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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.DerivedPatterns
open System
type Variable = Variable of string
type Expression =
| VarExp of Variable
| Const of float
| Neg of Expression
| Add of Expression * Expression
| Sub of Expression * Expression
| Mul of Expression * Expression
| Div of Expression * Expression
| Pow of Expression * Expression
| Exp of Expression
| Log of Expression
| Sin of Expression
| Cos of Expression
type Equation =
| Equation of Expression * Expression
let parseQuotation quot : Equation =
let rec parseExpr expr =
match expr with
| SpecificCall <@@ (+) @@> (_, _, exprList) ->
let left = parseExpr exprList.Head
let right = parseExpr exprList.Tail.Head
Add(left, right)
| SpecificCall <@@ (-) @@> (_, _, exprList) ->
let left = parseExpr exprList.Head
let right = parseExpr exprList.Tail.Head
Sub(left, right)
| SpecificCall <@@ (*) @@> (_, _, exprList) ->
let left = parseExpr exprList.Head
let right = parseExpr exprList.Tail.Head
Mul(left, right)
| SpecificCall <@@ (/) @@> (_, _, exprList) ->
let left = parseExpr exprList.Head
let right = parseExpr exprList.Tail.Head
Div(left, right)
| SpecificCall <@@ Math.Pow @@> (_, _, exprList) ->
let left = parseExpr exprList.Head
let right = parseExpr exprList.Tail.Head
Pow(left, right)
| SpecificCall <@@ Math.Exp @@> (_, _, exprList) ->
let arg = parseExpr exprList.Head
| SpecificCall <@@ Math.Log @@> (_, _, exprList) ->
let arg = parseExpr exprList.Head
| SpecificCall <@@ Math.Sin @@> (_, _, exprList) ->
let arg = parseExpr exprList.Head
| SpecificCall <@@ Math.Cos @@> (_, _, exprList) ->
let arg = parseExpr exprList.Head
| Var(var) ->
| Int32(n) ->
Const (float n)
| Double(f) ->
Const f
| _ -> failwith (sprintf "not implemented:parseQuotation:%A" expr)
match quot with
| SpecificCall <@@ (=) @@> (_, _, exprList) ->
let left = parseExpr exprList.Head
let right = parseExpr exprList.Tail.Head
Equation(left, right)
| _ -> failwith "invalid"
type Point = Point of x : Variable * y : Variable
type Constraint =
| PointEqual of Point * Point
let ToEquations (eq : Constraint) : Expr list =
match eq with
| PointEqual(Point(ax, ay),Point(bx, by)) ->
<@ ax = bx @>
<@ ay = by @>
let main argv =
printfn "%A" ((ToEquations (PointEqual(Point(Variable "ax1",Variable "ay1"),Point(Variable "bx1",Variable "by1")))) |> parseQuotation)
0 // return an integer exit code
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