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Last active May 7, 2019 14:00
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record Node[T]:
a: Node[T]
b: Node[T]
data: T
type Tree[T] ← [Node[T]]
subroutine visit(item: Node[T], f: function (T)):
items.visit(item.a, f)
items.visit(item.b, f)
example: Tree[unsigned 8-bit Integer] ← [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
subroutine sort(items: [Type]) → [Type]:
increment ← ⌊count(items) ÷ 2⌋
while increment:
for index, item in enumerate(items):
while index ≥ increment and items[index − increment] > item:
items[index] ← items[index − increment]
index ← index − increment
items[index] ← item
if increment = 2:
increment ← 1
increment ← increment × 5.0 ÷ 11
return items
⟨arguments⟩ ::= [⟨expression⟩ {“,” ⟨expression⟩}]
⟨block⟩ ::= “{” {⟨statement⟩} “}”
⟨conditions⟩ ::= ⟨condition⟩ {“,” ⟨condition⟩}
⟨condition⟩ ::= ⟨expression⟩
| “case” ⟨pattern⟩ “←” ⟨expression⟩
⟨expression⟩ ::= ⟨prefix⟩ [⟨infix⟩ {⟨infix⟩}]
⟨field⟩ ::= ⟨identifier⟩ ⟨type-annotation⟩
⟨if-statement⟩ ::= “if” ⟨conditions⟩ ⟨block⟩ {“else” ⟨if-statement⟩} [“else” ⟨block⟩]
⟨infix⟩ ::= [⟨operator⟩] ⟨prefix⟩
| “←” ⟨prefix⟩
| (“as” | “is”) ⟨type⟩
⟨postfix⟩ ::= (“true” | “false”)
| [“−”] ⟨floating-point⟩
| [“−”] ⟨integer⟩
| “(” ⟨expression⟩ “)”
| “[” ⟨arguments⟩ “]”
| ⟨identifier⟩
| ⟨postfix⟩ “(” ⟨arguments⟩ “)”
| ⟨postfix⟩ “.” ⟨identifier⟩
| ⟨postfix⟩ “[” ⟨arguments⟩ “]”
| ⟨postfix⟩ ⟨operator⟩
⟨parameter⟩ ::= ⟨identifier⟩ [⟨type-annotation⟩] [“←” ⟨expression⟩]
⟨pattern⟩ ::= (“is” ⟨type⟩ | ⟨pattern⟩ “as” ⟨type⟩)
| “(” ⟨pattern⟩ “)”
| “[” ⟨pattern⟩ {“,” ⟨pattern⟩} “]”
| “_”
| ⟨expression⟩
| ⟨identifier⟩
| ⟨identifier⟩ “{” ⟨identifier⟩ “:” ⟨pattern⟩ {“,” ⟨identifier⟩ “:” ⟨pattern⟩} [“,” “…”] “}”
⟨prefix⟩ ::= [⟨operator⟩] ⟨postfix⟩
⟨statement⟩ ::= “break” [⟨identifier⟩]
| “continue” [⟨identifier⟩]
| “for” ⟨pattern⟩ “in” ⟨expression⟩ ⟨block⟩
| “goto” ⟨identifier⟩
| “record” ⟨identifier⟩ “{” [⟨field⟩ {“,” ⟨field⟩}] “}”
| “return” [⟨expression⟩]
| “subroutine” ⟨identifier⟩ ⟨type-signature⟩ ⟨block⟩
| “type” ⟨identifier⟩ “←” ⟨type⟩
| “while” ⟨conditions⟩ ⟨block⟩
| ⟨expression⟩
| ⟨identifier⟩ “:” ⟨statement⟩
| ⟨if-statement⟩
⟨type⟩ ::= (“32-bit” | “64-bit” | “128-bit”) “Floating-point”
| [“unsigned”] (“8-bit” | “16-bit” | “32-bit” | “64-bit” | “128-bit”) “Integer”
| “[” ⟨digits⟩ “×” {⟨digits⟩ “×”} ⟨type⟩ “]”
| “Boolean”
| “function” ⟨type-signature⟩
| “pointer” ⟨type⟩
| “⊥”
| ⟨identifier⟩
⟨type-annotation⟩ ::= “:” ⟨type⟩
⟨type-signature⟩ ::= [“(” ⟨parameter⟩ {“,” ⟨parameter⟩} [“,” “…”] “)”] [“→” ⟨type⟩]
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