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Created October 13, 2022 14:51
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Hacky fix for an issue of the MotionBlurPass from threejs-sandbox
* @author Garrett Johnson /
* Approach from
import {
} from 'three';
import { Pass, FullScreenQuad } from 'three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/Pass.js';
import { VelocityShader } from './VelocityShader.js';
import { GeometryShader } from './GeometryShader.js';
import { CompositeShader } from './CompositeShader.js';
import { BlueNoiseGenerator } from '../../blue-noise-generation/src/BlueNoiseGenerator.js';
import { RendererState } from '../../shader-replacement/src/RendererState.js';
import { traverseVisibleMeshes } from './utils.js';
const _blackColor = new Color( 0, 0, 0 );
const _defaultOverrides = {};
const _rendererState = new RendererState();
const pop = Array.prototype.pop;
// Generate Blue Noise Textures
const generator = new BlueNoiseGenerator();
generator.size = 32;
const data = new Uint8Array( 32 ** 2 * 4 );
for ( let i = 0, l = 1; i < l; i ++ ) {
const result = generator.generate();
const bin =;
const maxValue = result.maxValue;
for ( let j = 0, l2 = bin.length; j < l2; j ++ ) {
const value = 255 * ( bin[ j ] / maxValue );
data[ j * 3 + i ] = value;
// TODO: Why won't RedFormat work here?
const blueNoiseTex = new DataTexture( data, generator.size, generator.size, RGBAFormat );
blueNoiseTex.wrapS = RepeatWrapping;
blueNoiseTex.wrapT = RepeatWrapping;
blueNoiseTex.minFilter = LinearFilter;
export class MotionBlurPass extends Pass {
get enabled() {
return this._enabled;
set enabled( val ) {
if ( val === false ) {
this._cameraMatricesNeedInitializing = true;
this._enabled = val;
constructor( scene, camera, options = {} ) {
this.enabled = true;
this.needsSwap = true;
// settings
this.samples = 'samples' in options ? options.samples : 15;
this.expandGeometry = 'expandGeometry' in options ? options.expandGeometry : 0;
this.interpolateGeometry = 'interpolateGeometry' in options ? options.interpolateGeometry : 1;
this.smearIntensity = 'smearIntensity' in options ? options.smearIntensity : 1;
this.blurTransparent = 'blurTransparent' in options ? options.blurTransparent : false;
this.renderCameraBlur = 'renderCameraBlur' in options ? options.renderCameraBlur : true;
this.renderTargetScale = 'renderTargetScale' in options ? options.renderTargetScale : 1;
this.jitter = 'jitter' in options ? options.jitter : 1;
this.jitterStrategy = 'jitterStrategy' in options ? options.jitterStrategy : MotionBlurPass.RANDOM_JITTER;
this.debug = {
display: MotionBlurPass.DEFAULT,
dontUpdateState: false
this.scene = scene; = camera;
this.isFirstFrame = true;
// list of positions from previous frames
this._prevPosMap = new Map();
this._currentFrameMod = 0;
this._frustum = new Frustum();
this._projScreenMatrix = new Matrix4();
this._cameraMatricesNeedInitializing = true;
this._prevCamProjection = new Matrix4();
this._prevCamWorldInverse = new Matrix4();
// render targets
this._velocityBuffer =
new WebGLRenderTarget( 512, 512, {
minFilter: LinearFilter,
magFilter: LinearFilter,
format: RGBAFormat,
type: HalfFloatType
} ); = "MotionBlurPass.Velocity";
this._velocityBuffer.texture.generateMipmaps = false;
this._compositeMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( CompositeShader );
this._compositeQuad = new FullScreenQuad( this._compositeMaterial );
// Pass API
dispose() {
setSize( width, height ) {
const renderTargetScale = this.renderTargetScale;
const velocityBuffer = this._velocityBuffer;
velocityBuffer.setSize( width * renderTargetScale, height * renderTargetScale );
