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Last active April 29, 2021 09:04
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Redux aware WebSocket client
* Redux aware WebSocket client compatible with spring-boot-starter-websocket configuration
* It uses Stomp client over SockJS socket implementation. It allows for providing map of topic
* names to their respective handlers/callbacks. Handlers are called with custom props object
* that mixes Stomp properties with Redux state/dispatch.
* @author:
// Example usage:
// new WebSocketHandler({
// store,
// sockJsEndpoint: 'http://localhost:4000/ws',
// subscriptions: {
// '/topic/hello': ({ data, ack, nack, state, dispatch }) => {
// // dispatch(someReduxAction({foo: !state.value, bar: data}))
// }
// },
// onStompError: (frame) => {
// console.error('Stomp error', frame)
// }
// })
import { Dispatch, Store } from 'redux';
import * as SockJS from 'sockjs-client';
import { Client, StompHeaders, IFrame } from '@stomp/stompjs'
* Topic destination/path
type Destination = string
* Properties for Message Handler function
interface HandlerProps<Data, RootState> {
state: RootState
dispatch: Dispatch
data: Data
headers: StompHeaders
ack: (headers?: StompHeaders) => void
nack: (headers?: StompHeaders) => void
* Message Handler function
type Handler<Data, RootState> = (props: HandlerProps<Data, RootState>) => void
* Subscriptions
export type Subscriptions = Record<Destination, Handler<any, any>>
* Websocket Endpoint Props
export interface WebSocketClientProps<RootState> {
store: Store<RootState>
sockJsEndpoint: string
subscriptions: Subscriptions
onStompError: (receipt: IFrame) => void
* Websocket Endpoint Handler
export class WebSocketClient<RootState> {
// Redux Store
private props: WebSocketClientProps<RootState>
// StompClient
private client: Client
constructor(props: WebSocketClientProps<RootState>) {
this.props = props
this.client = new Client({
onConnect: () => {
onStompError: (receipt: IFrame) => {
webSocketFactory: () => {
return new SockJS(props.sockJsEndpoint);
// Connect
onConnect() {
const { store, subscriptions } = this.props
Object.entries(subscriptions).forEach(([destination, handler]) => {
this.client.subscribe(destination, (message) => {
const { ack, nack, headers } = message
data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(message.body)),
state: store.getState(),
dispatch: store.dispatch
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