/\n/","",$table);
//$table = preg_replace("/<!--.*$/","",$table);
print "<title>$stopName - ".date("H:i:s")." - 臺中市公車結合去回程的動態到站時刻表</title>";
<div style="display: inline-block;">
if ($rid == ""){
echo '<div class="title_table">';
echo '<table>';
echo '<tr><td class="ti0">';
echo '臺中市公車結合去回程的動態到站時刻表';
echo '</table>';
echo '</div>';
}elseif($ivrno == "" || $stopID == "" || $stopName == ""){
$table = json_decode($table);
$table = $table->$rid;
//if (count($table)<5) exit("$rid : 查無此路線");
$table2 = json_decode($table2,true);
$table22[1] = $table22[0] = array();
foreach($table2[0] as $t){
array_push($table22[0], $t);
foreach($table2[1] as $t){
array_push($table22[1], $t);
$table2 = $table22;
function to_number($ts) {
return substr($ts,0,2)*60 + substr($ts,3,2)*1;
function to_string($tn) {
if ($tn/60 >= 24){
return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $tn/60 - 24, $tn%60);
return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $tn/60, $tn%60);
$now = date("H")*60+date("i");
$db[2] = $db[1] = array(
'stops' => array(),
'carId' => '',
# $db[1]: 去程
# $db[2]: 回程
for($stop = 0; $stop < count($table); $stop++) {
$dir = $table[$stop]->GoBack;
$arriving = '';
if ($table[$stop]->carId != $db[$dir]['carId']) {
$arriving = ' hilight';
$db[$dir]['carId'] = $table[$stop]->carId;
$time = "";
if($table[$stop]->Value === "null" && $table[$stop]->comeCarid == ""){
$time = '<font color="gray">離站</font>';
}elseif($table[$stop]->Value === "null"){
if ($timeformat == "1"){
$time = '<font color="'.($dark==1 ? "#8FDAFF" : "blue").'">'. (to_number($table[$stop]->comeTime) - date("H")*60 - date("i")) .' 分</font>';
$time = '<font color="'.($dark==1 ? "#8FDAFF" : "blue").'">'. $table[$stop]->comeTime.'</font>';
}elseif($table[$stop]->Value == 0){
$time = '<font color="'.($dark==1 ? "#FFCC00" : "red").'">進站中</font>';
}elseif($table[$stop]->Value == -3){
$time = '<font color="gray">末班駛離</font>';
}elseif($table[$stop]->Value < 3){
$time = '<font color="'.($dark==1 ? "#FFCC00" : "red").'">即將到站</font>';
if ($timeformat == "2"){
$time = '<font color="'.($dark==1 ? "#8FDAFF" : "blue").'">'. to_string(date("H")*60 + date("i") + $table[$stop]->Value) .'</font>';
$time = '<font color="'.($dark==1 ? "#8FDAFF" : "blue").'">'. $table[$stop]->Value.' 分</font>';
array_push($db[$dir]['stops'], array(
'name' => $table[$stop]->StopName,
'cometime' => $table[$stop]->comeTime,
'carId' => $table[$stop]->carId,
'comecar' => $table[$stop]->comeCarid,
'time' => $time,
'arriving' => $arriving,
'ivrno' => $dir==2?$table2[$dir-1][$stop-count($db[1]['stops'])][0]:$table2[$dir-1][$stop][0],
'stopID' => $dir==2?$table2[$dir-1][$stop-count($db[1]['stops'])][5]:$table2[$dir-1][$stop][5],
) );
$db[2]['stops'] = array_reverse($db[2]['stops']);
//echo "<br>";
$stops[3] = $stops[2] = $stops[1] = array();
foreach ($db[1]['stops'] as $s){ array_push($stops[1], $s['name']); }
foreach ($db[2]['stops'] as $s){ array_push($stops[2], $s['name']); }
function combine_inator($a1, $a2) {
$bs = 0;
$a = array();
for ($g = 0; $g < count($a1); $g++) {
for ($b = $bs; $b < count($a2); $b++) {
if ($a1[$g] == $a2[$b]){
if ($b != $bs){
for ($n = $bs; $n < $b; $n++) {
array_push($a, $a2[$n]);
array_push($a, $a1[$g]);
$bs = $b+1;
$b = count($a2);
