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Created December 17, 2020 01:57
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"use strict";
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
OpenInstall = function (e, n, t) {
function r(n) {
n = n || e.location.href;for (var t = n.indexOf("?"), r = -1 == t ? "" : n.substring(t + 1).replace(/\+/g, "%20"), i = r.split("&"), o = {}, a = 0; a < i.length; a++) {
var c = i[a].split("="),
u = decodeURIComponent(c[0] || ""),
l = decodeURIComponent(c[1] || "");u && l && (void 0 === o[u] ? o[u] = l : "object" == _typeof(o[u]) ? o[u].push(l) : o[u] = [o[u], l]);
}return o;
}function i(e) {
var n = [];for (var t in e) {
var r = e[t];if ("[object Array]" == for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
null != r[i] && void 0 !== r[i] && n.push(encodeURIComponent(t) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(r[i]));
} else null != r && void 0 !== r && n.push(encodeURIComponent(t) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(r));
}return n.join("&");
}function o() {
var e = 0,
n = arguments.length,
t = arguments[e],
o = t.indexOf("?"),
a = r(t);for (e = 1; e < n; e++) {
var c = arguments[e];for (var u in c) {
a[u] = c[u];
}return (-1 == o ? t : t.substring(0, o)) + "?" + i(a);
}function a() {
this.arr = [], = function (e) {
this.arr ? this.arr[this.arr.length] = e : e();
}, this.isReady = function () {
return null == this.arr;
}, this.ready = function () {
if (null != this.arr) for (var e = 0; e < this.arr.length; e++) {
}this.arr = null;
}function c(e) {
var n = new t(),
r =,
i = e.url,
o = e.method;r && "string" != typeof r && (r = A.stringify(r)), "POST" != o && r && (i = i + (i.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?") + r, r = null), n.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (4 == n.readyState) {
if (200 == n.status) {
var t = n.response || n.responseText || {};e.success && e.success("string" == typeof t ? A.parse(t) : t);
} else e.error && e.error(n, n.statusText);e.complete && e.complete(n);
}, n.ontimeout = function () {
e.error && e.error(n, n.statusText);
};try {, i, !1 !== e.async), n.withCredentials = !0;try {
n.setRequestHeader && e.contentType && n.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", e.contentType), e.timeout && (n.timeout = e.timeout);
} catch (e) {}n.send(r || null);
} catch (e) {}return n;
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var e = n.createElement("canvas");if (e && "function" == typeof e.getContext) for (var t = ["webgl", "webgl2", "experimental-webgl2", "experimental-webgl"], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var i = t[r],
o = e.getContext(i);if (o) {
var a = {};a.context = i, a.version = o.getParameter(o.VERSION), a.vendor = o.getParameter(o.VENDOR), a.sl_version = o.getParameter(o.SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION), a.max_texture_size = o.getParameter(o.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE);var c = o.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info");return c && (a.vendor = o.getParameter(c.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL), a.renderer = o.getParameter(c.UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL)), a;
}return {};
}function l(n) {
R(function (t) {
var r, i, o, a;try {
r = e.screen.width || "", i = e.screen.height || "", o = e.devicePixelRatio || "", a = u();
} catch (e) {}for (var c = 0, t = t || [], l = t.length; c < l; c++) {
t[c] = C(t[c] || "");
}n({ sw: C("" + (r || 0)), sh: C("" + (i || 0)), sp: o, gv: C(a.version || ""), gr: C(a.renderer || ""), li: t });
}function s(t, r, i) {
var o = "ex",
a = "ecC",
c = "ommand",
u = "co",
l = "py",
s = o + a + c,
d = u + l;if ("function" != typeof n[s]) return !1;var f = n.createElement("div");f.innerHTML = t;for (var p = [], h = 0; h < f.children.length; h++) {
p[h] = f.children[h];
}for (var v, g, m = !1, b = r ? r + (new Date().getTime() + (i || 1)) + "-" : null, h = 0; h < p.length; h++) {
try {
if (v = p[h], y && ( = "absolute", = "-100px"), n.body.appendChild(v), "SELECT" === v.nodeName) v.focus();else if ("INPUT" === v.nodeName || "TEXTAREA" === v.nodeName) {
b && (v.value = x(O(v.value) + b));var C = v.hasAttribute("readonly");C || v.setAttribute("readonly", ""),, v.setSelectionRange(0, v.value.length), C || v.removeAttribute("readonly");
} else {
