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Last active September 16, 2023 16:49
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Footnotes to sidenote, and maybe links to sidenotes ?
* Generate sidenotes using footnotes from Multimarkdown generated content
* Idea and principle borrowed from Adrew Clark : and
* This script : - gather footnotes in the passed container selector
* - insert the sidenotes in the current text, according to screen size :
* - on big screens insert the sidenote *before* the anchor
* - on medium screens, insert the sidenote *after* the anchor
* Gather footnotes and build an array of "sidenotes" ready to be inserted in DOM ?
* Not used ATM
* @param {String} selector for the container to processfootnotes
var processFootNotesToSideNotes = function processFootNotesToSideNotes(rootSel){
var footNotes = document.querySelectorAll(rootSel+' .footnotes ol li'),
sidenotes = [],
i = 1; //Note numbering
//Each footnote,function(note){
//var docFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
var noteNode = document.createElement('aside');
var id ='fn:','');
//Append footnote childrens to the sidenote,function(noteChild){
var sidenote = {}; id;
sidenote.node = noteNode;
sidenote.num = i;
return sidenotes;
*Render sidenotes for large screens : "Sidenotes"
var renderSideNotesLarge = function renderSideNotesLarge(sidenotes){
//place sidenotes into the DOM, just before the anchor ref.
//remove any previously rendered infocards and/or hide original footnotes
*Render sidenotes for medium screens : "InfoCards"
var renderSideNotesMedium = function renderSideNotesMedium(sidenotes){
//place sidenotes into the DOM, just after the anchor ref.
//remove any previously rendered sidenotes and/or hide original footnotes
*Render sidenotes for medium screens : "classic footnotes"
var renderSideNotesSmall = function renderSideNotesSmall(sidenotes){
//basically, let the original footnotes appear again
//hide/remove any previously inserted sidenotes or infocards
* Generate sidenotes using footnotes from Multimarkdown generated content
* Idea and principle borrowed from Adrew Clark : and
* This script : - gather footnotes in the current container
* - insert the sidenotes in the current text, according to screen size :
* - on big screens insert the sidenote *before* the anchor
* - on medium screens, insert the sidenote *after* the anchor
* TODO : parametrize selector for footnotes
* : parametrize classes and tags generated
* : bind a resize event to replace sidenotes when screen size changes
* @param {String} selector for the container to process
var processFootNotes = function processFootNotes(rootSel){
var footNotes = document.querySelectorAll(rootSel+' .footnotes ol li');
var i = 1; //Note numbering
//Each footnote,function(note){
//var docFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
var noteNode = document.createElement('aside');
var id ='fn:','');
// = id;
//Append footnote childrens to the sidenote,function(noteChild){
//append the sidenote along the pointing anchor
var anchor = document.getElementById('fnref:'+id);
//get the anchor parent element (a <p>)
var anchorParent = anchor.parentElement.parentElement;
/* big screens */
//insert before : wide screen
anchorParent.insertBefore(noteNode, anchor.parentElement);
/* medium screens */
//insert after : medium screen
//anchorParent.insertBefore(noteNode, anchor.nextSibling);
/* small screens */
//no need for JS, just hide the sidenotes and show th footnotes via media queries
//module.exports = processFootNotes;
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0gust1 commented Feb 28, 2015

Merci davidbgk.

  1. Oui, carrement, je crois que j'était fatigué ^^ J'aurais aimé tester néanmoins (avec différents volumes de contenu, et de notes).
  2. Je ne fais pas partie de ce genre de dev-front / webdesigners ;) Je pensais surtout au passage portrait / paysage sur tablette et mobile.
  3. Faire plusieurs "builds" ? À creuser.
  4. J'adore ce genre d'idées, malheureusement, techniquement, je suis trop lent, pas assez doué et je manque de temps pour le moment pour bidouiller des trucs.

Merci pour ton retour, ça aide. Je vais essayer d'avancer dessus ce week-end.

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0gust1 commented Mar 3, 2015

Bon, j'ai avancé. ça commence à prendre forme.

cf :

Là, je commence à réfléchir sur la meilleur façon d'organiser le code pour offrir le maximum d'extensibilité (par rapport à ton idée, par exemple).

Je continue dans les issues du repo. Merci encore.

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