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Created February 2, 2022 18:22
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An interactive Towers of Hanoi game in Lean4's tactic mode
An exhaustive description of all possible moves in the game.
Moves of the form `move__nil` are to towers that are empty, while moves of the form
`move__cons` are to towers having at least one disc. The condition of the larger discs being below the
smaller ones is enforced in the latter case.
inductive TowersOfHanoi (n : Nat) : List Nat → List Nat → List Nat → Type _
| move₁₂nil {a : Nat} {as cs : List Nat} :
TowersOfHanoi n (a :: as) [] cs → TowersOfHanoi n as [a] cs
| move₁₂cons {a b : Nat} {as bs cs : List Nat} :
(a < b) → TowersOfHanoi n (a :: as) (b :: bs) cs → TowersOfHanoi n as (a :: b :: bs) cs
| move₁₃nil {a : Nat} {as bs : List Nat} :
TowersOfHanoi n (a :: as) bs [] → TowersOfHanoi n as bs [a]
| move₁₃cons {a b : Nat} {as bs cs : List Nat} :
(a < c) → TowersOfHanoi n (a :: as) bs (c :: cs) → TowersOfHanoi n as bs (a :: c :: cs)
| move₂₃nil {b : Nat} {as bs : List Nat} :
TowersOfHanoi n as (b :: bs) [] → TowersOfHanoi n as bs [b]
| move₂₃cons {b c : Nat} {as bs cs : List Nat} :
(b < c) → TowersOfHanoi n as (b :: bs) cs → TowersOfHanoi n as bs (b :: c :: cs)
| move₃₂nil {c : Nat} {as cs : List Nat} :
TowersOfHanoi n as [] (c :: cs) → TowersOfHanoi n as [c] cs
| move₃₂cons {b c : Nat} {as bs cs : List Nat} :
(c < b) → TowersOfHanoi n as (b :: bs) (c :: cs) → TowersOfHanoi n as (c :: b :: bs) cs
| move₂₁nil {b : Nat} {bs cs : List Nat} :
TowersOfHanoi n [] (b :: bs) cs → TowersOfHanoi n [b] bs cs
| move₂₁cons {a b : Nat} {as bs cs : List Nat} :
(b < a) → TowersOfHanoi n (a :: as) (b :: bs) cs → TowersOfHanoi n (b :: a :: as) bs cs
| move₃₁nil {c : Nat} {bs cs : List Nat} :
TowersOfHanoi n [] bs (c :: cs) → TowersOfHanoi n [c] bs cs
| move₃₁cons {a c : Nat} {as bs cs : List Nat} :
(c < a) → TowersOfHanoi n (a :: as) bs (c :: cs) → TowersOfHanoi n (c :: a :: as) bs cs
open TowersOfHanoi
Custom tactics for playing the game.
The `moveXY` tactic invokes the built-in `apply` tactic
which uses a function `f : α → β` to convert a goal `⊢ β` to `⊢ α`.
This is the reason the constructors of the form `moveYX`` are applied.
section movetactics
macro "moveAB" : tactic => `(first
| apply move₂₁cons ; simp
| apply move₂₁nil)
macro "moveAC" : tactic => `(first
| apply move₃₁cons ; simp
| apply move₃₁nil)
macro "moveBA" : tactic => `(first
| apply move₁₂cons ; simp
| apply move₁₂nil)
macro "moveBC" : tactic => `(first
| apply move₃₂cons ; simp
| apply move₃₂nil)
macro "moveCA" : tactic => `(first
| apply move₁₃cons ; simp
| apply move₁₃nil)
macro "moveCB" : tactic => `(first
| apply move₂₃cons ; simp
| apply move₂₃nil)
macro "done" : tactic => `(assumption)
end movetactics
-- an example of the game in action
example (goal : TowersOfHanoi 2 [] [] [0, 1]) : TowersOfHanoi 2 [0, 1] [] [] := by
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