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Created July 16, 2015 16:17
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Vagrant google log
INFO global: Vagrant version: 1.7.2
INFO global: Ruby version: 2.0.0
INFO global: RubyGems version: 2.0.14
INFO global: VAGRANT_DOTFILE_PATH="/store/VirtualBox VMs/"
INFO global: VAGRANT_EXECUTABLE="/opt/vagrant/bin/../embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/bin/vagrant"
INFO global: VAGRANT_INSTALLER_EMBEDDED_DIR="/opt/vagrant/bin/../embedded"
INFO global: VAGRANT_HOME="/store/.vagrant.d/"
INFO global: VAGRANT_LOG="debug"
INFO global: Plugins:
INFO global: - CFPropertyList = 2.3.1
INFO global: - i18n = 0.6.11
INFO global: - json = 1.8.3
INFO global: - minitest = 5.7.0
INFO global: - thread_safe = 0.3.5
INFO global: - tzinfo = 1.2.2
INFO global: - activesupport = 4.1.12
INFO global: - addressable = 2.3.8
INFO global: - extlib = 0.9.16
INFO global: - multi_json = 1.11.2
INFO global: - autoparse = 0.3.3
INFO global: - mime-types = 1.25.1
INFO global: - mini_portile = 0.6.0
INFO global: - nokogiri =
INFO global: - systemu = 2.6.5
INFO global: - macaddr = 1.7.1
INFO global: - uuid = 2.3.8
INFO global: - azure = 0.6.4
INFO global: - builder = 3.2.2
INFO global: - bundler = 1.7.11
INFO global: - excon = 0.45.4
INFO global: - multipart-post = 2.0.0
INFO global: - faraday = 0.9.1
INFO global: - fission = 0.5.0
INFO global: - formatador = 0.2.5
INFO global: - net-ssh = 2.9.2
INFO global: - net-scp = 1.1.2
INFO global: - fog-core = 1.32.0
INFO global: - fog-xml = 0.1.2
INFO global: - fog-atmos = 0.1.0
INFO global: - fog-json = 1.0.2
INFO global: - ipaddress = 0.8.0
INFO global: - fog-aws = 0.7.3
INFO global: - inflecto = 0.0.2
INFO global: - fog-brightbox = 0.7.2
INFO global: - fog-ecloud = 0.3.0
INFO global: - fog-local = 0.2.1
INFO global: - fog-powerdns = 0.1.1
INFO global: - fog-profitbricks = 0.0.3
INFO global: - fog-radosgw = 0.0.4
INFO global: - fog-riakcs = 0.1.0
INFO global: - fog-sakuracloud = 1.0.1
INFO global: - fog-serverlove = 0.1.2
INFO global: - fog-softlayer = 0.4.7
INFO global: - fog-storm_on_demand = 0.1.1
INFO global: - fog-terremark = 0.1.0
INFO global: - fog-vmfusion = 0.1.0
INFO global: - fog-voxel = 0.1.0
INFO global: - fog = 1.29.0
INFO global: - launchy = 2.4.3
INFO global: - retriable = 1.4.1
INFO global: - jwt = 1.5.1
INFO global: - signet = 0.6.1
INFO global: - google-api-client = 0.8.2
INFO global: - httpclient = 2.4.0
INFO global: - rest-client = 1.6.9
INFO global: - vagrant-aws = 0.6.0
INFO global: - vagrant-azure = 1.1.1
INFO global: - vagrant-google = 0.1.5
INFO global: - vagrant-share = 1.1.3
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/kernel_v2/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: kernel
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/help/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: help command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/resume/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: resume command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/login/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: vagrant-login
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/package/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: package command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/ssh_config/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh-config command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/up/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: up command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/provision/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: provision command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/plugin/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: plugin command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/ssh/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/rdp/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: rdp command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/status/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: status command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/init/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: init command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/global-status/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: global-status command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/halt/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: halt command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/suspend/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: suspend command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/box/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: box command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/reload/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: reload command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/destroy/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: destroy command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/version/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: version command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/list-commands/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: list-commands command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/commands/push/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: push command
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: VirtualBox provider
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Hyper-V provider
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: docker-provider
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/solaris11/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Solaris 11 guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/tinycore/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: TinyCore Linux guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/darwin/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Darwin guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/fedora/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Fedora guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/openbsd/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: OpenBSD guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/gentoo/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Gentoo guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/funtoo/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Funtoo guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/smartos/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: SmartOS guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/omnios/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: OmniOS guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/solaris/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Solaris guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/pld/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: PLD Linux guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/redhat/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: RedHat guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/arch/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Arch guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/coreos/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: CoreOS guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/esxi/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ESXi guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/debian/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Debian guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/windows/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Windows guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/netbsd/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: NetBSD guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/freebsd/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: FreeBSD guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/ubuntu/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Ubuntu guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/suse/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: SUSE guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/nixos/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: NixOS guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/mint/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Mint guest
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/guests/linux/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Linux guest.
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/kernel_v1/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: kernel
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/pushes/heroku/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: heroku
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/pushes/ftp/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ftp
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/pushes/noop/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: noop
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/pushes/local-exec/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: local-exec
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/pushes/atlas/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: atlas
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/synced_folders/smb/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: SMB synced folders
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/synced_folders/rsync/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: RSync synced folders
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/synced_folders/nfs/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: NFS synced folders
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/hosts/darwin/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Mac OS X host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/hosts/gentoo/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Gentoo host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/hosts/redhat/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Red Hat host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/hosts/arch/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Arch host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/hosts/null/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: null host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/hosts/slackware/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Slackware host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/hosts/windows/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Windows host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/hosts/bsd/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: BSD host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/hosts/freebsd/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: FreeBSD host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/hosts/suse/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: SUSE host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/hosts/linux/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Linux host
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/communicators/ssh/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh communicator
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/communicators/winrm/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: winrm communicator
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/provisioners/ansible/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: ansible
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/provisioners/chef/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: chef
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/provisioners/puppet/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: puppet
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/provisioners/shell/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: shell
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/provisioners/cfengine/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: CFEngine Provisioner
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/provisioners/file/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: file
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/provisioners/salt/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: salt
DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/provisioners/docker/plugin.rb
INFO manager: Registered plugin: docker
INFO global: Loading plugins!
INFO manager: Registered plugin: vagrant-share
INFO manager: Registered plugin: azure
INFO manager: Registered plugin: Google
INFO manager: Registered plugin: AWS
INFO vagrant: `vagrant` invoked: ["--debug", "up", "--provider", "google"]
DEBUG vagrant: Creating Vagrant environment
INFO environment: Environment initialized (#<Vagrant::Environment:0x0000000218a928>)
INFO environment: - cwd: /store/wzone/MPI-SACA/google
INFO environment: Home path: /store/.vagrant.d
INFO environment: Local data path: /store/VirtualBox VMs
DEBUG environment: Creating: /store/VirtualBox VMs
INFO environment: Running hook: environment_plugins_loaded
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000003009d78>
INFO environment: Running hook: environment_load
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000003151d70>
INFO cli: CLI: [] "up" ["--provider", "google"]
DEBUG cli: Invoking command class: VagrantPlugins::CommandUp::Command ["--provider", "google"]
DEBUG command: 'Up' each target VM...
INFO loader: Set :root = #<Pathname:/store/wzone/MPI-SACA/google/Vagrantfile>
DEBUG loader: Populating proc cache for #<Pathname:/store/wzone/MPI-SACA/google/Vagrantfile>
DEBUG loader: Load procs for pathname: /store/wzone/MPI-SACA/google/Vagrantfile
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (evaluating)
DEBUG provisioner: Provisioner defined:
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
DEBUG push: finalizing
DEBUG command: Getting target VMs for command. Arguments:
DEBUG command: -- names: ["z1c", "z1f"]
DEBUG command: -- options: {:provider=>"google"}
DEBUG command: Finding machine that match name: z1c
INFO command: Active machine found with name z1c. Using provider: google
INFO environment: Getting machine: z1c (google)
INFO environment: Uncached load of machine.
