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Created January 2, 2020 14:04
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Complete and working sample of CLI
using McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils;
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace CSVUtil
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var app = new CommandLineApplication<Program>(throwOnUnexpectedArg: false);
#region global-argumetns-options
var inputFileOption = app.Option<string>("-i|--input", "Input file to convert"
, CommandOptionType.SingleValue)
var verboseOption = app.Option("-v|--verbose", "Display operation details"
, CommandOptionType.NoValue);
#region convert-command
(convert) =>
var outputOption = convert.Option("-o|--output", "Output File"
, CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
var firstRowOption = convert.Option("-f|--first-row-header", "First row as header"
, CommandOptionType.NoValue);
convert.HelpOption("-? | -h | --help");
convert.OnExecute(() =>
if (verboseOption.HasValue())
Console.WriteLine($"Init process file {inputFileOption.ParsedValue}.");
var inputFile = GetInputFile(inputFileOption);
var outputFile = outputOption.Value()
?? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inputFile);
if (verboseOption.HasValue() && firstRowOption.HasValue())
Console.WriteLine("Find first row as header.");
if (verboseOption.HasValue())
Console.WriteLine($"Convert to {outputFile}.xlsx");
// do the conversation!
#endregion convert-command
#region print-command
app.Command("print", (print) =>
var tailOptions = print.Option<bool>("-t|--tail", "Show n rows from the tail."
, CommandOptionType.NoValue);
var rowOption = print.Option<int>("-r|--rows",
"Number of rows to show", CommandOptionType.SingleValue);
print.HelpOption("-? | -h | --help");
print.OnExecute(() =>
var inputFile = GetInputFile(inputFileOption);
// Zero = all rows
var rows = rowOption.HasValue() ? Math.Abs(rowOption.ParsedValue) : 0;
if (verboseOption.HasValue())
Console.WriteLine(tailOptions.HasValue() && rows > 0
? $"Print {rows} records from the tail."
: $"Print {rows} records from the top.");
// print file
private static string GetInputFile(CommandOption<string> inputOption)
var inputFile = inputOption.ParsedValue;
if (!Path.IsPathFullyQualified(inputOption.ParsedValue))
inputFile = Path.GetFullPath(inputOption.ParsedValue);
//if (!File.Exists(inputFile))
// Console.WriteLine("File not found.");
return inputFile;
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