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template 3d vector
#include <cstddef>
#include <cmath>
template <typename T>
class Vector3d
T X;
T Y;
T Z;
//! Sets all members to zero
//! Explicitly converts from one type to another
template <typename R>
explicit Vector3d(const Vector3d<R> &other);
Vector3d(const T &x, const T &y, const T &z);
Vector3d(const T coords[3]);
// Get-Set methods
const T &getX() const;
void setX(const T &newX);
const T &getY() const;
void setY(const T &newY);
const T &getZ() const;
void setZ(const T &newZ);
void getv(T buffer[3]) const;
void setv(const T coords[3]);
void get(T &x, T &y, T &z) const;
void set(const T &x, const T &y, const T &z);
// Interface for indexing
const T &operator[](size_t index) const;
T &operator[](size_t index);
//! Considering vectors as matrices with one row
const T &operator()(size_t column) const;
T &operator()(size_t column);
// Standard operations
//! This does absolutely nothing, but it should be included for consistency
const Vector3d operator+() const;
const Vector3d operator+(const Vector3d &other) const;
Vector3d &operator+=(const Vector3d &other);
//! The same as multiplying *this by -1
const Vector3d operator-() const;
const Vector3d operator-(const Vector3d &other) const;
Vector3d &operator-=(const Vector3d &other);
//! Multiplying *this by a scalar
const Vector3d operator*(const T &scalar) const;
Vector3d &operator*=(const T &scalar);
//! Same as multiplication by 1/scalar, maybe more accurate but also slower
const Vector3d operator/(const T &scalar) const;
Vector3d &operator/=(const T &scalar);
//! Calculate the dot/inner/scalar product
const T operator*(const Vector3d &other) const;
//! Calculate the cross/outer/vector product
const Vector3d operator%(const Vector3d &other) const;
Vector3d &operator%=(const Vector3d &other);
// Auxiliary methods
//! Returns the squared length of *this
const T getSqrLen() const;
//! Returns the length of *this
const T getLen() const;
//! Returns a vector with the same orientation, but with a length of 1
const Vector3d getUnit() const;
//! Returns cross product
const Vector3d cross(const Vector3d &other) const;
//! Returns dot product
const T dot(const Vector3d &other) const;
//! Interpolates *this between another vector, by a ratio
const Vector3d getInterpolation(const Vector3d &other, const T &ratio) const;
//! Reflects *this according to a surface's normal
const Vector3d getReflection(const Vector3d &surfaceNormal) const;
//! Rotates *this about an origin, using Euler angles( X=pitch, Y=yaw, Z=roll)
const Vector3d getRotationEuler(const Vector3d &angles,
const Vector3d &origin = Vector3d(), bool degs = true, bool ccw = true) const;
//! Rotates *this about an origin, using an arbitrary axis( axis should be a unit vector )
const Vector3d getRotationArbAxis(const Vector3d &axis, const T &amount,
const Vector3d &origin = Vector3d(), bool degs = true, bool ccw = true) const;
template <typename T>
inline Vector3d<T>::Vector3d()
: X(0), Y(0), Z(0)
template <typename T>
template <typename R>
inline Vector3d<T>::Vector3d(const Vector3d<R> &other)
: X(other.X), Y(other.Y), Z(other.Z)
template <typename T>
inline Vector3d<T>::Vector3d(const T &x, const T &y, const T &z)
: X(x), Y(y), Z(z)
template <typename T>
inline Vector3d<T>::Vector3d(const T coords[3])
: X(coords[0]), Y(coords[1]), Z(coords[2])
template <typename T>
inline const T &Vector3d<T>::getX() const
return X;
template <typename T>
inline void Vector3d<T>::setX(const T &newX)
X = newX;
template <typename T>
inline const T &Vector3d<T>::getY() const
return Y;
template <typename T>
inline void Vector3d<T>::setY(const T &newY)
Y = newY;
template <typename T>
inline const T &Vector3d<T>::getZ() const
return Z;
template <typename T>
inline void Vector3d<T>::setZ(const T &newZ)
Z = newZ;
template <typename T>
inline void Vector3d<T>::getv(T buffer[3]) const
buffer[0] = X;
buffer[1] = Y;
buffer[2] = Z;
template <typename T>
inline void Vector3d<T>::setv(const T coords[3])
X = coords[0];
Y = coords[1];
Z = coords[2];
template <typename T>
inline void Vector3d<T>::get(T &x, T &y, T &z) const
x = X;
y = Y;
z = Z;
template <typename T>
inline void Vector3d<T>::set(const T &x, const T &y, const T &z)
X = x;
Y = y;
Z = z;
template <typename T>
inline const T &Vector3d<T>::operator[](size_t index) const
switch (index)
case 0:
return X;
case 1:
return Y;
case 2:
return Z;
return T();
template <typename T>
inline T &Vector3d<T>::operator[](size_t index)
switch (index)
case 0:
return X;
case 1:
return Y;
case 2:
return Z;
return T();
template <typename T>
inline const T &Vector3d<T>::operator()(size_t column) const
switch (column)
case 1:
return X;
case 2:
return Y;
case 3:
return Z;
return T();
template <typename T>
inline T &Vector3d<T>::operator()(size_t column)
switch (column)
