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Created January 22, 2020 06:50
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Generate Random String until target is matched
# Python program to generate and match
# the string from all random strings
# of same length
# Importing string, random
# and time modules
import string
import random
import time
# all possible characters including
# lowercase, uppercase and special symbols
possibleCharacters = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits +
string.ascii_uppercase + ' ., !?;:'
# string to be generated
t = "Jason Borne"
# To take input from user
# t = input(str("Enter your target text: "))
attemptThis = ''.join(random.choice(possibleCharacters)
for i in range(len(t)))
attemptNext = ''
completed = False
iteration = 0
# Iterate while completed is false
while completed == False:
attemptNext = ''
completed = True
# Fix the index if matches with
# the strings to be generated
for i in range(len(t)):
if attemptThis[i] != t[i]:
completed = False
attemptNext += random.choice(possibleCharacters)
attemptNext += t[i]
# increment the iteration
iteration += 1
attemptThis = attemptNext
print("Target matched after {} iterations".format(str(iteration)))
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