INFO loader: Set "26692420_machine_z1c" = [["2", #<Proc:0x000000028488f0@/store/wzone/MPI-SACA/google/Vagrantfile:54>]]
DEBUG loader: Populating proc cache for ["2", #<Proc:0x000000028488f0@/store/wzone/MPI-SACA/google/Vagrantfile:54>]
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root, "26692420_machine_z1c"]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 26692420_machine_z1c (evaluating)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
DEBUG push: finalizing
INFO box_collection: Box found: gce (google)
INFO loader: Set :"26319700_gce_google" = #<Pathname:/store/.vagrant.d/boxes/gce/0/google/Vagrantfile>
DEBUG loader: Populating proc cache for #<Pathname:/store/.vagrant.d/boxes/gce/0/google/Vagrantfile>
DEBUG loader: Load procs for pathname: /store/.vagrant.d/boxes/gce/0/google/Vagrantfile
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:"26319700_gce_google", :home, :root, "26692420_machine_z1c"]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 26319700_gce_google (evaluating)
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 26692420_machine_z1c (cache)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
DEBUG push: finalizing
INFO loader: Set :"26692420_vm_z1c_gce_google" = [["2", #<Proc:0x00000003017e28>]]
DEBUG loader: Populating proc cache for ["2", #<Proc:0x00000003017e28>]
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:"26319700_gce_google", :home, :root, "26692420_machine_z1c", :"26692420_vm_z1c_gce_google"]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 26319700_gce_google (cache)
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 26692420_machine_z1c (cache)
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 26692420_vm_z1c_gce_google (evaluating)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
DEBUG push: finalizing
INFO machine: Initializing machine: z1c
INFO machine: - Provider: VagrantPlugins::Google::Provider
INFO machine: - Box: #<Vagrant::Box:0x000000031af768>
INFO machine: - Data dir: /store/VirtualBox VMs/machines/z1c/google
INFO machine: Calling action: read_state on provider Google (master)
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: machine-action-9341ee9729011c33a25a81a461fba968
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: machine-action-9341ee9729011c33a25a81a461fba968
INFO host: Autodetecting host type for [#<Vagrant::Environment: /store/wzone/MPI-SACA/google>]
DEBUG host: Trying: darwin
DEBUG host: Trying: gentoo
DEBUG host: Trying: redhat
DEBUG host: Trying: arch
DEBUG host: Trying: slackware
DEBUG host: Trying: freebsd
DEBUG host: Trying: suse
DEBUG host: Trying: null
DEBUG host: Trying: windows
DEBUG host: Trying: bsd
DEBUG host: Trying: linux
INFO host: Detected: linux!
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x000000028c7c40>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000003863f78>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000003863f50>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadState:0x00000003a24240>
INFO read_state: Machine 'us-central1-c:master' not found or terminated, assuming it got destroyed.
INFO machine: New machine ID: nil
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadState:0x00000003a24240>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000003863f50>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000003863f78>
INFO environment: Released process lock: machine-action-9341ee9729011c33a25a81a461fba968
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
INFO machine: New machine ID: nil
DEBUG command: Finding machine that match name: z1f
INFO command: Active machine found with name z1f. Using provider: google
INFO environment: Getting machine: z1f (google)
INFO environment: Uncached load of machine.
INFO loader: Set "26692420_machine_z1f" = [["2", #<Proc:0x00000002848648@/store/wzone/MPI-SACA/google/Vagrantfile:74>]]
DEBUG loader: Populating proc cache for ["2", #<Proc:0x00000002848648@/store/wzone/MPI-SACA/google/Vagrantfile:74>]
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root, "26692420_machine_z1f"]
ERROR loader: Unknown config sources: ["26692420_machine_z1c", :"26319700_gce_google", :"26692420_vm_z1c_gce_google"]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 26692420_machine_z1f (evaluating)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
DEBUG push: finalizing
INFO box_collection: Box found: gce (google)
INFO loader: Set :"26319700_gce_google" = #<Pathname:/store/.vagrant.d/boxes/gce/0/google/Vagrantfile>
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:"26319700_gce_google", :home, :root, "26692420_machine_z1f"]
ERROR loader: Unknown config sources: ["26692420_machine_z1c", :"26692420_vm_z1c_gce_google"]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 26319700_gce_google (cache)
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 26692420_machine_z1f (cache)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
DEBUG push: finalizing
INFO loader: Set :"26692420_vm_z1f_gce_google" = [["2", #<Proc:0x00000005060c98>]]
DEBUG loader: Populating proc cache for ["2", #<Proc:0x00000005060c98>]
INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:"26319700_gce_google", :home, :root, "26692420_machine_z1f", :"26692420_vm_z1f_gce_google"]
ERROR loader: Unknown config sources: ["26692420_machine_z1c", :"26692420_vm_z1c_gce_google"]
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 26319700_gce_google (cache)
DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 26692420_machine_z1f (cache)
DEBUG loader: Loading from: 26692420_vm_z1f_gce_google (evaluating)
DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
DEBUG push: finalizing
INFO machine: Initializing machine: z1f
INFO machine: - Provider: VagrantPlugins::Google::Provider
INFO machine: - Box: #<Vagrant::Box:0x000000051328d8>
INFO machine: - Data dir: /store/VirtualBox VMs/machines/z1f/google
INFO machine: Calling action: read_state on provider Google (node-1)
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: machine-action-f1ddca29135aa6e43484c9bf02db6094
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: machine-action-f1ddca29135aa6e43484c9bf02db6094
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x0000000332ee68>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000003338620>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000033385f8>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadState:0x00000003a611b8>
INFO read_state: Machine 'us-central1-c:node-1' not found or terminated, assuming it got destroyed.
INFO machine: New machine ID: nil
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadState:0x00000003a611b8>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000033385f8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000003338620>
INFO environment: Released process lock: machine-action-f1ddca29135aa6e43484c9bf02db6094
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
INFO machine: New machine ID: nil
INFO command: With machine: z1c (#<VagrantPlugins::Google::Provider:0x00000002fedf60 @machine=#<Vagrant::Machine: z1c (VagrantPlugins::Google::Provider)>, @cap_logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x00000002fed830 @fullname="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::google::provider", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="provider", @path="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::google", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x0000000289fd58 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x000000028c0198 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x000000028c00d0>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x000000028cb480 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x0000000289fb00 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @cap_host_chain=[[:google, #<#<Class:0x00000002fedf38>:0x0000000304db18>]], @cap_args=[#<Vagrant::Machine: z1c (VagrantPlugins::Google::Provider)>], @cap_caps={:virtualbox=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x00000002fedda8 @items={:forwarded_ports=>#<Proc:0x0000000289e070@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:27>, :nic_mac_addresses=>#<Proc:0x0000000289dee0@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:32>, :public_address=>#<Proc:0x00000003186f98@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-share-1.1.3/lib/vagrant-share.rb:39>}, @results_cache={}>, :hyperv=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x00000002fedcb8 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x000000028aa690@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb:25>}, @results_cache={}>, :docker=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x00000002fedb78 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x000000028bb328@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:54>, :proxy_machine=>#<Proc:0x000000028baf40@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:59>}, @results_cache={}>, :azure=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x00000002feda10 @items={:winrm_info=>#<Proc:0x000000031a3df0@/store/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-azure-1.1.1/lib/vagrant-azure/plugin.rb:43>}, @results_cache={}>}>)
INFO interface: info: Bringing machine 'z1c' up with 'google' provider...
Bringing machine 'z1c' up with 'google' provider...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_state on provider Google (new)
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: machine-action-9341ee9729011c33a25a81a461fba968
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: machine-action-9341ee9729011c33a25a81a461fba968
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005c457e8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005c52d30>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005c52d08>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadState:0x00000005c91cd8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadState:0x00000005c91cd8>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005c52d08>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005c52d30>
INFO environment: Released process lock: machine-action-9341ee9729011c33a25a81a461fba968
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
INFO command: With machine: z1f (#<VagrantPlugins::Google::Provider:0x00000003139388 @machine=#<Vagrant::Machine: z1f (VagrantPlugins::Google::Provider)>, @cap_logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x0000000314a728 @fullname="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::google::provider", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="provider", @path="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::google", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x0000000289fd58 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x000000028c0198 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Mutex:0x000000028c00d0>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x000000028cb480 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x0000000289fb00 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @cap_host_chain=[[:google, #<#<Class:0x000000031391f8>:0x0000000331d208>]], @cap_args=[#<Vagrant::Machine: z1f (VagrantPlugins::Google::Provider)>], @cap_caps={:virtualbox=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x0000000314bd08 @items={:forwarded_ports=>#<Proc:0x0000000289e070@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:27>, :nic_mac_addresses=>#<Proc:0x0000000289dee0@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:32>, :public_address=>#<Proc:0x00000003186f98@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-share-1.1.3/lib/vagrant-share.rb:39>}, @results_cache={}>, :hyperv=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x0000000314b8a8 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x000000028aa690@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb:25>}, @results_cache={}>, :docker=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x0000000314b4e8 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x000000028bb328@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:54>, :proxy_machine=>#<Proc:0x000000028baf40@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:59>}, @results_cache={}>, :azure=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x0000000314b0b0 @items={:winrm_info=>#<Proc:0x000000031a3df0@/store/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-azure-1.1.1/lib/vagrant-azure/plugin.rb:43>}, @results_cache={}>}>)
INFO interface: info: Bringing machine 'z1f' up with 'google' provider...
Bringing machine 'z1f' up with 'google' provider...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_state on provider Google (new)
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: machine-action-f1ddca29135aa6e43484c9bf02db6094
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: machine-action-f1ddca29135aa6e43484c9bf02db6094
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x0000000511f990>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000511c808>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000511c7e0>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadState:0x00000005147080>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadState:0x00000005147080>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000511c7e0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000511c808>
INFO environment: Released process lock: machine-action-f1ddca29135aa6e43484c9bf02db6094
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
INFO batch_action: Enabling parallelization by default.
