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Last active December 27, 2021 11:20
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Simple snippets for beginners in Javascript
// the below are snippets in JavaScript
// they are independent and have been broken
// into smaller functions
// it is likely you'll use them in your code
// Remember: no matter how small or big a project maybe
// it still comprises of one or more pieces coming together
// it is just how you use it (LOGIC) to solve a problem.
// Arrays & Objects powers the world
// the search results on Google, the list posts on instagram are all Arrays
// no magic about all these data.
function declare_const_let() {
const a = 1;
let b = 'Seun';
function output_print_statement() {
console.log('Can you see me?');
function output_print_statement_with_special_string() {
// notice how we use the ` sign rather than ''
// this means special string formatting
const myName = 'Seun';
// the ${} is used for formatting the variable
// to be passed between the `
console.log(`Can you see me ${myName}?`);
// another example:
const friends = ['Seyi', 'Joy'];
console.log(`I have ${friends.length} friends`);
function declare_an_empty_array() {
const a = [];
function declare_an_non_empty_array() {
const a = ['NG', 'UK', 'US'];
function get_the_length_of_array() {
const a = ['NG', 'UK', 'US'];
return a.length;
function return_elements_in_array() {
const a = [];
a.forEach(function (item) {
// loop through the array
console.log(item); // every loop should output an item
function add_items_to_array() {
const a = [];
a.push('James'); // single add
a.push('Emmy', 'Bola', 'Kola'); // add multiple at once
function add_items_to_array_using_loop() {
const a = [];
a.forEach(function (item) {
// loop through the array
a.push(item); // every loop should 'push'/add an item to it
// boolean
console.log(true === true);
console.log(true === false);
console.log(false === false);
// others
console.log(1 > 2);
console.log(1 > 2);
console.log('Dolapo' === 'Dolapo');
function is_the_light_on() {
let status_of_light = true;
if (status_of_light) {
console.log('The light is on');
} else {
console.log('The light is off');
// can be re-written as
function is_the_light_on_2() {
let status_of_light = true;
if (!status_of_light) {
console.log('The light is off');
} else {
console.log('The light is on');
function is_x_older_than_y(x, y) {
// now you can see how we use comparison logic here
// remember: small pieces form bigger solutions
if (x > y) {
console.log('x is older sibling');
} else if (y > x) {
console.log('y is older sibling');
// you can also use if/else
function is_x_older_than_y(x, y) {
if (x > y) {
console.log('x is older sibling');
} else {
console.log('y is older sibling');
function accountBalance() {
// parameters here
// function body
// this is where logic stays
// you can out put directly using console.log()
// OR you can just use 'return' statement
function accountBalanceA() {
return 100;
// don't forget to initiate your function
// sometime you want to print the value
// OR you may want to use it somewhere else
const withdrawalAmount = 100;
function withdrawalMoney(amount) {
return accountBalanceA() - amount;
// Bonus:
// Functions can be rewritten using arrow functions
// they look like this '() =>'
// i.e
// function accountBalance() {
// return 100;
// }
// const accountBalance = () => {
// return 100;
// }
// AND
// function withdrawalMoney(amount){}
// const withdrawalMoney = (amount) => {}
// Don't worry, you don't have to bother too much
// as you practice you'll get used to it :)
// just putting it here
// in case you come across it in other people's project ;)
// examples where arrow functions are also used
a.forEach((item) => {}); => {});
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