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Created September 16, 2023 11:00
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if exists('b:current_syntax')|fini|en
sy clear|sy case match |sy sync fromstart |if&l:syn==#'k'|setl com=:/ isk=a-z,A-Z,48-57 |en
" sy clear|sy case match |sy sync fromstart |if&l:syn==#'k'|en
sy match k_e /\i\+\|\S/
sy match k_s /\(`\(\I\i*\>\|:[A-Za-z0-9.:/]*\)\=\)\+/ nextgroup=@k_vw |hi link k_s constant
sy match k_w /[\\\/']:\=/ nextgroup=k_w contained |hi link k_w operator
sy match k_c1 /.\+/ contained |hi link k_c1 special
sy match k_c0 /\\\(\w\+\|\\\|$\)/ nextgroup=k_c1 |hi link k_c0 statement
sy match k_c0 /\\[tw]\>\(:\d\+\)\=/
sy match k_e /"/ nextgroup=k_es |hi link k_e error
sy match k_es /.*/ nextgroup=@k_vw contained |hi link k_es k_string
sy match k_string /"\(\\.\|[^"\n]\)*"/ nextgroup=@k_vw contains=k_q |hi link k_string string
sy match k_q /\\./ contained |hi link k_q specialchar
sy match k_u /[+\-*%!&|<>=~,^#_$?@.\x80-\U000fffff:]:\=/ nextgroup=k_w |hi link k_u function
sy match k_v /[+\-*%!&|<>=~,^#_$?@.\x80-\U000fffff]:\=/ nextgroup=k_w contained |hi link k_v type
sy match k_n /\v-=\d+([bNnw]|(\.\d+)=(e-=\d+)=)=/ nextgroup=@k_vw |hi link k_n number
" sy match k_i /\I\i*\(\.\=\I\i*\)*/ nextgroup=@k_vw |hi link k_i variable
sy match k_i /\v[A-Za-z]+/ nextgroup=@k_vw |hi link k_i variable
sy match k_x /\<[oxyz]\>/ nextgroup=@k_vw |hi link k_x special
sy match k_string /\<0x\(\x\x\)*\>/ nextgroup=@k_vw
sy match k_u /\d::\=/ nextgroup=k_w
sy match k_v /\s*\d::\=/ nextgroup=k_w contained
sy match k_g /:/ |hi link k_g statement
sy region k_ar matchgroup=k_a start=/(/ end=/)/ nextgroup=@k_vw contains=@k_k,k_aj,k_ae |hi link k_a nontext
sy region k_br matchgroup=k_b start=/\[/ end=/]/ nextgroup=@k_vw contains=@k_k,k_bj,k_be |hi link k_b k_a
sy region k_cr matchgroup=k_c start=/{\(\[[^\]]*\]\)\=/ end=/}/ nextgroup=@k_vw contains=@k_k,k_cj,k_ce |hi link k_c special
sy match k_ae /[]}]/ contained |hi link k_ae k_e
sy match k_be /[})]/ contained |hi link k_be k_e
sy match k_ce /[)]]/ contained |hi link k_ce k_e
sy match k_aj /;/ contained |hi link k_aj k_a
sy match k_bj /;/ contained |hi link k_bj k_b
sy match k_cj /;/ |hi link k_cj k_c
sy match k_t / \\/ |hi link k_t k_u
sy region k_comment matchgroup=k_comment start=/\(^\/\| \/\|\%^#!\)/ end=/$/ |hi link k_comment comment
sy region k_comment matchgroup=k_comment start=/^\/$/ end=/^\\$/
sy region k_comment matchgroup=k_comment start=/^\\\\$/ end=/^\%$/
sy cluster k_vw contains=k_v,k_w
sy cluster k_k contains=k_e,k_s,k_u,k_w,k_c0,k_i,k_x,k_comment,k_n,k_string,k_g,k_ar,k_br,k_cr,k_t
let b:current_syntax='k'
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