INFO batch_action: Batch action will parallelize: true
INFO batch_action: Starting action: #<Vagrant::Machine:0x000000026d4140> up {:destroy_on_error=>true, :parallel=>true, :provision_ignore_sentinel=>false, :provision_types=>nil, :provider=>"google"}
INFO batch_action: Starting action: #<Vagrant::Machine:0x00000005c99de8> up {:destroy_on_error=>true, :parallel=>true, :provision_ignore_sentinel=>false, :provision_types=>nil, :provider=>"google"}
INFO machine: Calling action: up on provider Google (new)
INFO machine: Calling action: up on provider Google (new)
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: machine-action-9341ee9729011c33a25a81a461fba968
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: machine-action-f1ddca29135aa6e43484c9bf02db6094
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
WARN environment: Process-lock in use: dotlock
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: machine-action-9341ee9729011c33a25a81a461fba968
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x0000000511ce48>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleBox:0x0000000513f8a8>
INFO handle_box: Machine already has box. HandleBox will not run.
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000051a5838>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000051a57e8>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
INFO environment: Acquired process lock: machine-action-f1ddca29135aa6e43484c9bf02db6094
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005a00e10>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleBox:0x00000005a00ff0>
INFO handle_box: Machine already has box. HandleBox will not run.
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005a404e8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005a404c0>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x000000059871f0>
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005b5f5e0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::IsCreated:0x00000005b5c9a8>
INFO machine: Calling action: read_state on provider Google (new)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005bb1f98>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005bbf490>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005bbf468>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x00000005a84580>
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000003c02440>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::IsCreated:0x00000003de7c38>
INFO machine: Calling action: read_state on provider Google (new)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fb1bd0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fe1740>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fe16c8>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadState:0x00000005c01728>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadState:0x00000005c01728>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005bbf468>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005bbf490>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::IsCreated:0x00000005b5c9a8>
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x00000003e01688>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x00000005a4db48@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Provision:0x00000003e0abe8>
INFO provision: Checking provisioner sentinel file...
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::SyncFolders:0x00000004fb6540>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::WarnNetworks:0x000000050cbed0>
INFO interface: warn: Warning! The Google provider doesn't support any of the Vagrant
high-level network configurations (``). They
will be silently ignored.
INFO interface: warn: ==> z1c: Warning! The Google provider doesn't support any of the Vagrant
==> z1c: high-level network configurations (``). They
==> z1c: will be silently ignored.
==> z1c: Warning! The Google provider doesn't support any of the Vagrant
==> z1c: high-level network configurations (``). They
==> z1c: will be silently ignored.
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::RunInstance:0x000000050cbea8>
INFO interface: info: Launching an instance with the following settings...
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: Launching an instance with the following settings...
==> z1c: Launching an instance with the following settings...
INFO interface: info: -- Name: master
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- Name: master
==> z1c: -- Name: master
INFO interface: info: -- Type: f1-micro
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- Type: f1-micro
==> z1c: -- Type: f1-micro
INFO interface: info: -- Disk type: pd-standard
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- Disk type: pd-standard
==> z1c: -- Disk type: pd-standard
INFO interface: info: -- Disk size: 10 GB
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- Disk size: 10 GB
==> z1c: -- Disk size: 10 GB
INFO interface: info: -- Disk name:
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- Disk name:
==> z1c: -- Disk name:
INFO interface: info: -- Image: debian-7-wheezy-v20150603
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- Image: debian-7-wheezy-v20150603
==> z1c: -- Image: debian-7-wheezy-v20150603
INFO interface: info: -- Zone: us-central1-c
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- Zone: us-central1-c
==> z1c: -- Zone: us-central1-c
INFO interface: info: -- Network: default
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- Network: default
==> z1c: -- Network: default
INFO interface: info: -- Metadata: '{"zone"=>"US Central 1c", "sshKeys"=>["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDnDFqXBeg6R/w5K9hMNhfb/f9Rt5AzFfjVB93ruxL4uGMES0z9d8uFf ....... ubuntu@cis5"]}'
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- Metadata: '{"zone"=>"US Central 1c", "sshKeys"=>["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDnDFqXBeg6R/w5K9hMNhfb/f9Rt5AzFfjVB93ruxL4uGMES0z9d8uFf ....... ubuntu@cis5"]}'
==> z1c: -- Metadata: '{"zone"=>"US Central 1c", "sshKeys"=>["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDnDFqXBeg6R/w5K9hMNhfb/f9Rt5AzFfjVB93ruxL4uGMES0z9d8uFf ....... ubuntu@cis5"]}'
INFO interface: info: -- Tags: '[]'
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- Tags: '[]'
==> z1c: -- Tags: '[]'
INFO interface: info: -- IP Forward:
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- IP Forward:
==> z1c: -- IP Forward:
INFO interface: info: -- External IP:
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- External IP:
==> z1c: -- External IP:
INFO interface: info: -- Autodelete Disk: true
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: -- Autodelete Disk: true
==> z1c: -- Autodelete Disk: true
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadState:0x000000050c85c8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadState:0x000000050c85c8>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fe16c8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fe1740>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::IsCreated:0x00000003de7c38>
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x00000005c2ccc0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x00000005dd7840@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Provision:0x00000005c2cbd0>
INFO provision: Checking provisioner sentinel file...
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::SyncFolders:0x00000005c846a0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::WarnNetworks:0x00000005d06420>
INFO interface: warn: Warning! The Google provider doesn't support any of the Vagrant
high-level network configurations (``). They
will be silently ignored.
INFO interface: warn: ==> z1f: Warning! The Google provider doesn't support any of the Vagrant
==> z1f: high-level network configurations (``). They
==> z1f: will be silently ignored.
==> z1f: Warning! The Google provider doesn't support any of the Vagrant
==> z1f: high-level network configurations (``). They
==> z1f: will be silently ignored.
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::RunInstance:0x00000005d063d0>
INFO interface: info: Launching an instance with the following settings...
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: Launching an instance with the following settings...
==> z1f: Launching an instance with the following settings...
INFO interface: info: -- Name: node-1
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- Name: node-1
==> z1f: -- Name: node-1
INFO interface: info: -- Type: f1-micro
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- Type: f1-micro
==> z1f: -- Type: f1-micro
INFO interface: info: -- Disk type: pd-standard
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- Disk type: pd-standard
==> z1f: -- Disk type: pd-standard
INFO interface: info: -- Disk size: 10 GB
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- Disk size: 10 GB
==> z1f: -- Disk size: 10 GB
INFO interface: info: -- Disk name:
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- Disk name:
==> z1f: -- Disk name:
INFO interface: info: -- Image: debian-7-wheezy-v20150603
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- Image: debian-7-wheezy-v20150603
==> z1f: -- Image: debian-7-wheezy-v20150603
INFO interface: info: -- Zone: us-central1-c
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- Zone: us-central1-c
==> z1f: -- Zone: us-central1-c
INFO interface: info: -- Network: default
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- Network: default
==> z1f: -- Network: default
INFO interface: info: -- Metadata: '{"zone"=>"US Central 1c", "sshKeys"=>["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDnDFqXBeg6R/w5K9hMNhfb/f9Rt5AzFfjVB93ruxL4uGMES0z9d8uFf ....... ubuntu@cis5"]}'
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- Metadata: '{"zone"=>"US Central 1c", "sshKeys"=>["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDnDFqXBeg6R/w5K9hMNhfb/f9Rt5AzFfjVB93ruxL4uGMES0z9d8uFf ....... ubuntu@cis5"]}'
==> z1f: -- Metadata: '{"zone"=>"US Central 1c", "sshKeys"=>["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDnDFqXBeg6R/w5K9hMNhfb/f9Rt5AzFfjVB93ruxL4uGMES0z9d8uFf ....... ubuntu@cis5"]}'
INFO interface: info: -- Tags: '[]'
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- Tags: '[]'
==> z1f: -- Tags: '[]'
INFO interface: info: -- IP Forward:
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- IP Forward:
==> z1f: -- IP Forward:
INFO interface: info: -- External IP:
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- External IP:
==> z1f: -- External IP:
INFO interface: info: -- Autodelete Disk: true
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: -- Autodelete Disk: true
==> z1f: -- Autodelete Disk: true
INFO run_instance: Machine 'us-central1-c:node-1' created.
INFO machine: New machine ID: "node-1"
INFO interface: info: Waiting for instance to become "ready"...
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: Waiting for instance to become "ready"...
==> z1f: Waiting for instance to become "ready"...
INFO run_instance: Machine 'us-central1-c:master' created.
INFO machine: New machine ID: "master"
INFO interface: info: Waiting for instance to become "ready"...
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: Waiting for instance to become "ready"...
==> z1c: Waiting for instance to become "ready"...
INFO run_instance: Time for instance ready: 27
INFO interface: info: Machine is booted and ready for use!
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: Machine is booted and ready for use!
==> z1c: Machine is booted and ready for use!
INFO interface: info: Waiting for SSH to become available...
INFO interface: info: ==> z1c: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> z1c: Waiting for SSH to become available...
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005c20880>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005c47bd8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005c47bb0>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005c86c98>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005c86c98>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005c47bb0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005c47bd8>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
INFO run_instance: Time for instance ready: 31
INFO interface: info: Machine is booted and ready for use!
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: Machine is booted and ready for use!
==> z1f: Machine is booted and ready for use!
INFO interface: info: Waiting for SSH to become available...
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> z1f: Waiting for SSH to become available...
