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Last active January 21, 2016 01:00
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module MyTodoApp where
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Signal exposing (..)
import StartApp.Simple as StartApp
type alias Model =
{ title: String, tasks: List Task, newTaskTitle: String, newTaskContent: String, uid : Int}
type alias Task =
{ title: String, content: String, isDone: Bool , id: Int}
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ title="Ma liste de tâches"
,tasks = [
{title = "Nourrir le singe", content = "Les bananes sont à la cave", isDone= True, id=1},
{title = "Décongeler la belle-mère", content = "Micro-onde, réglage 5", isDone= False, id=2}
,uid = 2
type Action =
| Delete Int
| MarkDone Int Bool
| UpdateNewTaskTitle String
| UpdateNewTaskContent String
createNewTask : String -> String -> Bool -> Int -> Task
createNewTask ttle content compStatus current_index
{title = ttle, content = content, isDone = compStatus, id = (current_index +1)}
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action updateList =
case action of
Add ->
{updateList | tasks = (updateList.tasks ++ [{title= updateList.newTaskTitle, content= updateList.newTaskContent, isDone = False, id= updateList.uid + 1}])}
Delete t_id ->
{updateList | tasks = List.filter (\t -> /= t_id) updateList.tasks}
MarkDone id completionStatus ->
let markTask t = if == id then { t | isDone = completionStatus } else t
{updateList | tasks = markTask updateList.tasks}
UpdateNewTaskTitle title ->
{updateList | newTaskTitle = title}
UpdateNewTaskContent content ->
{updateList | newTaskContent = content}
view : Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div []
[ --button [ onClick address (Mark "•") ] [ text "Mark" ],
h2 [] [ text(model.title ++ " – "), text (model.tasks |> List.length |> toString), text " tâches" ],
ul [] ( (\el -> taskItem el address) model.tasks),
Html.form [{-onSubmit address (Add targetValue.title targetValue.content), action "javascript:void(0);"-} id "addTaskForm"][
label[for "ajout-titre"][
text "Titre",
input[type' "text", on "input" targetValue (Signal.message address << UpdateNewTaskTitle), name "title", id "ajout-titre", placeholder "titre"][]
label[for "ajout-contenu"][
text "Contenu",
input[type' "text", on "input" targetValue (Signal.message address << UpdateNewTaskContent), name "content", id "ajout-contenu", placeholder "contenu"][]
button [type' "button", onClick address (Add)][text "➕"]
taskItem taskElt address =
li[ class (if taskElt.isDone then "status-done" else "status-todo")] [
p [][text taskElt.title],
p [][text taskElt.content],
p [][text (taskElt.isDone |> toString) ],
button [type' "button"
,onClick address (MarkDone True)][text "✅"],
button [type' "button"
,onClick address (Delete][text "❌"]
main : Signal Html
main =
{ model = initialModel,
view = view,
update = update }
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