v.hasAttribute("contenteditable") && v.focus(), b && v.setAttribute("class", b), g = e.getSelection();var E = n.createRange();E.selectNode(v), g.removeAllRanges(), g.addRange(E);
}m = n[s](d);
} catch (e) {
m = !1;
}return g && g.removeAllRanges(), m;
}function d(e, t) {
var r,
o = !1;o ? (r = "hidden", i = "qbrowserVisibilityChange") : void 0 !== n.hidden ? (r = "hidden", i = "visibilitychange") : void 0 !== n.msHidden ? (r = "msHidden", i = "msvisibilitychange") : void 0 !== n.webkitHidden && (r = "webkitHidden", i = "webkitvisibilitychange");var a = function a(e) {
return o && e && void 0 !== e.hidden ? e.hidden : n[r];
c = setTimeout(function () {
null == c || a() || (e(), c = null);
}, t),
u = function u(e) {
null != c && a(e) && (clearTimeout(c), c = null, n.removeEventListener(i, u));
};i && n.addEventListener(i, u, !1);
}function f(e, n, t, r) {
"function" == typeof t && d(t, r), S[e](n);
}var p = 2,
h = navigator.userAgent,
v = h.indexOf("iPhone") > -1 || h.indexOf("iPad") > -1 || h.indexOf("iPod") > -1,
y = h.indexOf("Android") > -1,
g = function () {
"use strict";
function t() {
if (!o) {
o = !0;for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {
i[n], i[n].ctx);
}i = [];
}function r() {
"complete" === n.readyState && t();
}var i = [],
o = !1,
a = !1;return setTimeout(t, 3e3), function (c, u) {
if (o) return void c(u);i.push({ fn: c, ctx: u }), "complete" === n.readyState || "loading" !== n.readyState && !n.documentElement.doScroll ? t() : a || (n.addEventListener ? (n.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", t, !1), e.addEventListener("load", t, !1)) : (n.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", r), e.attachEvent("onload", t)), a = !0);
m = function m() {},
b = function () {
function e(e, n) {
var t,
c = -1,
u = e.length,
l = [0, 0, 0, 0];for (t = []; ++c < u;) {
r = e[c], o = e[++c], l[0] = r >> 2, l[1] = (3 & r) << 4 | (o || 0) >> 4, c >= u ? l[2] = l[3] = 64 : (a = e[++c], l[2] = (15 & o) << 2 | (a || 0) >> 6, l[3] = c >= u ? 64 : 63 & a), t.push(i.charAt(l[0]), i.charAt(l[1]), i.charAt(l[2]), i.charAt(l[3]));
}var s = t.join("");return n ? s.replace(/=/g, "") : s;
}function n(e) {
for (var n, t, r, o, a, c, u, l = [], s = 0; s < e.length;) {
o = i.indexOf(e.charAt(s++)), a = i.indexOf(e.charAt(s++)), c = i.indexOf(e.charAt(s++)), u = i.indexOf(e.charAt(s++)), n = o << 2 | a >> 4, t = (15 & a) << 4 | c >> 2, r = (3 & c) << 6 | u, l.push(n), 64 != c && l.push(t), 64 != u && l.push(r);
}return l;
}function t(e) {
var n,
t = -1,
r = e.length,
i = [];if (/^[\x00-\x7f]*$/.test(e)) for (; ++t < r;) {
} else for (; ++t < r;) {
n = e.charCodeAt(t), n < 128 ? i.push(n) : n < 2048 ? i.push(n >> 6 | 192, 63 & n | 128) : i.push(n >> 12 | 224, n >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & n | 128);
}return i;
}function r(e) {
var n,
i = [],
o = 0;for (n = t = r = 0; o < e.length;) {
n = e[o], n < 128 ? (i.push(String.fromCharCode(n)), o++) : n > 191 && n < 224 ? (t = e[o + 1], i.push(String.fromCharCode((31 & n) << 6 | 63 & t)), o += 2) : (t = e[o + 1], r = e[o + 2], i.push(String.fromCharCode((15 & n) << 12 | (63 & t) << 6 | 63 & r)), o += 3);
}return i.join("");
}var i = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_=";return [function (n) {
if (!n) return "";for (var r = t(n), i = r.length, o = 0; o < i; o++) {
r[o] = 150 ^ r[o];
}return e(r, !0);
}, function (e) {
if (!e) return "";for (var t = n(e), i = 0, o = t.length; i < o; i++) {
t[i] = 150 ^ t[i];
}return r(t);
}, function (n) {
return n ? e(t(n)) : "";
}, function (e) {
return e ? r(n(e)) : "";
C = b[0],
E = b[1],
x = b[2],
O = b[3],
R = function () {
function n() {
d.isReady() || (d.ready(), clearInterval(f), c && c.close());
}function t(e) {
}function r(e) {
for (var n = e.split("."), t = 0, r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
t = t << 8 | 255 & parseInt(n[r]);
}return t;
}function i(e) {
for (var t, i, o, a, c = e.split("\r\n"), u = 0; u < c.length; u++) {
if (t = c[u], i = t.split(" "), 0 == t.indexOf("a=candidate:") && (o = i[7]) && "host" == o && (a = i[4])) ;else if (0 == t.indexOf("a=rtcp:") && (o = i[2]) && "IP4" == o && (a = i[3])) ;else if (0 != t.indexOf("c=") || !(o = i[1]) || "IP4" != o || !(a = i[2])) continue;a && !l[a] && /[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}/.test(a) && ("" == a || 0 == a.indexOf("127.") || 0 == a.indexOf("169.254") || 3758096384 == (4026531840 & r(a)) || (l[a] = 1, s.push(a)));
}s.length && n();
}var o,
l = {},
s = [],
d = new a(),