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005f87668>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005f84e90>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005f84e68>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005fd3f18>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005fd3f18>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005f84e68>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005f84e90>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:08:42.084525 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f5ebf8]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.234659 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f5ebf8]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.235323 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f5e25c]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.553925 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f5e25c]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.554335 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f5e25c]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.702640 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.702981 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.703146 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[17ddf74]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.703474 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[17ddf74]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.703848 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.704004 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.704061 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[17ddf74]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.704292 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[17ddf74]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.704346 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[17ddf74]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.704765 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:43.704836 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.034303 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.034643 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.039466 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.039662 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.188742 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.189031 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.192603 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.192784 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.193059 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.194149 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2f24c78]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.194543 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.194691 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.522785 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.523100 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.523434 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2f24c78]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.523864 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.524060 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.886142 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.886468 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.886742 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2f24c78]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.887015 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[2f2b5f0]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.887206 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2f24c78]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.888100 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2f2fdbc]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.888326 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2f2fdbc]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.888827 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2f2f484]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.889312 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:44.889470 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.036222 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.036543 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f5e84c]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.036764 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2f24c78]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.036893 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2f24c78]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000003e977c8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004052fb8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000040527e8>
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:08:38.394566 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f6e260]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.553041 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f6e260]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.558822 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[27809b8]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.724285 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[27809b8]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.724524 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[27809b8]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.870957 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.871245 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.871402 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[278e0f4]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.871628 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[278e0f4]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.871986 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.872110 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.872158 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[278e0f4]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.872375 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[278e0f4]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.872427 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[278e0f4]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.872790 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:45.872858 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.174873 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.175199 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.179755 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.179964 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.327710 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.328063 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.331429 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.331616 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.331888 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.447208 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[17e7a60]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.447597 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.447703 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.663329 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.663743 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.664148 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[17e7a60]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.664594 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:46.664780 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.060275 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.060713 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.060994 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[17e7a60]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.061214 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[1833960]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.061405 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[17e7a60]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.062137 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[1965518]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.062331 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[1965518]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.062837 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[1950154]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.063331 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.063507 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.222111 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.222754 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f75b14]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.223086 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[17e7a60]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:08:47.223230 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[17e7a60]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050330b8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050330b8>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000040527e8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004052fb8>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x000000051da380>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000053055e8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005305520>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:08:48.951070 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[28d2140]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.096219 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[28d2140]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.096664 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[28dfdb8]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.246103 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[28dfdb8]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.246270 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[28dfdb8]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.425324 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.425609 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.425754 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2983580]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.426083 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2983580]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.426650 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.426858 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.426991 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2983580]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.427388 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2983580]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.427502 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2983580]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.428146 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.428293 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.716133 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.716499 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.721025 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.721211 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.867298 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.867608 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.870978 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.871166 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.871417 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.872360 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[303994c]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.872726 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:49.872863 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.198930 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.199394 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.199735 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[303994c]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.200188 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.200359 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.447852 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.448535 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.448860 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[303994c]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.449086 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[3057564]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.449256 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[303994c]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.450197 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[17f0cb4]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.450466 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[17f0cb4]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.451060 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[17eacd8]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.451585 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.451874 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.596199 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.596769 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28d5278]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.597111 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[303994c]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:08:50.597255 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[303994c]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000059f5b50>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000059f5b50>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005305520>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000053055e8>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fe0bd8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fee0a8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fee058>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.268754 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f7b564]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.414123 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f7b564]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.414555 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7aa74]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.562451 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7aa74]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.562593 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7aa74]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.761848 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.762208 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.762365 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7fc04]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.762612 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7fc04]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.762978 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.763113 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.763170 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7fc04]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.763407 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7fc04]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.763456 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7fc04]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.763822 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:51.763893 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.053147 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.053478 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.058408 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.058598 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.205044 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.205304 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.208636 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.208805 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.209072 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.210033 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2308]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.210393 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.210532 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.536152 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.536545 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.536890 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2308]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.537343 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.537517 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.690691 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.691272 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.691575 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2308]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.691776 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27da210]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.691985 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2308]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.692663 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1b24c]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.692836 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1b24c]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.693403 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d1b9cc]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.693883 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.694123 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.838563 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.838992 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7b190]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.839237 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2308]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:08:52.839389 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2308]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050e4778>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050e4778>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fee058>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fee0a8>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005fa6608>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005fdcaa0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005fdca78>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.482474 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2ccfedc]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.630562 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2ccfedc]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.631032 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2cd5fa8]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.781106 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2cd5fa8]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.781223 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2cd5fa8]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.930491 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.930906 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.931197 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd96bc]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.931633 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd96bc]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.932235 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.941056 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.941232 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd96bc]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.941652 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd96bc]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.941755 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd96bc]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.942385 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:54.968200 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.226683 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.227041 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.231457 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.231635 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.380021 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.380325 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.383647 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.383824 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.384106 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.385060 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30caa14]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.385421 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.385565 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.714394 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.714818 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.715207 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30caa14]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.715630 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.715790 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.988539 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.989207 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.989526 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30caa14]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.989725 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[30e6f0c]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.989895 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30caa14]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.990818 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[1982b54]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.991216 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[1982b54]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.991758 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[19270ec]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.992317 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:55.992561 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:56.139365 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:56.139982 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ccf20c]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:56.140292 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30caa14]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:08:56.140440 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30caa14]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000006033440>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000006033440>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005fdca78>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005fdcaa0>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fe0958>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fede78>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fede28>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:08:56.824455 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f741c4]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:56.973468 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f741c4]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:56.973921 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7b848]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.124293 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7b848]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.124449 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7b848]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.306793 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.307241 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.307404 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7a998]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.307649 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7a998]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.308023 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.308164 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.308222 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7a998]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.308463 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7a998]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.308512 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7a998]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.308867 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.308956 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.600988 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.601316 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.606315 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.606530 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.754623 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.754989 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.758409 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.758599 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.758851 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.759836 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2308]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.760233 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:57.760378 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.086808 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.087217 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.087547 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2308]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.087992 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.088174 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.239563 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.239928 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.240127 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2308]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.240238 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27da0a8]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.240337 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2308]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.240723 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1bda0]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.240818 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1bda0]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.241278 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d16440]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.241760 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.241976 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.387787 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.388148 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7bd98]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.388388 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2308]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:08:58.388525 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2308]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050e4480>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050e4480>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fede28>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fede78>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005992910>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000059aa0b0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000059aa038>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.119285 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2983a80]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.267512 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2983a80]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.268005 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2cc3178]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.423765 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2cc3178]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.424027 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2cc3178]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.571371 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.571637 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.571790 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2d8e710]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.572029 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2d8e710]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.572358 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.572477 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.572524 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2d8e710]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.572741 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2d8e710]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.572791 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2d8e710]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.573153 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.573223 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.866671 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.867005 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.871388 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:00.871569 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.020177 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.020524 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.023882 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.024089 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.024349 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.025299 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30d183c]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.025652 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.025797 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.385493 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.386189 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.386576 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30d183c]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.387093 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.387327 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.541238 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.541810 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.542137 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30d183c]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.542345 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[17f195c]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.542521 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30d183c]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.543191 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2f09ef0]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.543358 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2f09ef0]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.543850 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2f0434c]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.544336 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.544520 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.691373 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.691765 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982ba8]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.692030 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30d183c]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:01.692166 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30d183c]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005a009d8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005a009d8>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000059aa038>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000059aa0b0>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x0000000501e1b8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000502c1f0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000502c178>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.208749 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f7e9f8]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.355671 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f7e9f8]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.356221 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f87990]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.505622 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f87990]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.505759 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f87990]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.678219 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.678602 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.678762 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f87080]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.679028 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f87080]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.679380 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.679515 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.679569 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f87080]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.679810 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f87080]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.679864 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f87080]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.680240 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.680319 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.972370 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.972631 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.977481 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:02.977670 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.125548 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.125775 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.129085 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.129263 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.129496 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.130466 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d24d4]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.130835 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.131048 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.457676 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.458039 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.458352 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d24d4]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.458749 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.458912 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.612102 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.612404 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.612624 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d24d4]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.612823 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27da210]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.613052 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d24d4]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.613651 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[27f40d4]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.613825 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[27f40d4]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.614310 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[27f51b4]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.614744 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.614914 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.761385 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.761923 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e50c]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.762262 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d24d4]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:03.762407 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d24d4]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000512b678>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000512b678>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000502c178>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000502c1f0>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x000000059860c0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000599c5f0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000599c5a0>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.499370 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[28f913c]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.645591 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[28f913c]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.646039 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2982bd0]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.798002 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2982bd0]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.798244 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2982bd0]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.944406 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.944671 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.944828 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2dcb9e4]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.945061 