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Created April 5, 2023 15:43
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Unverified symbolic calculations in Lean4 using PARI/GP
import Lean
open Lean Elab Term Meta Tactic
declare_syntax_cat arith
syntax str : arith
syntax ident : arith
syntax num : arith
syntax arith "+" arith : arith
syntax arith "-" arith : arith
syntax arith "*" arith : arith
syntax arith "/" arith : arith
syntax arith "^" arith : arith
syntax "(" arith ")" : arith
partial def arithToString : TSyntax `arith → String
| `(arith| $x:str) => x.getString
| `(arith| $a:ident) => toString a.getId
| `(arith| $n:num) => toString n.getNat
| `(arith| $a + $b) => s!"{arithToString a} + {arithToString b}"
| `(arith| $a - $b) => s!"{arithToString a} - {arithToString b}"
| `(arith| $a * $b) => s!"{arithToString a} * {arithToString b}"
| `(arith| $a / $b) => s!"{arithToString a} / {arithToString b}"
| `(arith| $a ^ $b) => s!"{arithToString a} ^ {arithToString b}"
| `(arith| ($a)) => s!"({arithToString a})"
| _ => panic! "Invalid `arith` syntax"
open IO.Process in -- code by Max Nowak from
/-- Pipe input into stdin of the spawned process, then return output upon completion. -/
def cmd_with_stdin (args : SpawnArgs) (input : String) : IO Output := do
let child <- spawn { args with stdin := .piped, stdout := .piped, stderr := .piped }
let (stdin, child) <- child.takeStdin
stdin.putStr input
let stdout <- IO.asTask child.stdout.readToEnd Task.Priority.dedicated
let stderr <- child.stderr.readToEnd
let exitCode <- child.wait
let stdout <- IO.ofExcept stdout.get
return { exitCode, stdout, stderr }
def queryPari (a : TSyntax `arith) : IO String := do
let out ← cmd_with_stdin
{ cmd := "gp", args := #["-q"]}
<| arithToString a
return out.stdout
elab "#symbolic" e:arith : command => do
-- dbg_trace (arithToString e)
let out ← queryPari e
logInfoAt e out
#symbolic 2 + 2 -- 4
#symbolic (x ^ 2 - 1) / (x + 1) -- x - 1
#symbolic (x + 2) * (8 * x + 17) -- 8*x^2 + 33*x + 34
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