if(($b == count($a2)-1) && ($a1[$g] != $a2[$b])){
array_push($a, $a1[$g]);
if (($bs == count($a2)) && ($g != count($a1)-1)){
if ($a1[$g] == $a2[count($a2)-1]){
for ($n = $g+1; $n < count($a1); $n++) {
array_push($a, $a1[$n]);
for ($n = $g; $n < count($a1); $n++) {
array_push($a, $a1[$n]);
$g = count($a1);
if (($g == count($a1)-1) && ($bs != count($a2))){
for ($n = $bs; $n < count($a2); $n++) {
array_push($a, $a2[$n]);
return $a;
$stops[3] = combine_inator($stops[1], $stops[2]);
foreach ($routes as $r) {
if ($r[0]==$rid){
echo '<div id="titlefix" class="title_table">';
echo '<table style="width: 100%;">';
echo '<tr><td class="ti0" colspan="3"><span style="color:'.($dark==1 ? "#8FDAFF" : "blue").';">'.$r[1].'</span></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="ti1" style="width: 1%; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="font-weight: 900;" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh='.$refresh.'&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'">← 回首頁</a></td>';
//echo '<td class="ti1" style="width: 1%; white-space: nowrap;text-align: center;">'.date("H").":".date("i").":".date("s").'</td>';
echo '<td style="width: 1%; white-space: nowrap;text-align: center;"><span id="updatetime">0</span> 秒前</td>';
echo '<td class="ti1" style="width: 1%; white-space: nowrap;text-align: right;"><span class="link" style="font-weight: 900;" onclick="location.reload();">更新 ↻</span></td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div id="topspace"></div>';
echo '<table class="title">';
echo '<tr><td class="tia">'.$r[2].'</td>';
echo '<tr><td>'.$r[3].'</td>';
echo '</table>';
$table = json_decode($table);
//if (count($table)<5) exit("$rid : 查無此路線");
function to_number($ts) {
return substr($ts,0,2)*60 + substr($ts,3,2)*1;
function to_string($tn) {
if ($tn/60 >= 24){
return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $tn/60 - 24, $tn%60);
return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $tn/60, $tn%60);
$now = date("H")*60+date("i");
$db = array();
for($stop = 0; $stop < count($table); $stop++) {
$time = "";
if($table[$stop][6] === "null" && $table[$stop][7] == ""){
$time = '<font color="gray">離站</font>';
}elseif($table[$stop][6] === "null"){
if ($timeformat == "1"){
$time = '<font color="'.($dark==1 ? "#8FDAFF" : "blue").'">'. (to_number($table[$stop][7]) - date("H")*60 - date("i")) .' 分</font>';
$time = '<font color="'.($dark==1 ? "#8FDAFF" : "blue").'">'. $table[$stop][7].'</font>';
}elseif($table[$stop][6] == 0){
$time = '<font color="'.($dark==1 ? "#FFCC00" : "red").'">進站中</font>';
}elseif($table[$stop][6] == -3){
$time = '<font color="gray">末班駛離</font>';
}elseif($table[$stop][6] < 3){
$time = '<font color="'.($dark==1 ? "#FFCC00" : "red").'">即將到站</font>';
if ($timeformat == "2"){
$time = '<font color="'.($dark==1 ? "#8FDAFF" : "blue").'">'. to_string(date("H")*60 + date("i") + $table[$stop][6]) .'</font>';
$time = '<font color="'.($dark==1 ? "#8FDAFF" : "blue").'">'. $table[$stop][6].' 分</font>';
array_push($db, array(
'id' => $table[$stop][0],
'route' => $table[$stop][10],
'to' => $table[$stop][4],
'comecar' => $table[$stop][9],
'time' => $time,
'timesort' => $table[$stop][6]=="0"?(0):($table[$stop][6]=="-3"?(99998):($table[$stop][6]=="null"?($table[$stop][7]==""?(99999):(to_number($table[$stop][7]) - date("H")*60 - date("i"))):($table[$stop][6])))
