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Created January 29, 2023 15:22
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import Aesop
abbrev ℕ := Nat
@[aesop norm unfold]
def InfNat := {f : ℕ → Bool // ∀ n, f n.succ → f n}
namespace InfNat
notation "ℕ∞" => InfNat
def zero : ℕ∞ := ⟨fun _ => false, fun _ => id⟩
def succ : ℕ∞ → ℕ∞
| ⟨f, inc⟩ =>
| .zero => true
| .succ a => f a,
| .zero => fun _ => rfl
| .succ _ => inc _⟩
def inf : ℕ∞ := ⟨fun _ => true, fun _ => id⟩
@[aesop norm forward]
theorem step (f : ℕ∞) {n : ℕ} : f.val n.succ → f.val n := by
have :=; aesop
def ofNat : ℕ → ℕ∞
| .zero => zero
| .succ a => succ (ofNat a)
instance (n : ℕ) : OfNat ℕ∞ n where
ofNat := ofNat n
instance : Coe ℕ ℕ∞ where
coe := ofNat
@[aesop safe forward]
theorem decreasing (f : ℕ∞) {a : ℕ} : ∀ {b : ℕ}, (a ≤ b) → (f.val b → f.val a) := by
suffices goal : ∀ b : ℕ, f.val (a + b) → f.val a from by
intro b h hb
apply goal (b - a)
rw [← Nat.add_sub_assoc h, Nat.add_sub_cancel_left, hb]
intro b
induction b
case zero => aesop
case succ b' ih =>
have :=
aesop (add norm simp [Nat.add_succ])
theorem eq (b : ℕ) (f g : ℕ∞) : (∀ a : ℕ, a < b → f.val a ∧ g.val a) → (f.val b = false) → (g.val b = false) → f = g := by
intro hbound hfb hgb
apply Subtype.eq
funext a
by_cases h:a < b
· aesop
· rw [Nat.not_lt_eq] at h
have : f.val a = false := by
have := decreasing f h
rw [← Bool.not_eq_true]
simp [hfb] at this
have : g.val a = false := by
have := decreasing g h
rw [← Bool.not_eq_true]
simp [hgb] at this
@[aesop norm unfold]
def eval (p : ℕ∞ → Bool) : ℕ → Bool
| .zero => p ↑.zero
| .succ a => eval p a ∧ p ↑(.succ a)
def μ (p : ℕ∞ → Bool) : ℕ∞ :=
⟨eval p, by aesop⟩
def f : ℕ∞ → ℕ := fun _ => 0
def g : ℕ∞ → ℕ := fun n =>
if n.val 5 then
20 -- the answer changes to `true` when this is set to `0`
else 0
-- whether `f` and `g` agree on all inputs
def p (n : ℕ∞) : Bool := f n = g n
def answer := p (μ p)
#eval answer
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