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Created June 29, 2016 17:07
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digraph G2 {
0 [shape="box" color="black" label="[nil]::Undefined>>testInference
Index: 0, Returns: nil"];
0 -> 1;
0 -> 2;
48 [shape="box" color="black" label="[1, 1, 10]::Number>>printWidth:base:
Index: 48, Returns: (*, ?)"];
48 -> 49;
48 -> 50;
77 [shape="box" color="black" label="[5, 1, 10]::Number>>printWidth:base:
Index: 77, Returns: ?"];
77 -> 50;
77 -> 78;
105 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(SmallInt), 1, 10]::Number>>printWidth:base:
Index: 105, Returns: ?"];
105 -> 50;
105 -> 106;
105 -> 107;
105 -> 108;
56 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 1, 1, '-', 1]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:
Index: 56, Returns: *"];
64 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 1, 28, 'array indexing error (index ', 1]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:
Index: 64, Returns: *"];
73 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 1, (SmallInt), (String), 1]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:
Index: 73, Returns: *"];
58 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 2, *, *, 1]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:
Index: 58, Returns: *"];
127 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 29, *, ?, 1]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:
Index: 127, Returns: *"];
66 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 29, *, (*, ?), 1]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:
Index: 66, Returns: *"];
86 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), (SmallInt), (SmallInt), ')', 1]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:
Index: 86, Returns: *"];
75 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), (SmallInt), (SmallInt), ', length ', 1]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:
Index: 75, Returns: *"];
82 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), (SmallInt), *, ?, 1]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:
Index: 82, Returns: *"];
55 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 1, 1, '-']::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:
Index: 55, Returns: *"];
55 -> 56;
63 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 1, 28, 'array indexing error (index ']::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:
Index: 63, Returns: *"];
63 -> 64;
72 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 1, (SmallInt), (String)]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:
Index: 72, Returns: *"];
72 -> 73;
57 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 2, *, *]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:
Index: 57, Returns: *"];
57 -> 58;
126 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 29, *, ?]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:
Index: 126, Returns: *"];
126 -> 127;
65 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 29, *, (*, ?)]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:
Index: 65, Returns: *"];
65 -> 66;
85 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), (SmallInt), (SmallInt), ')']::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:
Index: 85, Returns: *"];
85 -> 86;
74 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), (SmallInt), (SmallInt), ', length ']::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:
Index: 74, Returns: *"];
74 -> 75;
81 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), (SmallInt), *, ?]::Array>>replaceFrom:to:with:
Index: 81, Returns: *"];
81 -> 82;
26 [shape="box" color="blue" label="[(List), Collection>>sort@4#2[][]3]::Collection>>sort:
Index: 26, Returns: (List)"];
26 -> 5;
26 -> 27;
26 -> 28;
26 -> 138;
26 -> 139;
26 -> 141;
26 -> 144;
26 -> 146;
139 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List), Collection>>sort@4#2[][]3]::Collection>>sort:
Index: 139, Returns: (List)"];
139 -> 5;
139 -> 27;
139 -> 28;
139 -> 139;
139 -> 140;
139 -> 141;
139 -> 144;
3 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(Array), Collection>>sort@4#2[][]3]::Array>>sort:
Index: 3, Returns: (Array)"];
3 -> 4;
