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Last active December 11, 2018 07:52
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aoc day 11 2018
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator};
pub fn part1(serial_number: usize) -> (usize, usize) {unsafe{
let mut cells = vec![[0isize; 300]; 300];
for y in 1..=300 {
let id = 11;
*cells.get_unchecked_mut(y-1).get_unchecked_mut(0) = ((id*y+serial_number)*id/100%10) as isize - 5;
if y != 1 {
*cells.get_unchecked_mut(y-1).get_unchecked_mut(0) += *cells.get_unchecked_mut(y-2).get_unchecked_mut(0);
for x in 1..=300 {
let id = x+10;
*cells.get_unchecked_mut(0).get_unchecked_mut(x-1) = ((id*1+serial_number)*id/100%10) as isize - 5;
if x != 1 {
*cells.get_unchecked_mut(0).get_unchecked_mut(x-1) += *cells.get_unchecked_mut(0).get_unchecked_mut(x-2);
for y in 2..=300 {
for x in 2..=300 {
let id = x+10;
*cells.get_unchecked_mut(y-1).get_unchecked_mut(x-1) = ((id*y+serial_number)*id/100%10) as isize - 5
+ *cells.get_unchecked_mut(y-2).get_unchecked_mut(x-1)
+ *cells.get_unchecked_mut(y-1).get_unchecked_mut(x-2)
- *cells.get_unchecked_mut(y-2).get_unchecked_mut(x-2);
let mut max_c = (0, 0);
let mut max_sum = -9999999999;
for y in 0..300-3 {
for x in 0..300-3 {
let sum = *cells.get_unchecked_mut(y+3).get_unchecked_mut(x+3)
- *cells.get_unchecked_mut(y+3).get_unchecked_mut(x)
- *cells.get_unchecked_mut(y).get_unchecked_mut(x+3)
+ *cells.get_unchecked_mut(y).get_unchecked_mut(x);
if sum > max_sum { max_sum = sum; max_c = (x+2,y+2); }
(max_c.0, max_c.1)
pub fn part2(serial_number: usize) -> (usize, usize, usize) {unsafe{
let mut cells_prefix_sum = vec![[0isize; 300]; 300];
let mut max_coord = (0, 0);
let mut max_sum = isize::min_value();
let mut max_size = 0;
// populate the left column
for y in 1..=300 {
let id = 11;
let p = ((id*y+serial_number)*id/100%10) as isize - 5;
*cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked_mut(y-1).get_unchecked_mut(0) = p;
if y != 1 {
*cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked_mut(y-1).get_unchecked_mut(0) += *cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked_mut(y-2).get_unchecked_mut(0);
// we're doing the 1x1 check as we populate the prefix sum table
if p > max_sum { max_sum = p; max_coord = (1,y); max_size = 1; }
// populate the top row
for x in 1..=300 {
let id = x+10;
let p = ((id*1+serial_number)*id/100%10) as isize - 5;
*cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked_mut(0).get_unchecked_mut(x-1) = p;
if x != 1 {
*cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked_mut(0).get_unchecked_mut(x-1) += *cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked_mut(0).get_unchecked_mut(x-2);
// we're doing the 1x1 check as we populate the prefix sum table
if p > max_sum { max_sum = p; max_coord = (x,1); max_size = 1; }
// populate the rest of the table
for y in 2..=300 {
for x in 2..=300 {
let id = x+10;
let p = ((id*y+serial_number)*id/100%10) as isize - 5;
*cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked_mut(y-1).get_unchecked_mut(x-1) = p
+ *cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked_mut(y-2).get_unchecked_mut(x-1)
+ *cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked_mut(y-1).get_unchecked_mut(x-2)
- *cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked_mut(y-2).get_unchecked_mut(x-2);
// we're doing the 1x1 check as we populate the prefix sum table
if p > max_sum { max_sum = p; max_coord = (x,y); max_size = 1; }
// find the max sum
let (c,s,z) = (2usize..301).into_par_iter().map(|size| {
let mut max_coord = (0, 0);
let mut max_sum = isize::min_value();
let mut max_size = 0;
for y in 0usize..300-size {
for x in 0..300-size {
// x and y represent the coordinate to the immediate top left of the coordinate we are
// testing. This is why we did the 1x1 check earlier instead of now.
let sum: isize = *cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked(y+size).get_unchecked(x+size)
- *cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked(y+size).get_unchecked(x)
- *cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked(y).get_unchecked(x+size)
+ *cells_prefix_sum.get_unchecked(y).get_unchecked(x);
if sum > max_sum { max_sum = sum; max_coord = (x+2,y+2); max_size = size; }
(max_coord, max_sum, max_size)
}).max_by_key(|v| v.1).unwrap();
if s > max_sum { max_sum = s; max_coord = (c.0 as usize, c.1 as usize); max_size = z; }
(max_coord.0, max_coord.1, max_size as usize)
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