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module Unicode where
module Unicode (
) where
import ...
intToChar :: Int -> Char
intToChar k = toEnum(k)
charToString :: Char -> String
charToString k = (k:"")
intToStr :: Int -> String
intToStr k = (toEnum(k):"")
{- UTF8 bit patterns:
U-00000000 - U-0000007F: 0xxxxxxx
U-00000080 - U-000007FF: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
U-00200000 - U-03FFFFFF: 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
U-04000000 - U-7FFFFFFF: 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
The code positions U+D800 to U+DFFF (UTF-16 surrogates)
as well as U+FFFE and U+FFFF must not occur in UTF-8.
A 1010
B 1011
C 1100
D 1101
E 1110
F 1111
intToUTF8 :: Int -> String
intToUTF8 k = intToUTF8B 0 k
intToUTF8B :: Int -> Int -> String
intToUTF8B b k | k < 0 = error "intToUTF8: negative int"
intToUTF8B b k | (b == 0 || b == 1) && k <= 0x0000007F
= intToStr k
intToUTF8B b k | (b == 0 || b == 2) && k <= 0x000007FF =
intToStr(0xC0 + k1) ++ intToStr(0x80 + k0)
where (k1, k0) = k `quotRem` 0x40
intToUTF8B b k | (b == 0 || b == 2) && k >= 0xD800 && k <= 0xDFFF =
error "intToUTF8: illegal surrogate number (U+D800 to U+DFFF)"
intToUTF8B b k | (b == 0 || b == 2) && k >= 0xFFFE && k <= 0xFFFF =
error "intToUTF8: illegal Unicode number (U+FFFE to U+FFFF)"
intToUTF8B b k | (b == 0 || b == 3) && k <= 0x0000FFFF =
intToStr(0xE0 + k2) ++ intToStr(0x80 + k1) ++ intToStr(0x80 + k0)
where { (l, k0) = k `quotRem` 0x40;
(k2, k1) = l `quotRem` 0x40 }
intToUTF8B b k | (b == 0 || b == 4) && k <= 0x001FFFFF =
intToStr(0xF0 + k3) ++ intToStr(0x80 + k2)
++ intToStr(0x80 + k1) ++ intToStr(0x80 + k0)
where { (l0, k0) = k `quotRem` 0x40;
(l1, k1) = l0 `quotRem` 0x40;
(k3, k2) = l1 `quotRem` 0x40 }
intToUTF8B b k | (b == 0 || b == 5) && k <= 0x03FFFFFF =
intToStr(0xF8 + k4) ++ intToStr(0x80 + k3) ++ intToStr(0x80 + k2)
++ intToStr(0x80 + k1) ++ intToStr(0x80 + k0)
where { (l0, k0) = k `quotRem` 0x40;
(l1, k1) = l0 `quotRem` 0x40;
(l2, k2) = l1 `quotRem` 0x40;
(k4, k3) = l2 `quotRem` 0x40 }
intToUTF8B b k | (b == 0 || b == 6) && k <= 0x7FFFFFFF =
intToStr(0xFC + k5) ++ intToStr(0x80 + k4) ++ intToStr(0x80 + k3)
++ intToStr(0x80 + k2) ++ intToStr(0x80 + k1) ++ intToStr(0x80 + k0)
where { (l0, k0) = k `quotRem` 0x40;
(l1, k1) = l0 `quotRem` 0x40;
(l2, k2) = l1 `quotRem` 0x40;
(l3, k3) = l2 `quotRem` 0x40;
(k5, k4) = l3 `quotRem` 0x40 }
intToUTF8B _ _ = error "intToUTF8: overflow"
i5 k = (k4, k3, k2, k1, k0)
where { (l0, k0) = k `quotRem` 0x40;
(l1, k1) = l0 `quotRem` 0x40;
(l2, k2) = l1 `quotRem` 0x40;
(k4, k3) = l2 `quotRem` 0x40 }