3 -> 26;
3 -> 147;
2 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(Array)]::Collection>>sort
Index: 2, Returns: (Array)"];
2 -> 3;
147 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List)]::Collection>>asArray
Index: 147, Returns: (Array)"];
147 -> 27;
147 -> 148;
147 -> 149;
108 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(SmallInt)]::Number>>negated
Index: 108, Returns: (SmallInt)"];
108 -> 109;
49 [shape="box" color="black" label="[1]::Number>>negative
Index: 49, Returns: false"];
78 [shape="box" color="black" label="[5]::Number>>negative
Index: 78, Returns: false"];
106 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(SmallInt)]::Number>>negative
Index: 106, Returns: (Boolean)"];
29 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List)]::Collection>>emptyCollection
Index: 29, Returns: (List)"];
29 -> 30;
29 -> 31;
29 -> 32;
4 [shape="box" color="blue" label="[(Array)]::Collection>>asList
Index: 4, Returns: (List)"];
4 -> 5;
4 -> 8;
142 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Link, ((List), *), ?]::MetaLink>>value:next:
Index: 142, Returns: (Link)"];
142 -> 20;
142 -> 22;
142 -> 143;
19 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Link, *, ?]::MetaLink>>value:next:
Index: 19, Returns: (Link)"];
19 -> 20;
19 -> 21;
19 -> 22;
12 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Array>>do:@7#9[][]6, 1]::Block>>value:
Index: 12, Returns: *"];
12 -> 13;
23 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Array>>do:@7#9[][]6, (SmallInt)]::Block>>value:
Index: 23, Returns: *"];
23 -> 24;
39 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Array>>do:@7#36[][]6, 1]::Block>>value:
Index: 39, Returns: *"];
39 -> 40;
130 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Array>>do:@7#36[][]6, (SmallInt)]::Block>>value:
Index: 130, Returns: *"];
130 -> 131;
96 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Array>>do:@7#94[][]6, 1]::Block>>value:
Index: 96, Returns: *"];
96 -> 97;
117 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Array>>do:@7#94[][]6, (SmallInt)]::Block>>value:
Index: 117, Returns: *"];
117 -> 118;
128 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Object>>print@6#34[][]5, ('ERROR', *)]::Block>>value:
Index: 128, Returns: *"];
128 -> 129;
115 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Object>>print@6#92[][]5, ((String), *)]::Block>>value:
Index: 115, Returns: *"];
115 -> 116;
15 [shape="box" color="black" label="[List>>addAll:@4#8[][]3, *]::Block>>value:
Index: 15, Returns: *"];
15 -> 16;
51 [shape="box" color="black" label="['-']::Array>>size
Index: 51, Returns: 1"];
84 [shape="box" color="black" label="[')']::Array>>size
Index: 84, Returns: 1"];
69 [shape="box" color="black" label="[', length ']::Array>>size
Index: 69, Returns: 9"];
60 [shape="box" color="black" label="['array indexing error (index ']::Array>>size
Index: 60, Returns: 28"];
37 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR']::Array>>size
Index: 37, Returns: 5"];
27 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List)]::List>>size
Index: 27, Returns: ?"];
68 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String)]::Array>>size
Index: 68, Returns: (SmallInt)"];
10 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(Array)]::Array>>size
Index: 10, Returns: (SmallInt)"];
28 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List)]::List>>popFirst
Index: 28, Returns: ((List), *)"];
28 -> 29;
145 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List)]::List>>firstLink
Index: 145, Returns: ?"];
144 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List), (List)]::List>>appendList:
Index: 144, Returns: (List)"];
144 -> 27;
144 -> 145;
146 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List), *]::List>>appendList:
Index: 146, Returns: (List)"];
17 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List), *]::List>>addLast:
Index: 17, Returns: *"];
17 -> 18;
8 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List), (Array)]::List>>addAll:
Index: 8, Returns: (List)"];
8 -> 9;
53 [shape="box" color="black" label="[1, *]::SmallInt>>+
Index: 53, Returns: *"];
62 [shape="box" color="black" label="[28, *]::SmallInt>>+
Index: 62, Returns: *"];