) );
//echo "<br><br>";
$dbsort = array();
for($stop = 0; $stop < count($db); ) {
$s = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < count($db); $i++) {
array_push($dbsort, $db[$s]);
$db = array_values($db);
echo '<div id="titlefix" class="title_table">';
echo '<table style="width: 100%;">';
echo '<tr><td class="ti0" colspan="3"><span style="color:'.($dark==1 ? "#8FDAFF" : "blue").';">'.$stopName.'</span></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="ti1" style="width: 1%; white-space: nowrap;">';
foreach ($routes as $r) {
if ($r[0]==$rid){
echo '<a style="font-weight: 900;" href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh='.$refresh.'&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'" title="返回路線 '.$r[1].'">← '.$r[1].'</a></td>';
//echo '<td class="ti1" style="width: 1%; white-space: nowrap;text-align: center;">'.date("H").":".date("i").":".date("s").'</td>';
echo '<td style="width: 1%; white-space: nowrap;text-align: center;"><span id="updatetime">0</span> 秒前</td>';
echo '<td class="ti1" style="width: 1%; white-space: nowrap;text-align: right;"><span class="link" style="font-weight: 900;" onclick="location.reload();">更新 ↻</span></td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div id="topspace"></div>';
<div class="head_table">
<form method ="GET" action ="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<table class="head">
<tr><td class="tha">
輸入路線編號: <input type="text" name="rid" size="6" value="<?php echo $rid; ?>" />
<input type="submit" value="查詢路線" />
<tr><td class="tha">
<a class="timeformat tf0" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat=0&refresh='.$refresh.'&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'&ivrno='.$ivrno.'&stopID='.$stopID.'&stopName='.$stopName ?>">預設</a>
<a class="timeformat tf1" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat=1&refresh='.$refresh.'&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'&ivrno='.$ivrno.'&stopID='.$stopID.'&stopName='.$stopName ?>">幾分鐘</a>
<a class="timeformat tf2" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat=2&refresh='.$refresh.'&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'&ivrno='.$ivrno.'&stopID='.$stopID.'&stopName='.$stopName ?>">幾點幾分</a>
<input type="radio" name="timeformat" value="0" <?php if($timeformat!="1" && $timeformat!="2") echo 'checked="checked"';?> readonly hidden />
<input type="radio" name="timeformat" value="1" <?php if ($timeformat=="1") echo 'checked="checked"';?> readonly hidden />
<input type="radio" name="timeformat" value="2" <?php if ($timeformat=="2") echo 'checked="checked"';?> readonly hidden />
<tr><td class="tha">
<a class="refresh rf0" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh=0&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'&ivrno='.$ivrno.'&stopID='.$stopID.'&stopName='.$stopName ?>">關閉</a>
<a class="refresh rf1" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh=1&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'&ivrno='.$ivrno.'&stopID='.$stopID.'&stopName='.$stopName ?>">20秒</a>
<a class="refresh rf2" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh=2&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'&ivrno='.$ivrno.'&stopID='.$stopID.'&stopName='.$stopName ?>">40秒</a>