f = setInterval(function () {
c && c.localDescription && c.localDescription.sdp && u != c.localDescription.sdp && (u = c.localDescription.sdp, i(u));
}, 10);try {
(o = e.RTCPeerConnection || e.mozRTCPeerConnection || e.webkitRTCPeerConnection) ? (c = new o({ iceServers: [] }, { optional: [{ RtpDataChannels: !0 }] }), c.onicecandidate = function (e) {
e.candidate && e.candidate.candidate && i("a=" + e.candidate.candidate);
}, c.createDataChannel("openinstall"), c.createOffer(function (e) {
try {
c.setLocalDescription(e, function () {}, t);
} catch (e) {
}, t), setTimeout(n, 100)) : t("not exists");
} catch (e) {
}return function (e) { () {
A = e.JSON || { parse: function parse(e) {
return eval("(" + e + ")");
}, stringify: function () {
var e = Object.prototype.toString,
n = Array.isArray || function (n) {
return "[object Array]" ===;
t = { '"': '\\"', "\\": "\\\\", "\b": "\\b", "\f": "\\f", "\n": "\\n", "\r": "\\r", "\t": "\\t" },
r = function r(e) {
return t[e] || "\\u" + (e.charCodeAt(0) + 65536).toString(16).substr(1);
i = /[\\"\u0000-\u001F\u2028\u2029]/g;return function t(o) {
if (null == o) return "null";if ("number" == typeof o) return isFinite(o) ? o.toString() : "null";if ("boolean" == typeof o) return o.toString();if ("object" == (typeof o === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(o))) {
if ("function" == typeof o.toJSON) return t(o.toJSON());if (n(o)) {
for (var a = "[", c = 0; c < o.length; c++) {
a += (c ? ", " : "") + t(o[c]);
}return a + "]";
}if ("[object Object]" === {
var u = [];for (var l in o) {
o.hasOwnProperty(l) && u.push(t(l) + ": " + t(o[l]));
}return "{" + u.sort().join(", ") + "}";
}return '"' + o.toString().replace(i, r) + '"';
}() },
S = { frm: function frm(e) {
var t = n.createElement("iframe"); = "none", = "hidden", t.src = e, n.body.appendChild(t);
}, loc: function loc(n) {
e.location = n;
}, hrf: function hrf(e) {
var t = n.createElement("a"); = "none", t.href = e, n.body.appendChild(t),;
}, inhrf: function inhrf(e) {
var t = n.createElement("script");t.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"), t.innerHTML = '(function(){var a = document.createElement("a"); = "none";a.href = "' + e.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '";document.body.appendChild(a);;})()', n.body.appendChild(t);
}, open: function open(n) {;
} },
I = function I(e, t) {
function r() {
if (y) {
v && d(function () {
}, 400);var e = y;S[b](e);
} else v && n.body.appendChild(v);
}function i(e, n, t) { () {
t = t || {}, n && k && (e = !1), A && n && (m(), P = s(A, T, w));var i;n && (i = r, N && c({ method: "POST", url: N })), x && e ? f(O, x, i, t.timeout || R) : i && i();
}function u(t) {
var r = e.mask || t;if ("function" == typeof r && (r = r() || t), "string" == typeof r) {
var i = n.createElement("div");i.innerHTML = r, r = i.children[0];
}var o = function o() {
};return r.addEventListener ? r.addEventListener("click", o) : r.onclick = o, r;
}if (e = e || {}, !e.appKey) return void alert("appKey not specified");var p = new a(),
h = this;"function" == typeof e.onready && () {;
}), e.buttonId && () {
for (var t = e.buttonId.split(" "), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var i = n.getElementById(t[r]);i && i.addEventListener("click", function () {
});var v, y, b, C, x, O, R, A, T, w, P, k, L, N;this.wakeupOrInstall = function (e) {
i(!0, !0, e);
}, this.schemeWakeup = function (e) {
i(!0, !1, e);
}, this.install = function (e) {
i(!1, !0, e);
}, function () {
var n = { channelCode: e.channelCode || I.parseUrlParams().channelCode, c: e._channelRedirect ? 1 : null, apkFileName: e.apkFileName, preferWakeup: e.preferWakeup, _pkgId: e._pkgId };l(function (r) {
c({ url: o(I.server + "/web/init/" + e.appKey, n, r), method: "POST", contentType: "text/plain;charset=utf-8", data: t, success: function success(e) {
g(function () { && (v = u(, y = e.fu, b =, C = e.ft, x =, O =, R =, A = ? E( : null, T = e.pyp ? E(e.pyp) : null, w = e.pye ? parseInt(E(e.pye) || "0") : 0, k = e.dsoi, L = e.channelCode, N = e.csu, p.ready();
} });
};return I.channelRedirect = function (e, n) {
new I({ appKey: e, channelCode: n, _channelRedirect: !0 }).wakeupOrInstall();
}, I.parseUrlParams = r, I.docReady = g, I.server = "//", I.wakeupOrInstall = function (e, n, t, r, i) {
n ? f(e, n, function () {
}, i) : S[t](r);
}, I;
}(window, document, XMLHttpRequest);
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