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2dcb9e4]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.945396 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.945505 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.945563 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2dcb9e4]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.945781 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2dcb9e4]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.945825 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2dcb9e4]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.946169 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:05.946235 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.236534 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.236854 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.241387 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.241580 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.388579 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.388913 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.392285 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.392470 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.392719 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.393666 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30f6c2c]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.394065 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.394212 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.739389 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.740416 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.740812 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30f6c2c]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.741323 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.741631 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.894521 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.895184 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.895493 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30f6c2c]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.895691 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[198f23c]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.895864 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30f6c2c]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.896580 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2f08af0]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.896759 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2f08af0]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.897281 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2f08f64]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.897787 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:06.897998 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:07.043171 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:07.043569 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2982cac]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:07.043812 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30f6c2c]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:07.043979 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30f6c2c]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005a02300>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005a02300>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000599c5a0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000599c5f0>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fe0d40>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fee328>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fee1e8>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:07.668591 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f86450]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:07.815099 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f86450]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:07.815778 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f8bcfc]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:07.963926 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f8bcfc]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:07.964117 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f8bcfc]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.140640 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.141052 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.141213 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f8ad98]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.141459 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f8ad98]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.141810 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.141963 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.142024 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f8ad98]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.142267 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f8ad98]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.142316 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f8ad98]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.142669 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.142739 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.433399 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.433648 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.438472 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.438658 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.585699 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.585973 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.589267 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.589447 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.589706 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.590657 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2588]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.591057 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.591198 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.916349 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.916653 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.916996 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2588]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.917393 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:08.917555 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.073531 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.074182 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.074491 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2588]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.074693 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27da378]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.074871 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2588]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.076618 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d07184]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.076804 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d07184]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.077374 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d00ed8]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.077872 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.078645 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.223368 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.223749 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f86068]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.224035 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2588]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:09.224180 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2588]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050e4840>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050e4840>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fee1e8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fee328>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005ef5268>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000605e9d8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000605e9b0>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:10.874886 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2cc9884]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.022467 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2cc9884]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.023037 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ccf770]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.173151 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ccf770]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.173294 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ccf770]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.323422 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.323688 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.323829 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd4cc0]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.324171 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd4cc0]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.324632 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.325723 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.325805 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd4cc0]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.326179 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd4cc0]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.326260 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd4cc0]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.326744 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.344020 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.619268 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.619591 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.624014 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.624193 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.772646 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.772928 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.776299 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.776479 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.776741 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.777715 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30e0b84]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.778138 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:11.778288 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.106182 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.106466 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.106687 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30e0b84]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.106916 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.107025 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.323578 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.324294 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.324605 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30e0b84]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.324807 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[3103d14]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.325006 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30e0b84]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.325650 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2f05f44]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.325814 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2f05f44]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.326354 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2efc3e0]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.326855 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.327088 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.474302 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.474567 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8a4c]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.474714 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30e0b84]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:12.474799 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30e0b84]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000609d840>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000609d840>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000605e9b0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000605e9d8>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x0000000501e668>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000502c510>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000502c470>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.076229 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f7b30c]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.223334 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f7b30c]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.223838 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7a790]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.373318 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7a790]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.373461 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7a790]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.544089 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.544482 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.544643 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7f7a4]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.544890 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7f7a4]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.545259 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.545393 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.545452 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7f7a4]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.545693 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7f7a4]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.545742 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7f7a4]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.546125 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.546198 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.838559 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.838818 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.843678 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.843866 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.991876 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.992144 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.995460 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.995626 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.995878 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.996824 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d26b4]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.997270 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:13.997410 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.325676 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.326016 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.326326 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d26b4]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.326721 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.326886 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.479350 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.479639 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.479854 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d26b4]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.480079 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27da490]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.480253 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d26b4]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.480840 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[27f7ba8]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.481048 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[27f7ba8]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.481518 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[27f4b4c]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.481932 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.482111 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.628411 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.628921 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7ae84]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.629257 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d26b4]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:14.629400 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d26b4]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000512b948>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000512b948>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000502c470>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000502c510>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005d27468>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005ea5b28>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005ea5a88>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.288116 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2cc2930]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.433559 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2cc2930]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.434045 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2cc86c8]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.581872 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2cc86c8]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.582035 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2cc86c8]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.727979 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.728400 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.728669 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd5724]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.729116 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd5724]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.729682 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.729902 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.730072 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd5724]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.730466 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd5724]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.730571 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd5724]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.731576 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:16.766291 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.020010 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.020347 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.024785 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.024981 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.171377 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.171639 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.174909 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.175125 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.175384 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.176325 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30784e4]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.176698 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.176832 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.503090 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.503508 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.503848 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30784e4]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.504304 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.504473 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.655527 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.655992 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.656241 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30784e4]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.656453 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[3095df0]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.656632 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30784e4]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.657306 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[30a47c4]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.657480 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[30a47c4]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.657997 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[30a4d50]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.658462 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.658639 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.869531 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.870233 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9d20]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.870544 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30784e4]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:17.870708 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30784e4]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005f22010>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005f22010>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005ea5a88>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005ea5b28>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fb1680>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fe02f0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fe0278>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:18.623341 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f6f2b4]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:18.770384 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f6f2b4]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:18.770833 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f6e968]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:18.920430 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f6e968]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:18.920593 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f6e968]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.135667 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.136089 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.136279 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f75b28]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.136530 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f75b28]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.136918 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.137071 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.137123 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f75b28]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.137362 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f75b28]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.137411 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f75b28]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.137768 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.137841 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.429517 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.429763 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.434594 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.434784 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.582678 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.582918 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.586235 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.586402 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.586662 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.587606 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d25ec]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.587998 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.588140 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.921243 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.921877 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.922278 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d25ec]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.922747 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:19.924260 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.076095 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.076511 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.076751 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d25ec]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.077007 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[2cfb4c4]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.077187 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d25ec]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.077865 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1b7d8]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.078073 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1b7d8]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.078565 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d1bd8c]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.079150 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.079399 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.225274 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.225616 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6eef4]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.225844 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d25ec]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:20.226036 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d25ec]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050d9a58>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050d9a58>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fe0278>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fe02f0>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000006120808>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000006129f48>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000006129f20>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:21.743325 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2cc9168]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:21.889791 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2cc9168]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:21.890322 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ccf3b0]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.039168 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ccf3b0]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.039322 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ccf3b0]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.185533 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.185812 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.185975 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd4748]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.186198 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd4748]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.186536 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.186655 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.186707 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd4748]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.186925 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd4748]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.187006 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd4748]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.187359 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.187430 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.481176 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.481636 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.486576 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.486793 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.634097 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.634424 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.637504 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.637607 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.637725 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.638293 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28a03d4]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.638492 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.638557 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.967717 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.968185 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.968530 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28a03d4]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.968988 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:22.969155 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.123536 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.124019 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.124266 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28a03d4]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.124470 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[2cd9518]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.126985 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28a03d4]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.127586 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2cefa48]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.127756 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2cefa48]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.128267 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2cea160]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.128735 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.128899 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.274415 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.274802 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc8538]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.275044 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28a03d4]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:23.275127 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28a03d4]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000617c978>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000617c978>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000006129f20>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000006129f48>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fe5598>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004ff33a0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004ff3260>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.021099 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2fee780]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.167270 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2fee780]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.167694 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ff3e74]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.316053 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ff3e74]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.316165 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ff3e74]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.462288 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.462622 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.462772 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2ff312c]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.463044 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2ff312c]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.463395 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.463530 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.463581 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2ff312c]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.463819 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2ff312c]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.463868 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2ff312c]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.464250 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.464329 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.754903 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.755193 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.760039 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.760258 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.907836 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.908173 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.911548 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.911724 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.911994 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.912907 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d461c]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.913291 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:24.913433 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.240032 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.240469 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.240826 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d461c]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.241279 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.241454 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.393449 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.393879 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.394246 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d461c]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.394452 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27f1f64]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.394633 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d461c]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.395299 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d32a50]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.395467 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d32a50]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.395992 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d32eec]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.396572 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.396756 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.541904 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.542319 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fee3e8]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.542559 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d461c]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:25.542692 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d461c]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005141ef0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005141ef0>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004ff3260>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004ff33a0>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000006073ae0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000060ad560>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000060ad538>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.152617 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[28f1658]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.300576 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[28f1658]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.301181 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[28f92a4]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.451151 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[28f92a4]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.451292 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[28f92a4]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.608312 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.608593 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.608739 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cc3b78]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.608985 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cc3b78]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.609300 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.609599 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.609801 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cc3b78]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.610243 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cc3b78]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.610337 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cc3b78]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.610970 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.611885 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.903402 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.903771 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.908337 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:27.908523 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.056648 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.056888 