case 1:
return X;
case 2:
return Y;
case 3:
return Z;
return T();
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::operator+() const
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::operator+(const Vector3d &other) const
return Vector3d(X + other.X, Y + other.Y, Z + other.Z);
template <typename T>
inline Vector3d<T> &Vector3d<T>::operator+=(const Vector3d &other)
return *this = *this + other;
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::operator-() const
return Vector3d(-X, -Y, -Z);
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::operator-(const Vector3d &other) const
return Vector3d(X - other.X, Y - other.Y, Z - other.Z);
template <typename T>
inline Vector3d<T> &Vector3d<T>::operator-=(const Vector3d &other)
return *this = *this - other;
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::operator*(const T &scalar) const
return Vector3d(X * scalar, Y * scalar, Z * scalar);
template <typename T>
inline Vector3d<T> &Vector3d<T>::operator*=(const T &scalar)
return *this = *this * scalar;
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::operator/(const T &scalar) const
return Vector3d(X / scalar, Y / scalar, Z / scalar);
template <typename T>
inline Vector3d<T> &Vector3d<T>::operator/=(const T &scalar)
return *this = *this / scalar;
template <typename T>
inline const T Vector3d<T>::operator*(const Vector3d &other) const
return X * other.X + Y * other.Y + Z * other.Z;
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::operator%(const Vector3d &other) const
return Vector3d(Y * other.Z - Z * other.Y,
Z * other.X - X * other.Z,
X * other.Y - Y * other.X);
template <typename T>
inline Vector3d<T> &Vector3d<T>::operator%=(const Vector3d &other)
return *this = *this % other;
template <typename T>
inline const T Vector3d<T>::getSqrLen() const
return X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z;
template <typename T>
inline const T Vector3d<T>::getLen() const
return std::sqrt(getSqrLen());
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::getUnit() const
if (getSqrLen() != 0)
return *this / getLen();
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::cross(const Vector3d &other) const
return *this % other;
template <typename T>
inline const T Vector3d<T>::dot(const Vector3d &other) const
return (*this) * other;
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::getInterpolation(const Vector3d &other, const T &ratio) const
return *this + (other - *this) * ratio;
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::getReflection(const Vector3d &surfaceNormal) const
return *this - surfaceNormal * ((*this * surfaceNormal) * 2);
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::
getRotationEuler(const Vector3d &angles, const Vector3d &origin, bool degs, bool ccw) const
T sin_phi, sin_theta, sin_psi;
T cos_phi, cos_theta, cos_psi;
if (degs)
const T degToRad = T(M_PI) / 360;
sin_phi = std::sin(angles.getX() * degToRad);
sin_theta = std::sin(angles.getY() * degToRad);
sin_psi = std::sin(angles.getZ() * degToRad);
cos_phi = std::cos(angles.getX() * degToRad);
cos_theta = std::cos(angles.getY() * degToRad);
cos_psi = std::cos(angles.getZ() * degToRad);
sin_phi = std::sin(angles.getX());
sin_theta = std::sin(angles.getY());
sin_psi = std::sin(angles.getZ());
cos_phi = std::cos(angles.getX());
cos_theta = std::cos(angles.getY());
cos_psi = std::cos(angles.getZ());
if (!ccw)
sin_phi = -sin_phi;
sin_theta = -sin_theta;
sin_psi = -sin_psi;
Vector3d temp = *this - origin;
Vector3d result = temp;
result.setY(temp.getY() * cos_phi + temp.getZ() * sin_phi);
result.setZ(-temp.getY() * sin_phi + temp.getZ() * cos_phi);
temp = result;
result.setX(temp.getX() * cos_theta - temp.getZ() * sin_theta);
result.setZ(temp.getX() * sin_theta + temp.getZ() * cos_theta);
temp = result;
result.setX(temp.getX() * cos_psi + temp.getY() * sin_psi);
result.setY(-temp.getX() * sin_psi + temp.getY() * cos_psi);
return result + origin;
template <typename T>
inline const Vector3d<T> Vector3d<T>::
getRotationArbAxis(const Vector3d &axis, const T &amount, const Vector3d &origin, bool degs, bool ccw) const
T cos_theta, sin_theta;
if (degs)
const T degToRad = T(M_PI) / 360;
cos_theta = std::cos(amount * degToRad);
sin_theta = std::sin(amount * degToRad);
cos_theta = std::cos(amount);
sin_theta = std::sin(amount);
if (!ccw)
sin_theta = -sin_theta;
return *this * cos_theta + (axis % *this) * sin_theta + axis * ((axis * *this) * (1 - cos_theta));
#include <iostream>
#include "vector3d.h"
using vec3 = Vector3d<double>;
template <typename Char, typename T>
inline std::basic_ostream<Char> &operator<<(std::basic_ostream<Char> &os, const Vector3d<T> &v)
return os << Char('(') << v.getX() << Char(',') << v.getY() << Char(',') << v.getZ() << Char(')');
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