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Forked from ri-sh/
Created August 16, 2018 07:14
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Hough Lines from scratch using opencv and numpy
# imports
import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# The Hough Transform is a popular algorithm for detecting any shape that can
# be represented in a parametric mathmatical form in binary images. This
# usually means that images need to be thresholded or filtered prior to running
# the Hough Transform.
# read in shapes image and convert to grayscale
shapes = cv2.imread('images/shapes.png')
cv2.imshow('Original Image', shapes)
shapes_grayscale = cv2.cvtColor(shapes, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
# blur image (this will help clean up noise for Canny Edge Detection)
# see Chapter 2.0 for Guassian Blur or check OpenCV documentation
shapes_blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(shapes_grayscale, (5, 5), 1.5)
# find Canny Edges and show resulting image
canny_edges = cv2.Canny(shapes_blurred, 100, 200)
cv2.imshow('Canny Edges', canny_edges)
########################################### HOUGH LINES FROM SCRATCH USING NUMPY
# Step 1: The Hough transform needs a binary edges images. For this particular
# python file, I used the openCV built in Class Canny to create this edge image
# from the original shapes.png file.
# This is the function that will build the Hough Accumulator for the given image
def hough_lines_acc(img, rho_resolution=1, theta_resolution=1):
''' A function for creating a Hough Accumulator for lines in an image. '''
height, width = img.shape # we need heigth and width to calculate the diag
img_diagonal = np.ceil(np.sqrt(height**2 + width**2)) # a**2 + b**2 = c**2
rhos = np.arange(-img_diagonal, img_diagonal + 1, rho_resolution)
thetas = np.deg2rad(np.arange(-90, 90, theta_resolution))
# create the empty Hough Accumulator with dimensions equal to the size of
# rhos and thetas
H = np.zeros((len(rhos), len(thetas)), dtype=np.uint64)
y_idxs, x_idxs = np.nonzero(img) # find all edge (nonzero) pixel indexes
for i in range(len(x_idxs)): # cycle through edge points
x = x_idxs[i]
y = y_idxs[i]
for j in range(len(thetas)): # cycle through thetas and calc rho
rho = int((x * np.cos(thetas[j]) +
y * np.sin(thetas[j])) + img_diagonal)
H[rho, j] += 1
return H, rhos, thetas
# This is a simple peaks function that just finds the indicies of the number
# of maximum values equal to num_peaks. You have to be careful here though, if
# there's any noise in the image it will like create a 'pocket' of local maxima
# values. This function ignores this and in turn has the tendancy to return
# multiple lines along an actual line in the image.
def hough_simple_peaks(H, num_peaks):
''' A function that returns the number of indicies = num_peaks of the
accumulator array H that correspond to local maxima. '''
indices = np.argpartition(H.flatten(), -2)[-num_peaks:]
return np.vstack(np.unravel_index(indices, H.shape)).T
# This more advance Hough peaks funciton has threshold and nhood_size arguments
# threshold will threshold the peak values to be above this value if supplied,
# where as nhood_size will surpress the surrounding pixels centered around
# the local maximum after that value has been assigned as a peak. This will
# force the algorithm to look eslwhere after it's already selected a point from
# a 'pocket' of local maxima.
def hough_peaks(H, num_peaks, threshold=0, nhood_size=3):
''' A function that returns the indicies of the accumulator array H that
correspond to a local maxima. If threshold is active all values less
than this value will be ignored, if neighborhood_size is greater than
(1, 1) this number of indicies around the maximum will be surpessed. '''
# loop through number of peaks to identify
indicies = []
H1 = np.copy(H)
for i in range(num_peaks):
idx = np.argmax(H1) # find argmax in flattened array
H1_idx = np.unravel_index(idx, H1.shape) # remap to shape of H
# surpess indicies in neighborhood
idx_y, idx_x = H1_idx # first separate x, y indexes from argmax(H)
# if idx_x is too close to the edges choose appropriate values
if (idx_x - (nhood_size/2)) < 0: min_x = 0
else: min_x = idx_x - (nhood_size/2)
if ((idx_x + (nhood_size/2) + 1) > H.shape[1]): max_x = H.shape[1]
else: max_x = idx_x + (nhood_size/2) + 1
# if idx_y is too close to the edges choose appropriate values
if (idx_y - (nhood_size/2)) < 0: min_y = 0
else: min_y = idx_y - (nhood_size/2)
if ((idx_y + (nhood_size/2) + 1) > H.shape[0]): max_y = H.shape[0]
else: max_y = idx_y + (nhood_size/2) + 1
# bound each index by the neighborhood size and set all values to 0
for x in range(min_x, max_x):
for y in range(min_y, max_y):
# remove neighborhoods in H1
H1[y, x] = 0
# highlight peaks in original H
if (x == min_x or x == (max_x - 1)):
H[y, x] = 255
if (y == min_y or y == (max_y - 1)):
H[y, x] = 255
# return the indicies and the original Hough space with selected points
return indicies, H
# a simple funciton used to plot a Hough Accumulator
def plot_hough_acc(H, plot_title='Hough Accumulator Plot'):
''' A function that plot a Hough Space using Matplotlib. '''
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.imshow(H, cmap='jet')
plt.xlabel('Theta Direction'), plt.ylabel('Rho Direction')
# drawing the lines from the Hough Accumulatorlines using OpevCV cv2.line
def hough_lines_draw(img, indicies, rhos, thetas):
''' A function that takes indicies a rhos table and thetas table and draws
lines on the input images that correspond to these values. '''
for i in range(len(indicies)):
# reverse engineer lines from rhos and thetas
rho = rhos[indicies[i][0]]
theta = thetas[indicies[i][1]]
a = np.cos(theta)
b = np.sin(theta)
x0 = a*rho
y0 = b*rho
# these are then scaled so that the lines go off the edges of the image
x1 = int(x0 + 1000*(-b))
y1 = int(y0 + 1000*(a))
x2 = int(x0 - 1000*(-b))
y2 = int(y0 - 1000*(a))
cv2.line(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 2)
# run hough_lines_accumulator on the shapes canny_edges image
H, rhos, thetas = hough_lines_acc(canny_edges)
indicies, H = hough_peaks(H, 3, nhood_size=11) # find peaks
plot_hough_acc(H) # plot hough space, brighter spots have higher votes
hough_lines_draw(shapes, indicies, rhos, thetas)
# Show image with manual Hough Transform Lines
cv2.imshow('Major Lines: Manual Hough Transform', shapes)
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