A personal logging / writing tool - a personal log, a text editor, a writing tool
Inspirations (philosophy and UX) :
- Lu Devine Dinvega's (@neauoire) ecosystem and approach
- Ulysses and Scrivener (for neat workflows and writing tools)
- iA Writer and others distraction free text-editors
I want a tool which fit and support my mental model and workflows. Building it and experimenting is the best way (not the easiest ^^)
A publishing / hosting / synchronizing engine
To be able to retrieve the "writing workspace" across devices. To share ongoing thoughts and ideas to contacts and friends.
Inspiration : ssb:// and dat:// P2P protocols. Both hosting and networking.
The differences and possibilities behind those two protocols are not very clear for me ATM.
A "serverless" progressive webapp thanks to the P2P protocols above
### Data model :
File based or db/datastore based (indexedDB / localStorage), or both ?