uTF8ToInt :: String -> (Int, String)
uTF8ToInt "" = error "uTF8ToInt: empty string"
uTF8ToInt (x0:xs) | k0 <= 0x7F =
(k0, xs) where k0 = fromEnum(x0)
uTF8ToInt (x0:x1:xs) | k0 >= 0xC0 && k0 <= 0xDF =
((k0 - 0xC0)*64 + (k1 - 0x80), xs)
where { k0 = fromEnum(x0);
k1 = fromEnum(x1) }
uTF8ToInt (x0:x1:x2:xs) | k0 >= 0xE0 && k0 <= 0xEF =
((k0 - 0xE0)*4096 + (k1 - 0x80)*64 + (k2 - 0x80), xs)
where { k0 = fromEnum(x0);
k1 = fromEnum(x1);
k2 = fromEnum(x2) }
uTF8ToInt (x0:x1:x2:x3:xs) | k0 >= 0xF0 && k0 <= 0xF7 =
((k0 - 0xF0)*262144 + (k1 - 0x80)*4096 + (k2 - 0x80)*64 + (k3 - 0x80), xs)
where { k0 = fromEnum(x0);
k1 = fromEnum(x1);
k2 = fromEnum(x2);
k3 = fromEnum(x3) }
uTF8ToInt (x0:x1:x2:x3:x4:xs) | k0 >= 0xF8 && k0 <= 0xFB =
((k0 - 0xF8)*16777216 + (k1 - 0x80)*262144 + (k2 - 0x80)*4096
+ (k3 - 0x80)*64 + (k4 - 0x80), xs)
where { k0 = fromEnum(x0);
k1 = fromEnum(x1);
k2 = fromEnum(x2);
k3 = fromEnum(x3);
k4 = fromEnum(x4) }
uTF8ToInt (x0:x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:xs) | k0 >= 0xFC && k0 <= 0xFD =
((k0 - 0xFC)*1073741824 + (k1 - 0x80)*16777216 + (k2 - 0x80)*262144
+ (k3 - 0x80)*4096 + (k4 - 0x80)*64 + (k5 - 0x80), xs)
where { k0 = fromEnum(x0);
k1 = fromEnum(x1);
k2 = fromEnum(x2);
k3 = fromEnum(x3);
k4 = fromEnum(x4);
k5 = fromEnum(x5) }
uTF8ToInt (x:xs) = error ("uTF8ToInt: not a UTF-8 " ++ show (fromEnum x))
-- Debugging
t1 :: Int -> (Int, String)
t1 = uTF8ToInt . intToUTF8
t2 :: String -> (String, String)
t2 x = (intToUTF8 a, b) where (a, b) = uTF8ToInt x
iu = intToUTF8
ui = uTF8ToInt
{- UTF8 bit patterns as hexadecimal ranges:
U-00000000 - U-0000007F:
U-00000080 - U-000007FF:
110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
0xC0-0xDF 0x80-0xBF
U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF:
1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
0xE0-0xEF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF
(0xE8, 0xA0)-(0xEF, 0xBF) 0x80-0xBF
U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF:
11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
0xF0-0xF7 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF
(0xF0, 0x90)-(0xF7, 0xBF)
U-00200000 - U-03FFFFFF:
111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
0xF8-0xFB 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF
(0xF8, 0x88)-(0xFB, 0xBF)
U-04000000 - U-7FFFFFFF:
1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
0xFC-0xFD 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF
(0xFC, 0x84)-(0xF1, 0xBF)
The code positions U+D800 to U+DFFF (UTF-16 surrogates)
as well as U+FFFE and U+FFFF must not occur in UTF-8.