render( renderer, readBuffer, writeBuffer ) {
const debug = this.debug;
const scene = this.scene;
const camera =;
const compositeQuad = this._compositeQuad;
const finalBuffer = this.renderToScreen ? null : writeBuffer;
_rendererState.copy( renderer, scene );
// Set the clear state
renderer.autoClear = false;
renderer.setClearColor( _blackColor, 0 );
Array.prototype.pop = function(){
if(this.length === 1){
const firstElem =;
if("pushLight" in firstElem && "pushShadow" in firstElem){
return firstElem;
this.isFirstFrame = false;
switch ( debug.display ) {
case MotionBlurPass.GEOMETRY: {
renderer.setRenderTarget( finalBuffer );
this._drawAllMeshes( renderer, MotionBlurPass.GEOMETRY, ! debug.dontUpdateState );
case MotionBlurPass.VELOCITY: {
renderer.setRenderTarget( finalBuffer );
this._drawAllMeshes( renderer, MotionBlurPass.VELOCITY, ! debug.dontUpdateState );
case MotionBlurPass.DEFAULT: {
const velocityBuffer = this._velocityBuffer;
renderer.setRenderTarget( velocityBuffer );
this._drawAllMeshes( renderer, MotionBlurPass.VELOCITY, ! debug.dontUpdateState );
const compositeMaterial = this._compositeMaterial;
const uniforms = compositeMaterial.uniforms;
uniforms.sourceBuffer.value = readBuffer.texture;
uniforms.velocityBuffer.value = this._velocityBuffer.texture;
uniforms.jitter.value = this.jitter;
uniforms.blueNoiseTex.value = blueNoiseTex;
if ( compositeMaterial.defines.SAMPLES !== this.samples ) {
compositeMaterial.defines.SAMPLES = Math.max( 0, Math.floor( this.samples ) );
compositeMaterial.needsUpdate = true;
if ( compositeMaterial.defines.JITTER_STRATEGY !== this.jitterStrategy ) {
compositeMaterial.defines.JITTER_STRATEGY = this.jitterStrategy;
compositeMaterial.needsUpdate = true;
renderer.setRenderTarget( finalBuffer );
compositeQuad.render( renderer );
Array.prototype.pop = pop;
// Save the camera state for the next frame
this._prevCamWorldInverse.copy( camera.matrixWorldInverse );
this._prevCamProjection.copy( camera.projectionMatrix );
// Restore renderer settings
_rendererState.restore( renderer, scene );
// Returns the set of previous frames data for object position and bone state. Creates
// a new object this with frames state if it hasn't been created yet.
_getPreviousFrameState( obj ) {
const prevPosMap = this._prevPosMap;
let data = prevPosMap.get( obj );
if ( data === undefined ) {
data = {
lastUsedFrame: - 1,
matrixWorld: obj.matrixWorld.clone(),
geometryMaterial: new ShaderMaterial( GeometryShader ),
velocityMaterial: new ShaderMaterial( VelocityShader ),
boneMatrices: null,
boneTexture: null,
prevPosMap.set( obj, data );
const isSkinned = obj.type === 'SkinnedMesh' && obj.skeleton && obj.skeleton.bones && obj.skeleton.boneMatrices;
data.geometryMaterial.skinning = isSkinned;
data.velocityMaterial.skinning = isSkinned;
// copy the skeleton state into the prevBoneTexture uniform
const skeleton = obj.skeleton;
const boneTextureNeedsUpdate = data.boneMatrices === null || data.boneMatrices.length !== skeleton.boneMatrices.length;
if ( isSkinned && boneTextureNeedsUpdate ) {
const boneMatrices = new Float32Array( skeleton.boneMatrices.length );
boneMatrices.set( skeleton.boneMatrices );
data.boneMatrices = boneMatrices;
const size = Math.sqrt( skeleton.boneMatrices.length / 4 );
const boneTexture = new DataTexture( boneMatrices, size, size, RGBAFormat, FloatType );
boneTexture.needsUpdate = true;
data.geometryMaterial.uniforms.prevBoneTexture.value = boneTexture;
data.velocityMaterial.uniforms.prevBoneTexture.value = boneTexture;
data.boneTexture = boneTexture;
return data;
// saves the current state to be used next frame
_saveCurrentObjectState( obj ) {
