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where is grep

One of Larry's purported factors in the design of Camelia (and by extension, Perl 6) was to appeal to 7 year old girls (and by extension, people new to programming in general).

In addition, another design principle of Perl6 was to make it "less Unix centric". Whereas Perl had s/// and tr///, Perl 6 retains these but adds subst and trans, which is friendlier to new programmers, and self-documenting to some degree.

It seems odd, then, that we still have the grep operator named so. Even in Perl, grep - as in globally search a regular expression and print - bears little resemblance to what it actually does. It's more of a filter, filtering elements out that do not evaluate True to a given expression.

What then would be it's alternative friendly name? Taking into account these design principles...

  • Context Sensitive: A term or symbol might do different things in different context
  • Maximum reuse: Syntax and concepts are reused wherever possible to minimize the stuff you have to remember

I propose where.

This make a lot of sense when you consider how similar a grep expression is to the context that where is currently used (in defining a subset).

Here's a demonstration to highlight the similarities

> (^10).grep(* %% 2) 
(0 2 4 6 8)
> subset Even of Int where * %% 2;
> (^10).grep(Even)
(0 2 4 6 8)
> my Int $even where * %% 2
> (^10).grep($even)
(0 2 4 6 8)

Here it becomes very clear. The * %% 2 expression appears directly after both grep and where. Contextually they are similar. We can also give a subset to grep and it does as expected. Conceptually they are almost identical.

Here's some hypothetical code that uses a newly named where method that aliases grep.

my @even = @numbers.where(* %% 2)
my @prod = @servers.where(*.status eq 'Production')
my @matches = @data.where(/pattern/)

Please note, I'm not advocating for the removal of grep at all... I'm proposing an additional nickname for it. One more relevant, logical, and friendly to new (all?) programmers, including 7 year old girls.

Update - 2016-03-31 : Module!

This is now a (kind of) fully fledged module in the ecosystem.

Update - 2016-04-04 : Prior Art

Some prior art on the use of the word where to filter a list


$evens = 0..10 | Where { $_ % 2 -eq 0 }


int[] evens = array.Where(i => (i % 2) == 0).ToArray();


SELECT v INTO #evens FROM #nos WHERE v % 2 = 0


import Data.Array
ary = listArray (1,10) [1..10]
evens = listArray (1,n) l where
  n = length l
  l = [x | x <- elems ary, even x]


numbers.where((i) => i.isEven);

Interesting to note, when looking at Filter - Rosetta Code, the only examples that have a grep operator are UNIX shell, Perl, and Sidef ( a language implemented in perl5 ).

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0racle commented Apr 4, 2016

This idea of this in core is over for now. TimToady ruled against it...

TimToady | I really don't think we're changing anything here; 'where' in particular has
         | no current auto-iterative meaning, it's only used where something external is
         | looking for a boolean smartmatch, so that would be confusing to overload

I still like my suggestion, and at the least, it started a discussion which showed there is a desire for an alternate name. However it seems to have caused more fallout than I was prepared for.

I just wanted to put down a few remaining thoughts...

I updated the top post with some prior art, just to show that the use of where in this context is not unheard of.

To those who also liked my suggestion, I say thanks for making me feel a little less weird. Specifically, I want to thank lizmat for her support and kind words.

Thanks also to Larry for Perl. I was a late comer to perl5 (only a couple years ago) and I love it dearly.

Without a love of perl5 I might have been one of those people who dismissed Perl 6 off-hand, and subsequently would have missed out on what an utterly enjoyable language it is to use. Thanks to all those working on Perl 6 and it's ecosystem. I am exited for the future of Perl 6.

I hope the augment/precomp issues can be ironed out soon so that ideas like this can live better lives in the module ecosystem.

In the meantime, I still have a version in rakudobrew with this this idea built into core that I can fire up occasionally and reminisce about that time I almost changed Perl 6 fundamentally {[: )

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trosel commented Feb 21, 2017

filter has become a standard of sorts, but it is a misnomer because one does not know if the boolean should apply to what you're keeping or what you're filtering out.

my @nums = (^10).filter(* %% 2)

Am I keeping even numbers or rejecting them? This is the natural English thought, to me at least.

my @nums = (^10).grep(* %% 2)

grep has the same issue as filter for me. Compounded by the fact that it isn't even a recognizable English word.

For this reason, I like keep and reject.

my @nums = (^10).keep(* %% 2)

There is no doubt that @nums contain even numbers.

my @nums = (^10).reject(* %% 2)

Again, there is no doubt that @nums contain odd numbers.

Having said that, Perl6's gather/take functionality is fairly similar and quite clear. It's just a very new system to a lot of people.

my @nums = gather for ^10 { take if $_ %% 2 }

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