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.060213 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.060387 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.060644 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.061616 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[310946c]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.062001 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.062150 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.502230 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.502891 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.503292 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[310946c]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.503779 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.504101 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.656173 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.656709 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.657027 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[310946c]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.657229 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[1b99578]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.657397 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[310946c]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.658074 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2f0466c]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.658246 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2f0466c]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.658755 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2f04b58]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.659297 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.659486 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.805960 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.806368 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28f0758]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.806604 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[310946c]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:28.806745 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[310946c]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000060f0888>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000060f0888>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000060ad538>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000060ad560>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fe0a20>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fedef0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fede78>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.419297 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f7a114]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.565765 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f7a114]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.566281 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7f6dc]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.717299 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7f6dc]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.717479 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7f6dc]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.895133 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.895524 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.895685 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7e570]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.895932 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7e570]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.896296 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.896433 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.896491 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7e570]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.896733 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7e570]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.896781 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7e570]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.897161 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:29.897235 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.187925 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.188302 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.193252 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.193458 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.340698 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.340999 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.344313 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.344490 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.344744 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.345710 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2394]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.346109 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.346255 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.671605 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.671982 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.672301 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2394]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.672709 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.672864 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.847084 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.847710 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.848030 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2394]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.848243 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27da15c]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.848418 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2394]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.850406 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d0710c]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.850598 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d0710c]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.851163 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d01504]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.851646 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:30.869736 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:31.015042 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:31.015416 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7fda8]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:31.015691 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2394]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:31.015832 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2394]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050ebe10>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050ebe10>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fede78>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fedef0>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005e90200>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005f0fd48>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005f0ffa0>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:32.643872 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2cc23f4]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:32.791039 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2cc23f4]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:32.791502 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ccff40]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:32.940168 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ccff40]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:32.940332 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ccff40]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.087688 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.088130 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.088397 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd53c8]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.088837 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd53c8]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.089432 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.089918 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.090040 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd53c8]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.090428 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd53c8]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.090536 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2cd53c8]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.091209 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.124898 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.382104 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.382432 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.386862 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.387061 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.534375 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.534638 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.537824 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.538021 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.538251 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.539170 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[3075d70]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.539527 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.539646 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.868149 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.868567 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.868909 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[3075d70]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.869349 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:33.869504 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.095274 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.095959 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.096286 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[3075d70]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.096507 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[3091cc8]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.096681 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[3075d70]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.097712 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[192060c]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.098064 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[192060c]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.098623 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[1898dec]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.099200 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.099455 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.245191 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.245765 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2cc9460]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.246095 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[3075d70]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.246240 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[3075d70]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005f5a7a8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005f5a7a8>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005f0ffa0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005f0fd48>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fe0b38>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fee058>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fedfe0>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:34.935375 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f747f0]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.081595 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f747f0]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.082162 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7be88]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.230764 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7be88]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.230965 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7be88]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.453324 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.453751 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.453912 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7b118]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.454176 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7b118]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.454534 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.454670 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.454721 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7b118]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.454976 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7b118]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.455026 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7b118]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.455387 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.455462 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.746420 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.746713 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.751597 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.751788 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.898976 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.899297 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.902696 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.902875 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.903149 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.904138 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d24d4]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.904493 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:35.904624 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.232909 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.233298 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.233626 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d24d4]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.234064 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.234233 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.387305 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.387867 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.388200 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d24d4]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.388401 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27da210]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.388586 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d24d4]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.389289 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1be68]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.389459 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1be68]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.389989 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d164e0]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.390474 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.390655 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.535969 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.536329 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74444]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.536555 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d24d4]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:36.536705 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d24d4]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050e4700>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050e4700>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fedfe0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fee058>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x000000060dda08>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000060eaa00>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000060ea9d8>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.065683 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[288ff20]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.212535 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[288ff20]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.213102 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2893e18]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.362056 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2893e18]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.362179 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2893e18]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.508650 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.508927 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.509091 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[289455c]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.509316 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[289455c]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.509648 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.509764 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.509817 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[289455c]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.510080 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[289455c]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.510126 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[289455c]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.510478 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.510542 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.802819 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.803275 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.807796 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.808011 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.955379 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.955655 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.958970 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.959155 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.959399 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.960366 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[311aca8]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.960740 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:38.960890 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.288021 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.288433 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.288777 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[311aca8]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.289219 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.289380 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.457263 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.457914 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.458258 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[311aca8]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.458463 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[313042c]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.458635 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[311aca8]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.459359 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[196926c]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.459549 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[196926c]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.460084 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[193aa20]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.460588 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.460838 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.606686 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.607349 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[288efe4]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.607658 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[311aca8]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:39.607817 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[311aca8]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000612a5d8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000612a5d8>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000060ea9d8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000060eaa00>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fe0610>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fedd38>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fedc98>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.291975 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f6bd1c]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.439411 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f6bd1c]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.439841 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f6b1b4]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.589706 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f6b1b4]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.589835 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f6b1b4]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.752760 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.753163 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.753326 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6a2f0]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.753573 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6a2f0]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.753920 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.754069 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.754131 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6a2f0]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.754372 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6a2f0]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.754421 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6a2f0]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.754787 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:40.754857 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.047263 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.047547 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.052435 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.052622 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.200430 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.200686 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.204004 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.204179 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.204428 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.205403 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2204]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.205772 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.205914 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.533833 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.534139 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.534445 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2204]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.534845 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.535031 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.688404 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.688996 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.689308 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2204]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.689499 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27ddf3c]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.689668 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2204]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.690357 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1bd64]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.690537 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1bd64]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.691055 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d16404]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.691542 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.691742 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.838076 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.838481 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f6b8d0]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.838725 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2204]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:41.838862 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2204]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050e4098>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050e4098>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fedc98>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fedd38>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005fde968>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000006053c90>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000006053c68>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.417966 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[287065c]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.563995 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[287065c]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.564438 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2875c60]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.712686 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2875c60]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.712797 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2875c60]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.881175 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.881597 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.881867 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[287e374]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.882320 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[287e374]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.882887 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.883712 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.883825 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[287e374]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.884262 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[287e374]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.884363 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[287e374]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.884984 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:43.902998 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.174467 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.174808 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.179269 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.179457 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.326858 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.327138 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.330412 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.330588 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.330870 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.331837 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30d471c]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.332257 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.332403 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.658642 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.659080 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.659421 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30d471c]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.659844 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.660045 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.962607 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.963299 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.963605 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30d471c]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.963803 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[30f6358]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.964008 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30d471c]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.964669 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2ee4a60]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.964836 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2ee4a60]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.965354 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2ee4e70]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.965836 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:44.966056 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:45.110920 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:45.111347 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873988]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:45.111594 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30d471c]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:45.111736 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30d471c]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000060930c0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000060930c0>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000006053c68>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000006053c90>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x0000000501e5c8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000502c470>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000502c2e0>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:45.656087 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f64db4]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:45.803329 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f64db4]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:45.803766 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f64210]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:45.953507 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f64210]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:45.953641 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f64210]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.146118 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.146575 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.146737 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6b22c]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.147007 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6b22c]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.147357 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.147490 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.147543 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6b22c]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.147784 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6b22c]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.147833 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6b22c]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.148216 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.148287 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.440925 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.441188 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.445998 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.446187 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.594227 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.594458 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.597744 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.597922 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.598198 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.599152 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d263c]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.599524 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.599645 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.929316 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.929669 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.930048 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d263c]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.930463 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:46.930623 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.094552 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.094867 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.095129 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d263c]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.095322 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27da418]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.095508 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d263c]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.096164 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[27f42f0]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.096349 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[27f42f0]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.096819 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[27f5380]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.097280 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.097435 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.244044 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.244616 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f649f4]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.244929 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d263c]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:47.245098 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d263c]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000512b358>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000512b358>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000502c2e0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000502c470>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005d954e0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005e1e538>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005e1e510>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:48.896933 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2870e7c]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.041633 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2870e7c]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.042174 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2872844]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.189160 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2872844]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.189300 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2872844]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.338346 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.338622 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.338768 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[287ee64]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.339011 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[287ee64]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.339333 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.340781 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.340835 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[287ee64]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.341060 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[287ee64]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.341105 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[287ee64]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.341443 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.341513 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.627694 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.628085 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.632476 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.632656 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.778164 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.778485 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.781870 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.782076 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.782342 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.783280 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30c5a28]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.783643 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:49.783778 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.108467 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.108886 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.109272 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30c5a28]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.109698 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.109865 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.309485 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.310174 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.310497 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30c5a28]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.310701 