const prevPosMap = this._prevPosMap;
const data = prevPosMap.get( obj );
if ( data.boneMatrices !== null ) {
data.boneMatrices.set( obj.skeleton.boneMatrices );
data.boneTexture.needsUpdate = true;
data.matrixWorld.copy( obj.matrixWorld );
// Draw all meshes in the scene and discard those that are no longer being used
_drawAllMeshes( renderer, type, saveState ) {
this._currentFrameMod = ( this._currentFrameMod + 1 ) % 2;
const thisFrameId = this._currentFrameMod;
const prevPosMap = this._prevPosMap;
traverseVisibleMeshes( this.scene, mesh => {
this._drawMesh( renderer, mesh, type, saveState );
if ( prevPosMap.has( mesh ) ) {
prevPosMap.get( mesh ).lastUsedFrame = thisFrameId;
} );
prevPosMap.forEach( ( data, mesh ) => {
if ( data.lastUsedFrame !== thisFrameId ) {
if ( data.boneTexture ) {
prevPosMap.delete( mesh );
} );
_drawMesh( renderer, mesh, type, saveState ) {
const overrides = mesh.motionBlur || _defaultOverrides;
let blurTransparent = this.blurTransparent;
let renderCameraBlur = this.renderCameraBlur;
let expandGeometry = this.expandGeometry;
let interpolateGeometry = this.interpolateGeometry;
let smearIntensity = this.smearIntensity;
blurTransparent = 'blurTransparent' in overrides ? overrides.blurTransparent : this.blurTransparent;
renderCameraBlur = 'renderCameraBlur' in overrides ? overrides.renderCameraBlur : this.renderCameraBlur;
expandGeometry = 'expandGeometry' in overrides ? overrides.expandGeometry : this.expandGeometry;
interpolateGeometry = 'interpolateGeometry' in overrides ? overrides.interpolateGeometry : this.interpolateGeometry;
smearIntensity = 'smearIntensity' in overrides ? overrides.smearIntensity : this.smearIntensity;
const isTransparent = mesh.material.transparent || mesh.material.alpha < 1;
const isCulled = mesh.frustumCulled && ! this._frustum.intersectsObject( mesh );
let skip = blurTransparent === false && isTransparent || isCulled;
if ( skip ) {
if ( this._prevPosMap.has( mesh ) && saveState ) {
this._saveCurrentObjectState( mesh );
} else {
const camera =;
const data = this._getPreviousFrameState( mesh );
const material = type === MotionBlurPass.GEOMETRY ? data.geometryMaterial : data.velocityMaterial;
const uniforms = material.uniforms;
uniforms.expandGeometry.value = expandGeometry;
uniforms.interpolateGeometry.value = interpolateGeometry;
uniforms.smearIntensity.value = smearIntensity;
const projMat = renderCameraBlur ? this._prevCamProjection : camera.projectionMatrix;
const invMat = renderCameraBlur ? this._prevCamWorldInverse : camera.matrixWorldInverse;
uniforms.prevProjectionMatrix.value.copy( projMat );
uniforms.prevModelViewMatrix.value.multiplyMatrices( invMat, data.matrixWorld );
renderer.renderBufferDirect( camera, null, mesh.geometry, material, mesh, null );
if ( saveState ) {
this._saveCurrentObjectState( mesh );
_ensurePrevCameraTransform() {
const camera =;
const projScreenMatrix = this._projScreenMatrix;
// reinitialize the camera matrices to the current transform because if
// the pass has been disabled then the matrices will be out of date
if ( this._cameraMatricesNeedInitializing ) {
this._prevCamWorldInverse.copy( camera.matrixWorldInverse );
this._prevCamProjection.copy( camera.projectionMatrix );
this._cameraMatricesNeedInitializing = false;
projScreenMatrix.multiplyMatrices( camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse );
this._frustum.setFromProjectionMatrix( projScreenMatrix );
MotionBlurPass.DEFAULT = 0;
MotionBlurPass.VELOCITY = 1;
MotionBlurPass.GEOMETRY = 2;
MotionBlurPass.REGULAR_JITTER = 0;
MotionBlurPass.RANDOM_JITTER = 1;
MotionBlurPass.BLUENOISE_JITTER = 2;
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