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Created March 21, 2013 03:08
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grammar Grammar;
fragment Uppercase : [A-Z] | '$' | '_' ;
fragment Lowercase : [a-z] ;
fragment Letter : Uppercase | Lowercase ;
fragment Operator : [\u0020-\u007F]+ ;
fragment Body : (Letter | [0-9])* ('_' Operator) ;
fragment Decimal : '0' | [1-9] [0-9]* ;
fragment Hexadecimal : '0' 'x' [0-9A-Fa-f]+ ;
fragment Octal : '0' [0-7]+ ;
fragment Exponent : [Ee] ('+' | '-')? [0-9]+ ;
fragment Float : [DdFf] ;
fragment SingleQuotationMark : '\u2019' | '\u0022' | '\u0027' ;
fragment DoubleQuotationMark : '\u0022' | '\u201C' | '\u201D' ;
VARIABLE : Lowercase Body ;
IDENTIFIER : Uppercase Body | VARIABLE | Operator ;
INTEGER : (Decimal | Hexadecimal | Octal) ('L' | 'l') ;
FLOAT : [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]* Exponent? Float?
| '.' [0-9]+ Exponent? Float?
| [0-9]+ Exponent Float?
| [0-9]+ Exponent? Float ;
BOOLEAN : 'true' | 'false' ;
CHARACTER : SingleQuotationMark [\u0080-\ufffe] SingleQuotationMark ;
STRING : DoubleQuotationMark [\u0080-\ufffe]+ DoubleQuotationMark ;
| [\u000A-\u000D] | '\u000D\u000A' | '\u0085' | [\u2028-\u2029] ;
WHITESPACE : ('\u0020' | '\u0009' | '\u000D' | '\u000A') -> skip ;
COMMENT : ('/*' .*? '*/' | '//' .*? NEWLINE) -> skip ;
literal : ('-')? INTEGER
| ('-')? FLOAT
| 'null' ;
identifiers : IDENTIFIER (',' IDENTIFIER)* ;
expression : (IDENTIFIER | '_') '\u21D2' expression
| expression1 ;
expression1 : 'if' expression (NEWLINE)? expression
((NEWLINE)? 'else' expression)?
| postfix ;
postfix : infix (IDENTIFIER (NEWLINE)?)? ;
infix : prefix
| infix IDENTIFIER (NEWLINE)? infix ;
prefix : ('-' | '+' | '~' | '!')? simple ;
simple : simple1 ('_')? ;
simple1 : literal
| '_'
| '(' (expression)? ')' ;
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