A 1010
B 1011
C 1100
D 1101
E 1110
F 1111
infixl 7 :&
infixl 6 :|
data Range = Range Char Char
instance Show Range where
show (Range x y) | x == y = showHexChar x
show (Range x y) = "[" ++ showHexChar x ++ "-" ++ showHexChar y ++ "]"
data Reg = Reg(Range) | Reg :| Reg | Reg :& Reg
instance Show Reg where
show (Reg x) = show x
show (x :| y) = show x ++ "|" ++ show y
show (x :& y) = f x y where
f (a :| b) (c :| d) = "(" ++ show (a :| b) ++ ")(" ++ show (c :| d) ++ ")"
f (a :| b) c = "(" ++ show (a :| b) ++ ")" ++ show c
f a (c :| d) = show a ++ "(" ++ show (c :| d) ++ ")"
f x y = show x ++ show y
reg :: Char -> Char -> Reg
reg x y = Reg(Range x y)
reverseReg :: Reg -> Reg
reverseReg (Reg x) = (Reg x)
reverseReg (x :| y) = (x :| y)
reverseReg (x :& y) = (y :& x)
-- Unicode range to UTF-8 Regular expression
urToRegU8 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
urToRegU8 x y | x < 0 || y < 0 =
error "urToRegU8: negative argument"
urToRegU8 x y | x > y = error "urToRegU8: not a Unicode range"
urToRegU8 x y | (x >= 0xD800 && x <= 0xDFFF) || (y >= 0xD800 && y <= 0xDFFF) =
error "urToRegU8: illegal surrogate number (U+D800 to U+DFFF)"
urToRegU8 x y | (x >= 0xFFFE && x <= 0xFFFF) || (y >= 0xFFFE && y <= 0xFFFF) =
error "urToRegU8: illegal Unicode number (U+FFFE to U+FFFF)"
urToRegU8 x y | (x >= 0x7FFFFFFF || y >= 0x7FFFFFFF) =
error "urToRegU8: int > 0x7FFFFFFF"
urToRegU8 x y = foldr1 (:|) rs
where rs = drop ((mlength x)-1) (take (mlength y)
[ur1 x y, ur2 x y, ur3 x y, ur4 x y, ur5 x y, ur6 x y])
mlength :: Int -> Int
mlength x | x < 0 =
error "mlength: negative argument"
mlength x | (x >= 0xD800 && x <= 0xDFFF)=
error "mlength: illegal surrogate number (U+D800 to U+DFFF)"
mlength x | (x >= 0xFFFE && x <= 0xFFFF) =
error "mlength: illegal Unicode number (U+FFFE to U+FFFF)"
mlength x | x >= 0x7FFFFFFF =
error "mlength: int > 0x7FFFFFFF"
mlength x | x <= 0x0000007F = 1
mlength x | x <= 0x000007FF = 2
mlength x | x <= 0x0000FFFF = 3
mlength x | x <= 0x001FFFFF = 4
mlength x | x <= 0x03FFFFFF = 5
mlength x | x <= 0x7FFFFFFF = 6
urrange :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
urrange x y = (mlength x, mlength y)
urA :: Int -> String -> Reg
urA k _ | k <= 0 = error "urA: first argument non-positive"
urA k (x:xs) | k == 1 = reg x x
urA k (x:xs) = reg x x :& urA (k-1) xs
ur :: Int -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Reg
ur k _ _ _ _ | k <= 0 = error "ur: first argument non-positive"
ur k xs ys mns mxs = ur0 k (take k xs) (take k ys) (take k mns) (take k mxs)
ur0 :: Int -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Reg
ur0 k (x:xs) (y:ys) _ _ | k == 1 = reg x y
ur0 k (x:xs) (y:ys) (mn:mns) (mx:mxs) | x == y =
reg x y :& ur0 (k-1) xs ys mns mxs
ur0 k xs ys mns mxs =
ur01 k (init xs) (last xs) (init ys) (last ys) (init mns) (last mns) (init mxs) (last mxs)
ur01 :: Int -> String -> Char -> String -> Char -> String -> Char -> String -> Char -> Reg
ur01 k xs x ys y mns mn mxs mx | xs == ys
= ur0 (k-1) xs ys mns mxs :& reg x y
ur01 k xs x ys y mns mn mxs mx | x /= mn
= urA (k-1) xs :& reg x mx
:| ur01 k (usucc xs mns mxs) mn ys y mns mn mxs mx
ur01 k xs x ys y mns mn mxs mx | y /= mx
= urA (k-1) ys :& reg mn y
:| ur01 k xs x (upred ys mns mxs) mx mns mn mxs mx
ur01 k xs x ys y mns mn mxs mx
= ur0 (k-1) xs ys mns mxs :& reg mn mx
usucc :: String -> String -> String -> String
usucc xs mns mxs = usucc0 (init xs) (last xs) (init mns) (last mns) (init mxs) (last mxs)
usucc0 :: String -> Char -> String -> Char -> String -> Char -> String
usucc0 xs x mns mn mxs mx | x /= mx = xs ++ [succ x]
usucc0 xs x mns mn mxs mx = usucc xs mns mxs ++ [mn]
upred :: String -> String -> String -> String
