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Текст на английском про изобретателя

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Сочинение на английском языке Изобретения/ Inventions с переводом на русский язык бесплатно
Великие изобретения человечества
Great Inventions

Комментарии Горячее Лучшее Свежее Сообщества. Хотя бы текстов из википедии накидайте-только чтобы было написано где создан,когда и кем и все это на английском. Комент для минусов внутри. SerZham отправлено дней назад. On May 25, , Andrew J Moyer was granted a patent for a method of the mass production of penicillin. SaneK71RUS отправлено дней назад. Вообще надо было что-нибудь по типу лампочки,паровоза,стиральной машины и т. Но все равно спасибо. Я был бы ну очень благодарен если бы все таки про лампочку допустим. The first electric light was made in by Humphry Davy, Началовека , тебе не подходит сам охренел как прочитал. Penicillin is one of the earliest discovered and widely used antibiotic agents, derived from the Penicillium mold. Antibiotics are natural substances that are released by bacteria and fungi into the their environment, as a means of inhibiting other organisms - it is chemical warfare on a microscopic scale. In , Sir Alexander Fleming observed that colonies of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus could be destroyed by the mold Penicillium notatum, proving that there was an antibacterial agent there in principle. This principle later lead to medicines that could kill certain types of disease-causing bacteria inside the body. Use of penicillin did not begin until the s when Howard Florey and Ernst Chain isolated the active ingredient and developed a powdery form of the medicine History of Penicillin Originally noticed by a French medical student, Ernest Duchesne, in Penicillin was re-discovered by bacteriologist Alexander Fleming working at St. He observed that a plate culture of Staphylococcus had been contaminated by a blue-green mold and that colonies of bacteria adjacent to the mold were being dissolved. Curious, Alexander Fleming grew the mold in a pure culture and found that it produced a substance that killed a number of disease-causing bacteria. Naming the substance penicillin, Dr. Fleming in published the results of his investigations, noting that his discovery might have therapeutic value if it could be produced in quantity. It was not until that Dr. As the war with Germany continued to drain industrial and government resources, the British scientists could not produce the quantities of penicillin needed for clinical trials on humans and turned to the United States for help. They were quickly referred to the Peoria Lab where scientists were already working on fermentation methods to increase the growth rate of fungal cultures. One July 9, , Howard Florey and Norman Heatley, Oxford University Scientists came to the U. Pumping air into deep vats containing corn steep liquor a non-alcoholic by-product of the wet milling process and the addition of other key ingredients was shown to produce faster growth and larger amounts of penicillin than the previous surface-growth method. Ironically, after a worldwide search, it was a strain of penicillin from a moldy cantaloupe in a Peoria market that was found and improved to produce the largest amount of penicillin when grown in the deep vat, submerged conditions. By November 26, , Andrew J. Heatley, in increasing the yields of penicillin 10 times. In , the required clinical trials were performed and penicillin was shown to be the most effective antibacterial agent to date. Penicillin production was quickly scaled up and available in quantity to treat Allied soldiers wounded on D-Day. As a result of their work, two members of the British group were awarded the Nobel Prize. Moyer from the Peoria Lab was inducted into the Inventors Hall of Fame and both the British and Peoria Laboratories were designated as International Historic Chemical Landmarks. The first electric light was made in by Humphry Davy, an English scientist. He experimented with electricity and invented an electric battery. When he connected wires to his battery and a piece of carbon, the carbon glowed, producing light. This is called an electric arc. Much later, in , the English physicist Sir Joseph Wilson Swan was determined to devise a practical, long-lasting electric light. He found that a carbon paper filament worked well, but burned up quickly. In , he demonstrated his new electric lamps in Newcastle, England. Patent , for his incandescent lamp in Incandescent lamps are still in regularly use in our homes, today. In , the American Charles Francis Brush manufactured some carbon arcs to light a public square in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. These arcs were used on a few streets, in a few large office buildings, and even some stores. Electric lights were only used by a few people. Lightbulbs Contrary to popular belief, Thomas Alva Edison did not "invent" the first lightbulb, but rather he improved upon a year-old idea. According to the National Research Council of Canada: Unfortunately, the two entrepreneurs could not raise the financing to commercialize their invention. The enterprising American Thomas Edison, who had been working on the same idea, bought the rights to their patent. Capital was not a problem for Edison: Using lower current, a small carbonized filament, and an improved vacuum inside the globe, Edison successfully demonstrated the light bulb in and, as they say, the rest is history. Вы прям спасли меня так как я с английским на "Вы". Похожие посты не найдены. Возможно, вас заинтересуют другие посты по тегам:. Неверный логин или пароль. Комментарий дня ТОП Двух "черных риелторов" из Могилева приговорили к смертной казни. Феминистки не понятно куда смотрят, права женщин ущемляют. Активные сообщества Истории из жизни. Тенденции Linkin Park Пожалуйста, войдите в аккаунт или зарегистрируйтесь. По вопросам работы сайта: Комент для минусов внутри свернуть. Я уже с вами: Истории из жизни Наука Science Исследователи космоса Оружейная лига Лига путешественников Книжная лига Новости Пикабушники Северной Америки Рукодельники Авторские истории.

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