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[30e03b4]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.310881 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30c5a28]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.311558 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[17f0534]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.311736 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[17f0534]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.312289 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[17eab84]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.312790 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.313127 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.456740 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.457332 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2873f28]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.457703 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30c5a28]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:50.457845 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30c5a28]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005ecb0d0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005ecb0d0>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005e1e510>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005e1e538>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fe1088>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fee468>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fee418>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.139413 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f65700]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.286659 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f65700]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.287185 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f6492c]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.436276 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f6492c]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.436423 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f6492c]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.630774 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.631237 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.631404 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6b858]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.631652 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6b858]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.632022 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.632162 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.632218 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6b858]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.632458 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6b858]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.632507 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f6b858]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.632870 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.632956 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.924797 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.925173 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.930169 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:51.930369 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.078073 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.078368 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.081782 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.081985 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.082259 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.083220 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d26b4]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.083587 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.083719 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.412562 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.412906 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.413256 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d26b4]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.413676 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.413837 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.567854 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.568415 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.568712 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d26b4]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.568913 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27da490]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.569124 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d26b4]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.569788 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1bee0]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.569988 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1bee0]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.570494 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d1656c]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.571008 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.571203 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.717130 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.717539 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f64ecc]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.717793 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d26b4]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:52.717935 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d26b4]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050e4318>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050e4318>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fee418>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fee468>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x0000000610be08>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000061217f8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000061217d0>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.287434 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2814370]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.433035 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2814370]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.433505 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2817f34]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.582066 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2817f34]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.582191 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2817f34]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.729332 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.729618 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.729770 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2818c54]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.730012 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2818c54]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.730346 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.730805 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.730857 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2818c54]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.731108 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2818c54]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.731157 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2818c54]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.731498 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:54.731669 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.024373 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.024831 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.029687 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.029892 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.176252 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.176581 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.179977 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.180157 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.180419 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.181390 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2864370]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.181778 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.181919 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.525213 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.525653 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.526024 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2864370]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.526454 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.526662 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.678503 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.678884 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.679177 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2864370]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.679383 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[28a729c]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.679556 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2864370]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.680191 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2cc2750]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.680365 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2cc2750]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.680841 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2cc372c]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.681310 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.681479 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.826032 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.826614 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28152fc]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.826922 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2864370]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:55.827090 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2864370]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000006170740>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000006170740>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000061217d0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000061217f8>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004ff1fc8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000502a918>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000502a9b8>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:56.571889 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2fd96f0]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:56.718164 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2fd96f0]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:56.718621 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2fd8bec]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:56.867698 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2fd8bec]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:56.867846 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2fd8bec]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.014139 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.014452 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.014603 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fdfe9c]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.014851 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fdfe9c]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.015270 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.015403 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.015460 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fdfe9c]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.015695 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fdfe9c]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.015743 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fdfe9c]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.016154 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.016226 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.307089 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.307378 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.312274 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.312465 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.459379 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.459664 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.463030 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.463215 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.463442 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.464388 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d8f28]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.464755 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.464886 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.791932 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.792408 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.792764 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d8f28]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.793212 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.793394 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.947132 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.947708 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.948033 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d8f28]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.948238 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27f0420]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.948420 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d8f28]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.949096 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d2ee00]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.949268 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d2ee00]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.949805 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d2f440]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.950294 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:57.950500 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:58.105011 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:58.105411 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd9268]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:58.105647 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d8f28]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:09:58.105787 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d8f28]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005133cb0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005133cb0>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000502a9b8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000502a918>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000006114850>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000006121d70>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000006121d48>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:09:59.638101 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[280f5dc]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:59.785176 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[280f5dc]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:09:59.785731 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2814c80]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:59.934607 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2814c80]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:09:59.934815 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2814c80]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.081336 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.081624 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.081771 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[281985c]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.082012 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[281985c]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.082347 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.082468 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.082525 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[281985c]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.082743 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[281985c]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.082787 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[281985c]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.083157 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.083230 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.378989 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.379484 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.384309 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.384533 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.532294 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.532628 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.535980 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.536161 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.536414 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.537393 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28693c0]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.537764 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.537909 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.868141 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.868582 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.868932 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28693c0]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.869384 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:00.869550 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.022399 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.022823 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.023110 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28693c0]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.023316 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[28a7544]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.023484 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28693c0]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.024135 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2cc971c]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.024313 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2cc971c]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.024785 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2cc25ac]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.025276 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.025449 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.172173 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.172761 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e4e8]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.173092 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28693c0]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.173237 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28693c0]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000061640d0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000061640d0>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000006121d48>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000006121d70>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fedc20>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000501d740>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000501d858>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:10:01.921181 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2fd8f34]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.074905 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2fd8f34]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.075447 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2fd855c]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.224237 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2fd855c]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.224388 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2fd855c]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.384970 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.385352 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.385516 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fdf960]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.385762 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fdf960]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.386130 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.386268 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.386323 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fdf960]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.386564 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fdf960]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.386614 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fdf960]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.386993 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.387065 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.677376 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.677721 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.682681 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.682879 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.830046 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.830332 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.833682 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.833847 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.834130 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.835090 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d4db0]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.835470 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:02.835614 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.162312 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.162695 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.163070 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d4db0]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.163500 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.163671 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.317884 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.318460 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.318765 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d4db0]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.318998 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27dc7e0]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.319176 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d4db0]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.319832 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d263e0]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.320039 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d263e0]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.320549 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d279fc]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.321058 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.321243 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.466347 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.466699 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd8afc]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.466923 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d4db0]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:03.467122 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d4db0]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005124080>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005124080>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000501d858>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000501d740>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x000000060c5bb0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000060d2bf8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000060d2bd0>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.014969 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[27f26d0]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.161282 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[27f26d0]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.161744 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[27f4d2c]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.317228 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[27f4d2c]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.317351 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[27f4d2c]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.463261 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.463543 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.463689 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[27f9084]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.463909 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[27f9084]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.464259 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.464378 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.464431 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[27f9084]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.464642 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[27f9084]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.464685 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[27f9084]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.465057 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.465122 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.755808 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.756294 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.760823 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.761060 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.908208 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.908515 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.911881 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.912093 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.912331 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.913312 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[310e9d0]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.913675 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:05.913812 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.241754 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.242244 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.242499 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[310e9d0]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.242796 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.242928 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.395278 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.395776 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.396049 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[310e9d0]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.396255 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[1d1373c]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.396442 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[310e9d0]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.397122 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[27d09a4]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.397304 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[27d09a4]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.397807 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[27d1d2c]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.398275 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.398558 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.544051 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.544626 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f360c]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.544925 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[310e9d0]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:06.545101 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[310e9d0]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000006117870>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000006117870>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000060d2bd0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000060d2bf8>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fe7c08>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fed388>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fed338>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.264346 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f7edb8]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.411586 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f7edb8]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.412087 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7e2f0]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.561720 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7e2f0]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.561849 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f7e2f0]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.725372 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.725746 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.725907 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f873a0]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.726166 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f873a0]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.726519 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.726651 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.726703 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f873a0]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.726957 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f873a0]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.727007 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f873a0]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.727369 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:07.727444 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.021085 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.021474 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.026472 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.026681 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.174795 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.175111 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.178430 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.178610 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.178857 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.179806 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d5508]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.180183 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.180325 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.508317 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.508597 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.508889 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d5508]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.509326 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.509481 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.663301 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.663854 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.664190 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d5508]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.664396 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27dda8c]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.664566 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d5508]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.665240 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1bc4c]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.665415 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d1bc4c]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.665913 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d16378]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.666445 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.666658 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.813090 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.813489 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f7e9bc]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.813733 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d5508]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:08.813869 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d5508]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050eb7f8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000050eb7f8>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000004fed338>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000004fed388>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x000000060c56b0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000610a0a8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000610a080>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.394005 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[27f46b0]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.540514 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[27f46b0]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.541011 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[27f9bd8]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.690508 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[27f9bd8]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.690625 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[27f9bd8]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.837982 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.838262 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.838415 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[280fc08]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.838641 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[280fc08]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.838981 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.839166 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.839219 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[280fc08]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.839434 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[280fc08]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.839478 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[280fc08]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.839815 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:10.996453 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.133887 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.134365 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.139299 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.139972 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.286644 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.287039 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.290393 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.290577 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.290833 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.291797 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[283fd2c]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.292205 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.292345 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.618088 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.618519 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.618867 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[283fd2c]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.619334 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.619508 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.771815 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.772235 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.772473 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[283fd2c]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.772677 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[289446c]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.772848 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[283fd2c]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.773475 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[28df304]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.773657 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[28df304]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.774167 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[28d410c]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.774619 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.774789 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.920242 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.920638 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[27f74a0]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.920826 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[283fd2c]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:11.920909 