upred xs mns mxs = upred0 (init xs) (last xs) (init mns) (last mns) (init mxs) (last mxs)
upred0 :: String -> Char -> String -> Char -> String -> Char -> String
upred0 xs x mns mn mxs mx | x /= mn = xs ++ [pred x]
upred0 xs x mns mn mxs mx = upred xs mns mxs ++ [mx]
-- U-00000000 - U-0000007F:
-- 0xxxxxxx
-- 0x00-0x7F
ur1 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
ur1 x y = reg x0 y0
where { x0 = toEnum (max 0 x); y0 = toEnum (min 0x7f y) }
-- U-00000080 - U-000007FF:
-- 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
-- 0xC0-0xDF 0x80-0xBF
ur2 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
ur2 x y = ur 2 sx sy ('\xC0':['\x80']) ('\xDF':['\xBF'])
where { x0 = max 0x00000080 x; y0 = min 0x000007FF y;
sx = intToUTF8 x0; sy = intToUTF8 y0 }
-- U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF:
-- 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-- 0xE0-0xEF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF
ur3 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
ur3 x y =
ur 3 sx sy ('\xE0':repeat '\x80') ('\xEF':repeat '\xBF')
where { x0 = max 0x00000800 x; y0 = min 0x0000FFFF y;
sx = intToUTF8 x0; sy = intToUTF8 y0 }
-- U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF:
-- 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-- 0xF0-0xF7 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF
ur4 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
ur4 x y =
ur 4 sx sy ('\xF0':repeat '\x80') ('\xF7':repeat '\xBF')
where { x0 = max 0x00010000 x; y0 = min 0x001FFFFF y;
sx = intToUTF8 x0; sy = intToUTF8 y0 }
-- U-00200000 - U-03FFFFFF:
-- 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-- 0xF8-0xFB 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF
ur5 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
ur5 x y =
ur 5 sx sy ('\xF8':repeat '\x80') ('\xFB':repeat '\xBF')
where { x0 = max 0x00200000 x; y0 = min 0x03FFFFFF y;
sx = intToUTF8 x0; sy = intToUTF8 y0 }
-- U-04000000 - U-7FFFFFFF:
-- 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-- 0xFC-0xFD 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF
ur6 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
ur6 x y =
ur 5 sx sy ('\xFC':repeat '\x80') ('\xFD':repeat '\xBF')
where { x0 = max 0x04000000 x; y0 = min 0x7FFFFFFF y;
sx = intToUTF8 x0; sy = intToUTF8 y0 }
showHex :: Int -> String
showHex k | k < 0 = error "showHex: negative argument"
showHex k | k <= 9 = show k
showHex k | k == 10 = "A"
showHex k | k == 11 = "B"
showHex k | k == 12 = "C"
showHex k | k == 13 = "D"
showHex k | k == 14 = "E"
showHex k | k == 15 = "F"
showHex k = showHex m ++ showHex n where (m, n) = k `quotRem` 16
showHexChar :: Char -> String
showHexChar '\0' = "\\0"
showHexChar '\a' = "\\a"
showHexChar '\b' = "\\b"
showHexChar '\f' = "\\f"
showHexChar '\n' = "\\n"
showHexChar '\r' = "\\r"
showHexChar '\t' = "\\t"
showHexChar '\v' = "\\v"
showHexChar '\\' = "\\\\"
showHexChar '\'' = "\\\'"
showHexChar '\"' = "\\\""
showHexChar c | c <= '\xF' = "\\x0" ++ showHex (fromEnum c)
showHexChar c | c >= ' ' && c < '\DEL' = showChar c ""
showHexChar c = "\\x" ++ showHex (fromEnum c)
-- Unicode to (bigendian) UTF-32 regular expressions:
urToRegU32 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
urToRegU32 x y =
ur 4 sx sy ('\x00':repeat '\x00') ('\x7F':repeat '\xFF')
where { sx = intToUTF32 x; sy = intToUTF32 y }
-- Unicode to (bigendian) UTF-32:
intToUTF32 :: Int -> String
intToUTF32 k | k < 0 = error "intToUTF32: negative int"
intToUTF32 k | k <= 0x7FFFFFFF =
intToStr(k3) ++ intToStr(k2)
++ intToStr(k1) ++ intToStr(k0)
where { (l0, k0) = k `quotRem` 0x100;
(l1, k1) = l0 `quotRem` 0x100;
(k3, k2) = l1 `quotRem` 0x100 }