<a class="refresh rf3" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh=3&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'&ivrno='.$ivrno.'&stopID='.$stopID.'&stopName='.$stopName ?>">60秒</a>
<select name="refresh" readonly hidden >
<option value="0" >關閉</option>
<option value="1" <?php if ($refresh==1) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> >20 秒</option>
<option value="2" <?php if ($refresh==2) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> >40 秒</option>
<option value="3" <?php if ($refresh==3) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> >60 秒</option>
<tr><td class="tha">
<a class="reverse" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh='.$refresh.'&reverse='.($reverse==0?1:0).'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'&ivrno='.$ivrno.'&stopID='.$stopID.'&stopName='.$stopName ?>">倒轉站名排列</a>
<input type="checkbox" name="reverse" value="1" <?php if ($reverse=="1") echo 'checked'; ?> readonly hidden />
<a class="hidecar" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh='.$refresh.'&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.($hidecar==0?1:0).'&dark='.$dark.'&ivrno='.$ivrno.'&stopID='.$stopID.'&stopName='.$stopName ?>">隱藏車牌號碼</a>
<input type="checkbox" name="hidecar" value="1" <?php if ($hidecar=="1") echo 'checked'; ?> readonly hidden />
<tr><td class="tha">
<a class="dark" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh='.$refresh.'&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.($dark==0?1:0).'&ivrno='.$ivrno.'&stopID='.$stopID.'&stopName='.$stopName ?>">黑底亮字模式</a>
<input type="checkbox" name="dark" value="1" <?php if ($dark=="1") echo 'checked'; ?> readonly hidden />
if ($rid == ""){
echo '<div id="time_table">';
echo '<table class="routes">';
echo '<tr><th>路線編號</th><th>路線名稱</th><th>路線描述</th><th>路線業者</th></tr>';
foreach ($routes as $r) {
print '<tr><td><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$r[0].'&timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh='.$refresh.'&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'">'.$r[0]."</a><td>".$r[1]."<td>".$r[2]."<td>".$r[3]."\n";
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
}elseif($ivrno == "" || $stopID == "" || $stopName == ""){
echo '<div id="time_table">';
echo '<table class="times">';
echo '<tr>'.($hidecar==0?('<th class="tb">↓ 車牌'):'').'<th class="tt">↓ 時間<th class="ts">站名<th class="tt">時間 ↑'.($hidecar==0?('<th class="tb">車牌 ↑'):'');
$gs = $bs = 0;
$t = array();
//$gnostop = 0;
$gbiv = "";
$gbst = "";
for ($n = 0; $n < count($stops[3]); $n++) {
if ($gs < count($stops[1])){
if ($stops[3][$n]==$stops[1][$gs]){
$t[$n][1] = $db[1]['stops'][$gs]['arriving'];
if ($db[1]['stops'][$gs]['carId']=="" && $db[1]['stops'][$gs]['time']!='<font color="gray">末班駛離</font>'){
$t[$n][2] = $db[1]['stops'][$gs]['comecar'];
$t[$n][2] = $db[1]['stops'][$gs]['carId'];
$t[$n][3] = $db[1]['stops'][$gs]['time'];
$gbiv = $db[1]['stops'][$gs]['ivrno'];
$gbst = $db[1]['stops'][$gs]['stopID'];
//$gnostop = 0;
//$gnostop = 1;
$t[$n][1] = "";
$t[$n][2] = (($reverse == 1) ? "↑" : "↓");
$t[$n][3] = (($reverse == 1) ? "↑" : "↓");
//$gnostop = 1;
$t[$n][1] = "";
