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Last active June 27, 2024 20:14
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# - @T3SL4
# This PowerShell script is used to manage the permissions of a folder for the current user.
# It first prompts the user to input the folder path and then asks whether they want to do.
# This can be useful for protecting sensitive folders from accidental modification or deletion.
$folderPath = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your folder path'; $username = whoami; $action = Read-Host -Prompt "(1) Block current-user from deleting, modifying, or renaming folder.`n(2) Restore current-user access?`nEnter the number"; if ($action -eq 1) { takeown /F $folderPath /A /R /D Y; icacls $folderPath /inheritance:r; icacls $folderPath /grant:r $username':(RX)' /T; icacls $folderPath /deny $username':(WD,AD,DC,WDAC,WO,WD)'; attrib +r $folderPath /S /D } else { icacls $folderPath /grant:r $username':(M)' /T; attrib -r $folderPath /S /D }
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