intToUTF32 _ = error "intToUTF32: int > 0x7FFFFFFF"
-- Unicode to lowendian UTF-32 regular expressions:
urToRegU32L :: Int -> Int -> Reg
urToRegU32L x y = reverseReg(urToRegU32 x y)
-- U-00000000 - U-0000007F:
-- 0xxxxxxx
-- 0x00-0x7F
urToRegU8B1 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
urToRegU8B1 x y | x < 0 || y < 0 =
error "urToRegU8B1: negative argument"
urToRegU8B1 x y | x > y = error "urToRegU8B1: not a Unicode range"
urToRegU8B1 x y | x > 0x7F || y > 0x7F = error "urToRegU8B1: argument not a UTF-8 1-byte"
urToRegU8B1 x y = reg (toEnum x) (toEnum y)
-- U-00000080 - U-000007FF:
-- 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
-- 0xC0-0xDF 0x80-0xBF
urToRegU8B2 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
urToRegU8B2 x y | x < 0 || y < 0 =
error "urToRegU8B2: negative argument"
urToRegU8B2 x y | x > y = error "urToRegU8B2: not a Unicode range"
urToRegU8B2 x y | x > 0x000007FF || y > 0x000007FF
= error "urToRegU8B2: argument not a UTF-8 2-byte"
urToRegU8B2 x y = ur 2 sx sy ('\xC0':['\x80']) ('\xDF':['\xBF'])
where { sx = intToUTF8B 3 x; sy = intToUTF8B 3 y }
-- U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF:
-- 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-- 0xE0-0xEF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF
urToRegU8B3 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
urToRegU8B3 x y | x < 0 || y < 0 =
error "urToRegU8B3: negative argument"
urToRegU8B3 x y | x > y = error "urToRegU8B3: not a Unicode range"
urToRegU8B3 x y | x > 0x0000FFFF || y > 0x0000FFFF
= error "urToRegU8B3: argument not a UTF-8 3-byte"
urToRegU8B3 x y =
ur 3 sx sy ('\xE0':repeat '\x80') ('\xEF':repeat '\xBF')
where { sx = intToUTF8B 3 x; sy = intToUTF8B 3 y }
-- U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF:
-- 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-- 0xF0-0xF7 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF
urToRegU8B4 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
urToRegU8B4 x y | x < 0 || y < 0 =
error "urToRegU8B4: negative argument"
urToRegU8B4 x y | x > y = error "urToRegU8B4: not a Unicode range"
urToRegU8B4 x y | x > 0x001FFFFF || y > 0x001FFFFF
= error "urToRegU8B4: argument not a UTF-8 4-byte"
urToRegU8B4 x y =
ur 4 sx sy ('\xF0':repeat '\x80') ('\xF7':repeat '\xBF')
where { sx = intToUTF8B 4 x; sy = intToUTF8B 4 y }
-- U-00200000 - U-03FFFFFF:
-- 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-- 0xF8-0xFB 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF
urToRegU8B5 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
urToRegU8B5 x y | x < 0 || y < 0 =
error "urToRegU8B5: negative argument"
urToRegU8B5 x y | x > y = error "urToRegU8B5: not a Unicode range"
urToRegU8B5 x y | x > 0x03FFFFFF || y > 0x03FFFFFF
= error "urToRegU8B5: argument not a UTF-8 5-byte"
urToRegU8B5 x y =
ur 5 sx sy ('\xF8':repeat '\x80') ('\xFB':repeat '\xBF')
where { sx = intToUTF8B 5 x; sy = intToUTF8B 5 y}
-- U-04000000 - U-7FFFFFFF:
-- 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
-- 0xFC-0xFD 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF 0x80-0xBF
urToRegU8B6 :: Int -> Int -> Reg
urToRegU8B6 x y | x < 0 || y < 0 =
error "urToRegU8B6: negative argument"
urToRegU8B6 x y | x > y = error "urToRegU8B6: not a Unicode range"
urToRegU8B6 x y | x > 0x7FFFFFFF || y > 0x7FFFFFFF
= error "urToRegU8B6: argument not a UTF-8 6-byte"
urToRegU8B6 x y =
ur 6 sx sy ('\xFC':repeat '\x80') ('\xFD':repeat '\xBF')
where { sx = intToUTF8B 6 x; sy = intToUTF8B 6 y }
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0x00b1 commented May 22, 2014

urToRegU8 0 0xFFFF

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