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Last active June 28, 2022 07:46
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Deep Regression Ensembles
import numpy as np
from opt_einsum import contract
class DRE:
"""Deep Regression Ensemble
n_layers : int
Number of hidden layers.
n_features : int
Number of random features.
shrinkages : np.array
Ridge shrinkage parameters.
kernel_scales : np.array
Scales for random features.
bias : float
Bias for random features.
Didisheim, Antoine, Bryan Kelly, and Semyon Malamud.
"Deep Regression Ensembles." arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.05417 (2022).
def __init__(
n_layers : int,
n_features : int,
shrinkages : np.array,
kernel_scales : np.array,
bias : float,
assert n_layers >= 0
assert n_features > 0
assert len(shrinkages) > 0
assert (shrinkages > 0).all()
assert len(kernel_scales) > 0
assert (kernel_scales > 0).all()
assert bias >= 0
self.n_layers = n_layers
self.n_features = n_features
self.shrinkages = shrinkages
self.kernel_scales = kernel_scales
self.bias = bias
def fit(self, X : np.array, y : np.array):
P = self.n_features
K = len(self.kernel_scales)
L = len(self.shrinkages)
alphas = self.shrinkages.reshape(L, 1)
layers = []
x = X
for l in range(self.n_layers):
kernel = np.random.normal(size=(x.shape[1], P, K)) * self.kernel_scales
bias = np.random.uniform(low=-self.bias, high=self.bias, size=(P, K))
z = np.maximum(contract('nd,dpk->npk', x, kernel) + bias, 0)
betas = []
for i in range(K):
u = z[..., i]
w, W = np.linalg.eigh(u.T @ u)
beta = W @ ((y @ u @ W) / (w + alphas)).T
beta = np.stack(betas, axis=-1)
x = contract('npk,plk->nlk', z, beta).reshape(-1, K * L)
layers.append({'kernel': kernel, 'bias': bias, 'beta': beta})
w, W = np.linalg.eigh(x.T @ x)
beta = W @ ((y @ x @ W) / (w + alphas)).T
self.layers_ = layers
self.beta_ = beta
return self
def predict(self, X : np.array):
shape = (-1, len(self.kernel_scales) * len(self.shrinkages))
x = X
for l in self.layers_:
z = np.maximum(contract('nd,dpk->npk', x, l['kernel']) + l['bias'], 0)
x = contract('npk,plk->nlk', z, l['beta']).reshape(shape)
y_hat = x @ self.beta_
return y_hat
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