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Created May 17, 2023 19:34
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Calling convetions (cdecl, stdcall, fastcall) MSDOS
msg DB "Test calling convertions", 24h
data ENDS
main PROC C
mov AX, data
mov DS, AX
mov DX, offset msg
mov AH, 9h
int 21h
; Cdecl
mov AX, 5h
push AX
mov AX, 10h
push AX
call add_cdecl
add SP, 4h
; Stdcall
mov AX, 2h
push AX
mov AX, 0Ah
push AX
call sub_stdcall
; Fastcall
mov CX, 0Ah
mov DX, 2h
call mul_fastcall
mov AX, 4C00h
int 21h
main ENDP
; ==============================
; cdecl (C declaration):
; In the cdecl calling convention, parameters are typically pushed onto the stack from right to left, and the caller is responsible for cleaning up the stack after the function call. Let's assume the function add is called with parameters a = 10 and b = 20.
; High Memory Addresses
; +------------------+ <- Higher addresses
; | |
; | Parameter b |
; +------------------+
; | |
; | Parameter a |
; +------------------+
; | |
; | Return Address |
; +------------------+
; | |
; | Base Pointer |
; +------------------+
; | |
; | (Caller's |
; | Local Variables |
; | |
; +------------------+
; | |
; | |
; | |
; +------------------+ <- Lower addresses
; int add_cdecl(int a, int b)
add_cdecl PROC C
push BP
mov BP, SP
sub SP, 4h
mov AX, WORD PTR [BP + 4]
mov DX, WORD PTR [BP + 6]
add AX, DX
mov SP, BP
pop BP
add_cdecl ENDP
; ==============================
; stdcall (standard call):
; In the stdcall calling convention, parameters are pushed onto the stack from right to left, and the called function is responsible for cleaning up the stack. Let's assume the function add is called with parameters a = 10 and b = 20.
; High Memory Addresses
; +------------------+ <- Higher addresses
; | |
; | Parameter b |
; +------------------+
; | |
; | Parameter a |
; +------------------+
; | |
; | Return Address |
; +------------------+
; | |
; | Base Pointer |
; +------------------+
; | |
; | (Caller's |
; | Local Variables |
; | |
; +------------------+
; | |
; | |
; | |
; +------------------+ <- Lower addresses
; int sub_stdcall(int a, int b)
sub_stdcall PROC C
push BP
mov BP, SP
sub SP, 4h
mov AX, WORD PTR [BP + 4]
mov DX, WORD PTR [BP + 6]
sub AX, DX
mov SP, BP
pop BP
ret 4
sub_stdcall ENDP
; ==============================
; In the fastcall calling convention, some parameters are passed in registers, usually ECX and EDX, instead of the stack for optimization purposes. Let's assume the function add is called with parameters a = 10 and b = 20.
; High Memory Addresses
; +------------------+ <- Higher addresses
; | Return Address |
; +------------------+
; | Base Pointer |
; +------------------+
; | |
; | (Caller's |
; | Local Variables |
; | |
; +------------------+
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; | |
; +------------------+ <- Lower addresses
; int mul_fastcall(int a, int b)
mul_fastcall PROC C
push BP
mov BP, SP
sub SP, 4h
mov AX, CX
mul DX
mov SP, BP
pop BP
mul_fastcall ENDP
code ENDS
stack SEGMENT PARA USE16 STACK 'stack'
DB 100h DUP(?)
stack ENDS
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