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[283fd2c]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000006149168>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000006149168>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000610a080>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000610a0a8>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004ff4bd8>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005028320>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005028280>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:10:12.691490 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2fcf204]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:12.838395 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2fcf204]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:12.838845 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2fce6ec]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:12.987543 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2fce6ec]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:12.987679 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2fce6ec]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.148466 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.148830 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.149014 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fd39bc]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.149260 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fd39bc]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.149615 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.149748 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.149799 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fd39bc]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.150055 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fd39bc]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.150105 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fd39bc]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.150470 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.150541 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.441790 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.442158 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.445407 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.445529 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.592906 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.593182 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.596510 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.596684 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.596931 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.597896 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27f1f14]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.598274 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.598413 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.924306 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.924683 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.925034 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27f1f14]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.925451 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:13.925618 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.078173 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.078728 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.079067 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27f1f14]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.079274 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27f6e10]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.079450 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27f1f14]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.080141 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d201c0]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.080321 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d201c0]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.080820 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d209cc]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.081330 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.081508 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.227138 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.227555 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fced90]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.227794 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27f1f14]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:14.227933 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27f1f14]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005127898>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000005127898>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005028280>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005028320>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000006109248>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000061162e0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000061162b8>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:10:15.750870 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[280f0dc]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:15.897396 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[280f0dc]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:15.897927 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[28145c8]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.046735 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[28145c8]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.046871 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[28145c8]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.193104 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.193382 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.193530 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2819140]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.193754 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2819140]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.194109 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.194230 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.194277 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2819140]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.194498 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2819140]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.194545 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2819140]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.194892 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.194974 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.490116 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.490607 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.495432 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.495653 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.643290 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.643651 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.647088 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.647277 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.647517 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.648498 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[284d4a4]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.648880 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.649041 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.974435 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.974880 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.975262 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[284d4a4]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.975696 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:16.975873 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.128336 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.128743 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.129044 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[284d4a4]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.129252 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[289a95c]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.129421 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[284d4a4]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.130046 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[28d29ec]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.130226 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[28d29ec]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.130704 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[28ca5f8]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.131195 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.131350 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.278721 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.279384 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[280e088]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.279689 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[284d4a4]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:17.279839 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[284d4a4]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000006159040>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x00000006159040>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x000000061162b8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x000000061162e0>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004ff0f60>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000502b340>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000502b250>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.031692 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2fd2e40]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.178211 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2fd2e40]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.178687 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2fd2468]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.327359 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2fd2468]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.327501 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2fd2468]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.478543 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.478918 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.479097 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fd9678]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.479346 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fd9678]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.479696 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.479827 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.479879 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fd9678]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.480134 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fd9678]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.480184 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fd9678]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.480544 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.480616 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.771545 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.771832 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.776697 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.776886 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.927411 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.927801 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.931303 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.931506 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.931754 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.932715 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d5db4]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.933102 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:18.933242 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.258784 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.259187 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.259512 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d5db4]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.259922 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.260110 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.411489 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.412057 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.412350 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d5db4]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.412553 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27f6c30]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.412725 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d5db4]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.413406 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d204e0]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.413574 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d204e0]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.414095 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d20b98]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.414573 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.414759 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.560075 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.560447 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2fd2a44]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.560678 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d5db4]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:19.560816 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d5db4]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000511c218>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000511c218>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000502b250>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000502b340>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x0000000613c2b0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000006148fb0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000006148f88>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.117434 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2831204]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.264654 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2831204]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.265223 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[283910c]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.414234 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[283910c]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.414353 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[283910c]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.561450 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.561735 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.561883 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[283c0f0]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.562117 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[283c0f0]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.562783 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.563032 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.563085 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[283c0f0]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.563309 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[283c0f0]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.563353 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[283c0f0]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.563691 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.564879 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.856864 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.857318 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.862110 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:21.862309 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.010411 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.010779 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.014223 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.014408 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.014637 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.015624 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28c2d30]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.016005 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.016137 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.344833 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.345286 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.345637 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28c2d30]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.346091 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.346262 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.500568 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.500976 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.501220 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28c2d30]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.501432 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[2cdedd8]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.501599 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28c2d30]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.502237 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2cee38c]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.502921 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2cee38c]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.503412 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2ceea1c]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.503862 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.504058 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.650374 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.650978 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28300c0]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.651273 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28c2d30]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:22.651418 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[28c2d30]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000061a2330>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000061a2330>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000006148f88>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000006148fb0>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (node-1)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005063038>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000507a210>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000507a0f8>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.349548 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2ff2de4]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.495624 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2ff2de4]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.496085 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ff22b8]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.644663 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ff22b8]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.644783 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2ff22b8]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.795615 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.796029 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.796200 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fffb84]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.796456 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fffb84]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.796806 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.796955 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.797011 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fffb84]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.797253 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fffb84]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.797300 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2fffb84]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.797668 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:23.797737 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.087224 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.087530 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.092353 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.092549 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.238839 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.239160 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.242445 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.242610 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.242823 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.243739 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2816044]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.244109 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.244233 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.570307 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.570620 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.570983 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2816044]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.571394 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.571547 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.733401 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.734008 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.734313 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2816044]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.734512 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[282c330]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.734686 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2816044]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.735357 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d4964c]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.735526 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2d4964c]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.736028 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2d49b24]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.736498 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.736744 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.881623 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.882042 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2ff2984]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.882280 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2816044]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:24.882417 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[2816044]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000053050e8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x000000053050e8>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000507a0f8>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000507a210>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
DEBUG ssh: Checking whether SSH is ready...
INFO machine: Calling action: read_ssh_info on provider Google (master)
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005fdc708>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000605df88>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000605df60>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.492930 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[28a1360]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.639778 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[28a1360]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.640290 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[28a30d4]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.789060 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[28a30d4]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.789202 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[28a30d4]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.949721 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.950134 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.950386 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[28b4604]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.950822 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[28b4604]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.951412 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.952225 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.952342 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[28b4604]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.952733 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[28b4604]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.952839 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[28b4604]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.953478 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:26.953678 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.245059 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.245397 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.249836 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.250037 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.398126 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.398452 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.401801 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.402074 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.402398 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.403416 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30e1a5c]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.403805 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.403981 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.731008 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.731444 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.731792 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30e1a5c]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.732232 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.732398 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.903436 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.904155 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.904514 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30e1a5c]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.904739 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[31038b4]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.904959 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30e1a5c]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.906077 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[195b338]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.906285 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[195b338]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.906864 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[18e343c]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.907418 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:27.907692 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:28.053669 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:28.054247 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[28a03fc]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:28.054547 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30e1a5c]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:28.054695 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[30e1a5c]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000609cdf0>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ReadSSHInfo:0x0000000609cdf0>
INFO connect_google: ...Connected!
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x0000000605df60>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x0000000605df88>
DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa
INFO ssh: Attempting SSH connection...
INFO ssh: Attempting to connect to SSH...
INFO ssh: - Host:
INFO ssh: - Port: 22
INFO ssh: - Username: ubuntu
INFO ssh: - Password? false
INFO ssh: - Key Path: ["/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa"]
INFO interface: warn: Waiting for cleanup before exiting...
INFO interface: warn: ==> z1f: Waiting for cleanup before exiting...
==> z1f: Waiting for cleanup before exiting...
INFO run_instance: Time for SSH ready: 109.79658913612366
INFO interface: info: Machine is ready for SSH access!
INFO interface: info: ==> z1f: Machine is ready for SSH access!
==> z1f: Machine is ready for SSH access!
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000004fe9800>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x0000000503bbf0>
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x000000059bd818>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::DestroyConfirm:0x000000059ca798>
INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::DestroyConfirm:0x000000059ca798>
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x00000005a20ee0>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x00000005b73680@/opt/vagrant/embedded/gems/gems/vagrant-1.7.2/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x00000005a20e18>
INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Google::Action::ConnectGoogle:0x00000005a20df0>
INFO connect_google: Connecting to Google...
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log START ==
DEBUG ssh: D, [2015-07-16T18:10:28.742893 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f74e08]: establishing connection to
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:28.889397 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.session[2f74e08]: connection established
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:28.889891 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f744bc]: negotiating protocol version
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.038739 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f744bc]: remote is `SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.038868 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.server_version[2f744bc]: local is `SSH-2.0-Ruby/Net::SSH_2.9.2 x86_64-linux'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.214251 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: read 984 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.214637 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: received packet nr 0 type 20 len 980
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.214796 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7b76c]: got KEXINIT from server
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.215063 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7b76c]: sending KEXINIT
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.215416 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: queueing packet nr 0 type 20 len 1684
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.215551 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: sent 1688 bytes
I, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.215609 #4055] INFO -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7b76c]: negotiating algorithms
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.215850 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7b76c]: negotiated:
* kex: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
* host_key: ssh-rsa
* encryption_server: aes128-cbc
* encryption_client: aes128-cbc
* hmac_client: hmac-sha1
* hmac_server: hmac-sha1
* compression_client: none
* compression_server: none
* language_client:
* language_server:
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.215899 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.transport.algorithms[2f7b76c]: exchanging keys
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.216290 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: queueing packet nr 1 type 34 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.216363 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.507582 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: read 152 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.507822 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: received packet nr 1 type 31 len 148
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.512653 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: queueing packet nr 2 type 32 len 140
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.512842 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: sent 144 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.660082 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: read 720 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.660329 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: received packet nr 2 type 33 len 700
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.663601 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: queueing packet nr 3 type 21 len 20
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.663783 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: sent 24 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.664067 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: received packet nr 3 type 21 len 12
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.665002 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2560]: beginning authentication of `ubuntu'
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.665387 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: queueing packet nr 4 type 5 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.665543 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: sent 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.991591 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.992097 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: received packet nr 4 type 6 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.992452 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2560]: trying none
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.992885 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: queueing packet nr 5 type 50 len 44
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:29.993085 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: sent 68 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.145698 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.146088 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: received packet nr 5 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.146273 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2560]: allowed methods: publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.146384 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.none[27f176c]: none failed
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.146483 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2560]: trying publickey
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.146869 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2dfb3ec]: connecting to ssh-agent
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.146982 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent[2dfb3ec]: could not connect to ssh-agent
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.147267 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.methods.publickey[2dfb874]: trying publickey (9e:2e:35:bb:58:ec:b2:47:7f:01:7d:01:9b:3f:d7:aa)
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.147532 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: queueing packet nr 6 type 50 len 348
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.147639 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: sent 372 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.293245 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: read 52 bytes
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.293600 #4055] DEBUG -- tcpsocket[2f74a20]: received packet nr 6 type 51 len 28
D, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.293834 #4055] DEBUG -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2560]: allowed methods: publickey
E, [2015-07-16T18:10:30.294032 #4055] ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.session[27d2560]: all authorization methods failed (tried none, publickey)
DEBUG ssh: == Net-SSH connection debug-level log END ==
INFO ssh: SSH not up: #<Vagrant::Errors::SSHAuthenticationFailed: SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private
keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please
verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that
the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.>
INFO interface: error: Exiting immediately, without cleanup!
INFO interface: error: ==> z1f: Exiting immediately, without cleanup!
==> z1f: Exiting immediately, without cleanup!
INFO environment: Running hook: environment_unload
INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
INFO runner: 1 hooks defined.
INFO runner: Running action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x00000005af91f0>
INFO environment: Released process lock: machine-action-9341ee9729011c33a25a81a461fba968
INFO environment: Released process lock: machine-action-f1ddca29135aa6e43484c9bf02db6094
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