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Created June 27, 2021 14:09
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Alternative axioms of a group in LEAN
-- The First-order theory of groups
constant G : Type -- the group
constant m : G × G → G -- the multiplication symbol
notation a `*` b := m (a, b)
-- the group axioms
axiom non_empty : ∃ (g : G), true
axiom mul_assoc : ∀ (a b c : G), m (m (a, b), c) = m (a, m (b, c))
axiom left_path : ∀ (a b : G), ∃ (c : G), m (c, a) = b
axiom right_path : ∀ (a b : G), ∃ (d : G), m (a, d) = b
-- showing that these axioms imply the regular ones
/-A left identity of one element is also a left identity of any another element-/
lemma same_left_id (a b c : G) (c_left_a_a : m (c, a) = a) : m (c, b) = b :=
cases right_path a b with d d_right_a_b,
rw [← d_right_a_b, ← mul_assoc, c_left_a_a],
/-A restatement of the previous lemma. If `c` is a left identity of `a`, it is the left identity of every other element-/
lemma universal_left_id (a c : G) (c_left_a_a : m (c, a) = a) : ∀ (b : G), m (c, b) = b :=
intro b,
exact same_left_id a b c c_left_a_a,
/-A right identity of one element is also a right identity of any another element-/
lemma same_right_id (a b d : G) (d_right_a_a : m (a, d) = a) : m (b, d) = b :=
cases left_path a b with c c_left_a_b,
rw [← c_left_a_b, mul_assoc, d_right_a_a],
/-A restatement of the previous lemma. If `c` is a right identity of `a`, it is the right identity of every other element-/
lemma universal_right_id (a d : G) (d_right_a_a : m (a, d) = a) : ∀ (b : G), m (b, d) = b :=
intro b,
exact same_right_id a b d d_right_a_a,
/-If `eₗ` is a universal left identity element and `eᵣ` is a universal right identity element, then `eₗ = eᵣ`.-/
lemma univ_left_id_eq_univ_right_id (eₗ eᵣ : G) (eₗ_left_id : ∀ (a : G), m (eₗ, a) = a) (eᵣ_right_id : ∀ (a : G), m ( a, eᵣ) = a) : eₗ = eᵣ :=
have h_eₗ : m (eₗ, eᵣ) = eₗ := eᵣ_right_id eₗ,
have h_eᵣ : m (eₗ, eᵣ) = eᵣ := eₗ_left_id eᵣ,
exact eq.trans (eq.symm h_eₗ) h_eᵣ,
/-If `e` is a left identity of `a`, it is also a right identity of `a`. This is slightly different from the previous lemma.-/
lemma left_id_eq_right_id (a e : G) (e_left_a_a : m (e, a) = a) : (m (a, e) = a) :=
have e_right_e_e : m (e, e) = e := (universal_left_id a e e_left_a_a) e,
exact (universal_right_id e e e_right_e_e) a,
/-This is almost exactly the same as the previous lemma. It is introduced only to make the names symmetric.-/
lemma right_id_eq_left_id (a e : G) (e_right_a_a : m (a, e) = a) : (m (e, a) = a) :=
have e_left_a_a : m (e, e) = e := (universal_right_id a e e_right_a_a) e,
exact (universal_left_id e e e_left_a_a) a,
/-This is sufficiently important to deserve the theorem status. It states the existence of an identity element of the group-/
theorem universal_identity : ∃ (e : G), (∀ (a : G), m (e, a) = a) ∧ (∀ (a : G), m (a, e) = a) :=
cases non_empty with g t, --aside: this is the only place where the non-empty hypothesis is needed
cases (left_path g g) with e e_left_g_g,
have h_univ_left_id : ∀ (a: G), m (e, a) = a := universal_left_id g e e_left_g_g,
have h_univ_right_id : ∀ (a : G), m (a, e) = a := universal_right_id g e (left_id_eq_right_id g e e_left_g_g),
exact exists.intro e (and.intro h_univ_left_id h_univ_right_id),
/-This says that the idenitty element is unique. The proof is fairly standard-/
theorem unique_identity (e f : G) (id_e : (∀ (a : G), m (e, a) = a) ∧ (∀ (a : G), m (a, e) = a)) (id_f : (∀ (a : G), m (f, a) = a) ∧ (∀ (a : G), m (a, f) = a)) : e = f :=
exact univ_left_id_eq_univ_right_id e f id_e.1 id_f.2,
/-This states the existence of inverses, assuming the existence of some element `e` satisfying the criterion of an identity element-/
theorem group_inverses (e : G) (id_e : (∀ (a : G), m (e, a) = a) ∧ (∀ (a : G), m (a, e) = a)) : ∀ (a : G), ∃ (b : G), m (a, b) = e ∧ m (b, a) = e :=
intro a,
cases (left_path a e) with b b_left_a_e,
have b_right_a_e : m (a, b) = e :=
cases (right_path a e) with c c_right_a_e,
have c_eq_b : c = b :=
have hb : m (b, e) = b := (id_e.2 b),
have hc : m (b, e) = c := by rw [← c_right_a_e, ← mul_assoc, b_left_a_e, id_e.1 c],
exact eq.symm (eq.trans (eq.symm hb) hc),
rewrite c_eq_b at c_right_a_e,
exact c_right_a_e,
exact exists.intro b ⟨b_right_a_e, b_left_a_e⟩,
/-This combines the previous two theorems into one final theorem. This is needed as `group_inverses` was derived under the assumption that a certain `e` exists.-/
theorem group_axioms : ∃ (e : G), ( ( ∀ (a : G), m (e, a) = a) ∧ (∀ (a : G), m (a, e) = a) ) ∧ (∀ (a : G), ∃ (b : G), m (a, b) = e ∧ m (b, a) = e) :=
cases universal_identity with e h_id,
have id_axioms : (( ∀ (a : G), m (e, a) = a) ∧ (∀ (a : G), m (a, e) = a) ) ∧ (∀ (a : G), ∃ (b : G), m (a, b) = e ∧ m (b, a) = e) :=
exact h_id,
exact group_inverses e h_id,
exact exists.intro e id_axioms,
-- This shows that the usual axioms of a group can be derived from the above axioms. These axioms can be easily shown to be consequences of the usual ones.
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