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Created December 17, 2021 08:58
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define('MODX_API_MODE', true);
if (empty ($modx->config)){
case 'award_form':
$result = $modx->runSnippet('FormLister', array(
'formid' => 'award_form',
'api' => 2,
'rules' => [
"name" => [
"required" => "Введите имя"
"comment" => [
"required" => "Текст не может быть пустым",
"minLength" => [
"params" => 10,
"message" => "Не менее 10 символов"
"products" => [
"required" => "Нужно выбрать 2 услуги",
"minCount" => [
"params" => 2,
"message" => "Минимум 2 услуги"
"department" => [
"required" => "Выберите офис"
"topic" => [
"required" => "Выберите тему"
"agree" => [
"required" => "Вы не можете отправить обращение, если не согласны с правилами"
'fileRules' => [
"files" => [
"required" => "Приложите от 2 до 5 фото",
"maxSize" => [
"params" => 2048,
"message" => "Фото не более 2 Мб"
"allowed" => [
"params" => [ ["jpg","jpeg","png"] ],
"message" => "Только фото"
"maxCount" => [
"params" => 5,
"message" => "Не больше 5 фото"
"minCount" => [
"params" => 2,
"message" => "Не меньше 2 фото"
'attachments' => 'files',
'formControls' => 'agree,topic,department,products',
'formTpl' => 'award_form',
'noemail'=> '1',
'subject' => 'Заявка с сайта',
'protectSubmit' => 0,
'submitLimit' => 0,
'successTpl' => 'successTplFormlisterJson',
'prepareAfterProcess' => array(function($modx, $data, $FormLister, $name){
$files = $FormLister->getFormData('files');
if (isset($files['ufile']) && $files['ufile']['error'] === 0) {
$dir = 'assets/images/1/';
$filename = $FormLister->fs->takeFileName($files['ufile']['name']);
$ext = $FormLister->fs->takeFileExt($files['ufile']['name']);
$filename = $modx->stripAlias($filename).'.'.$ext;
$filename = $FormLister->fs->getInexistantFilename($dir.$filename,true);
if ($FormLister->fs->makeDir($dir) && move_uploaded_file($files['ufile']['tmp_name'],$filename)) {
return $data;
echo $modx->parseDocumentSource($result);
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