$t[$n][2] = (($reverse == 1) ? "↑" : "↓");
$t[$n][3] = (($reverse == 1) ? "↑" : "↓");
if ($bs < count($stops[2])){
if ($stops[3][$n]==$stops[2][$bs]){
$t[$n][4] = $db[2]['stops'][$bs]['arriving'];
$t[$n][5] = $db[2]['stops'][$bs]['time'];
if ($db[2]['stops'][$bs]['carId']=="" && $db[2]['stops'][$bs]['time']!='<font color="gray">末班駛離</font>'){
$t[$n][6] = $db[2]['stops'][$bs]['comecar'];
$t[$n][6] = $db[2]['stops'][$bs]['carId'];
$gbiv = $db[2]['stops'][$bs]['ivrno'];
$gbst = $db[2]['stops'][$bs]['stopID'];
$t[$n][4] = "";
$t[$n][5] = (($reverse == 1) ? "↓" : "↑");
$t[$n][6] = (($reverse == 1) ? "↓" : "↑");
$t[$n][4] = "";
$t[$n][5] = (($reverse == 1) ? "↓" : "↑");
$t[$n][6] = (($reverse == 1) ? "↓" : "↑");
//$t[$n][0] = '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh='.$refresh.'&reverse='.$reverse.'&dark='.$dark.'&ivrno='.(($gnostop==1)?$db[2]['stops'][$bs-1]['ivrno']:$db[1]['stops'][$gs-1]['ivrno']).'&stopID='.(($gnostop==1)?$db[2]['stops'][$bs-1]['stopID']:$db[1]['stops'][$gs-1]['stopID']).'&stopName='.$stops[3][$n].'">'.$stops[3][$n].'</a>';
$t[$n][0] = '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$rid.'&timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh='.$refresh.'&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'&ivrno='.$gbiv.'&stopID='.$gbst.'&stopName='.$stops[3][$n].'">'.$stops[3][$n].'</a>';
for($r = 0; $r < count($t); $r++) {
if($reverse == 1){
print '<tr>'.($hidecar==0?('<td class="tb'.$t[count($t)-$r-1][4].'">'.$t[count($t)-$r-1][6]):'');
print '<td class="tt'.(($t[count($t)-$r-1][5]=="↓") ? " skip" : "").$t[count($t)-$r-1][4].'">'.$t[count($t)-$r-1][5];
print '<td class="ts">'.$t[count($t)-$r-1][0];
print '<td class="tt'.(($t[count($t)-$r-1][3]=="↑") ? " skip" : "").$t[count($t)-$r-1][1].'">'.$t[count($t)-$r-1][3];
print ($hidecar==0?('<td class="tb'.$t[count($t)-$r-1][1].'">'.$t[count($t)-$r-1][2]):'')."\n";
print '<tr>'.($hidecar==0?('<td class="tb'.$t[$r][1].'">'.$t[$r][2]):'');
print '<td class="tt'.(($t[$r][3]=="↓") ? " skip" : "").$t[$r][1].'">'.$t[$r][3];
print '<td class="ts">'.$t[$r][0];
print '<td class="tt'.(($t[$r][5]=="↑") ? " skip" : "").$t[$r][4].'">'.$t[$r][5];
print ($hidecar==0?('<td class="tb'.$t[$r][4].'">'.$t[$r][6]):'')."\n";
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
echo '<div id="time_table">';
echo '<table class="times">';
echo '<tr><th class="tt">時間</th><th class="ts">路線</th><th class="ts">方向</th>'.($hidecar==0?('<th class="ts">車牌</th>'):'').'</tr>';
for($r = 0; $r < count($dbsort); $r++) {
print '<tr><td class="tt">'.$dbsort[$r]['time'].'<td class="tss">'.'<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?rid='.$dbsort[$r]['id'].'&timeformat='.$timeformat.'&refresh='.$refresh.'&reverse='.$reverse.'&hidecar='.$hidecar.'&dark='.$dark.'">'.$dbsort[$r]['route'].'</a>'.'<td class="ts">往 '.$dbsort[$r]['to'].($hidecar==0?('<td class="ts">'.$dbsort[$r]['comecar']):'');
echo "</table>";
echo "</div>";
echo '
var time0 = new Date();
var time1 = new Date();
var time = Math.round((time1-time0)/1000);
document.getElementById("updatetime").innerHTML = time;
}, 500);
<div class="title_table">
作者: 064023; 詳見 <a href=
"" target="_blank">
臺中市公車結合去回程的動態到站時刻表<br />
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