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Created April 30, 2023 22:05
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Basic LUA script for selectively moving elements from one Redis list to another.
-- Original use case was a quick and dirty migration of some overbloated repeated jobs
-- from a sidekiq job queue to another/temporary redis list
-- as part of an incident mitigation.
-- usage example:
-- redis.eval("return { KEYS, ARGV }", :keys => ["k1", "k2"], :argv => ["a1", "a2"])
-- EVAL "return ARGV[1]" 2 sidekiq:default moved:default "{\"class\":\"Something\"}"
-- KEY[1] is the original list to remove elements from
-- KEY[2] is the other list to move the removed elements to
-- ARGS[1] is the string to match elements against; matched elements are removed while others are ignored
local len = tonumber('LLEN', KEYS[1]));
local res = {};
res["total"] = len;
local moved = 0;
local ignored = 0;
while len > 0 do
-- retrieve the last element in the list
local entry ='LINDEX', KEYS[1], -1);
-- check if entry starts with the given prefix
if (entry:find(ARGV[1], 1, true) == 1) then
-- matched
-- move it from this list to another list
-- alternatively delete it directly using LREM"LMOVE", KEYS[1], KEYS[2], "RIGHT", "LEFT");
-- increment count
moved = moved + 1;
-- no match
-- increment ignored count
ignored = ignored + 1;
-- move it to the top of this list
-- our logic is checking the last item in the list"LMOVE", KEYS[1], KEYS[1], "RIGHT", "LEFT");
-- decrement loop counter
len = len - 1;
res["moved"] = moved;
res["ignored"] = ignored;
return res
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