50 [shape="box" color="black" label="['-', *]::Array>>+
Index: 50, Returns: (String)"];
50 -> 51;
50 -> 52;
50 -> 53;
50 -> 54;
50 -> 55;
50 -> 57;
125 [shape="box" color="black" label="['array indexing error (index ', ?]::Array>>+
Index: 125, Returns: (String)"];
125 -> 54;
125 -> 60;
125 -> 61;
125 -> 62;
125 -> 63;
125 -> 126;
59 [shape="box" color="black" label="['array indexing error (index ', (*, ?)]::Array>>+
Index: 59, Returns: (String)"];
59 -> 54;
59 -> 60;
59 -> 61;
59 -> 62;
59 -> 63;
59 -> 65;
80 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(SmallInt), *]::SmallInt>>+
Index: 80, Returns: *"];
79 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), ?]::Array>>+
Index: 79, Returns: (String)"];
79 -> 54;
79 -> 68;
79 -> 70;
79 -> 72;
79 -> 80;
79 -> 81;
83 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), ')']::Array>>+
Index: 83, Returns: (String)"];
83 -> 68;
83 -> 70;
83 -> 71;
83 -> 72;
83 -> 84;
83 -> 85;
67 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), ', length ']::Array>>+
Index: 67, Returns: (String)"];
67 -> 68;
67 -> 69;
67 -> 70;
67 -> 71;
67 -> 72;
67 -> 74;
141 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List), ((List), *)]::List>>add:
Index: 141, Returns: ((List), *)"];
141 -> 142;
18 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List), *]::List>>add:
Index: 18, Returns: *"];
18 -> 19;
46 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR', 1]::Array>>badIndex:
Index: 46, Returns: 'ERROR'"];
46 -> 37;
46 -> 47;
46 -> 59;
46 -> 67;
46 -> 76;
46 -> 79;
46 -> 83;
46 -> 87;
137 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR', (SmallInt)]::Array>>badIndex:
Index: 137, Returns: 'ERROR'"];
137 -> 37;
137 -> 67;
137 -> 76;
137 -> 79;
137 -> 83;
137 -> 87;
137 -> 104;
137 -> 125;
103 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 1]::Array>>badIndex:
Index: 103, Returns: (String)"];
103 -> 47;
103 -> 59;
103 -> 67;
103 -> 68;
103 -> 79;
103 -> 83;
103 -> 104;
103 -> 110;
124 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), (SmallInt)]::Array>>badIndex:
Index: 124, Returns: (String)"];
124 -> 67;
124 -> 68;
124 -> 79;
124 -> 83;
124 -> 104;
124 -> 110;
124 -> 125;
36 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR', Object>>print@6#34[][]5]::Array>>do:
Index: 36, Returns: 'ERROR'"];
36 -> 37;
36 -> 38;
138 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List), Collection>>sort:@34#26[1, 2, 0][]29]::List>>do:
Index: 138, Returns: *"];
140 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List), Collection>>sort:@34#139[1, 2, 0][]29]::List>>do:
Index: 140, Returns: *"];
149 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List), Collection>>asArray@15#147[0, 1][1]14]::List>>do:
Index: 149, Returns: *"];
94 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), Object>>print@6#92[][]5]::Array>>do:
Index: 94, Returns: (String)"];
94 -> 68;
94 -> 95;
9 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(Array), List>>addAll:@4#8[][]3]::Array>>do:
Index: 9, Returns: (Array)"];
9 -> 10;
9 -> 11;
43 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR', 1]::String>>basicAt:
Index: 43, Returns: ?"];
134 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR', (SmallInt)]::String>>basicAt:
Index: 134, Returns: ?"];
100 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 1]::String>>basicAt:
Index: 100, Returns: ?"];
121 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), (SmallInt)]::String>>basicAt:
Index: 121, Returns: ?"];
42 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR', 1, String>>at:@5#41[][]4]::String>>at:ifAbsent:
Index: 42, Returns: ('ERROR', *)"];
42 -> 43;
42 -> 44;
42 -> 111;
133 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR', (SmallInt), String>>at:@5#132[][]4]::String>>at:ifAbsent:
Index: 133, Returns: ('ERROR', *)"];
133 -> 111;
133 -> 134;
133 -> 135;
99 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 1, String>>at:@5#98[][]4]::String>>at:ifAbsent:
Index: 99, Returns: ((String), *)"];
99 -> 100;
99 -> 101;
99 -> 111;
120 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), (SmallInt), String>>at:@5#119[][]4]::String>>at:ifAbsent:
Index: 120, Returns: ((String), *)"];
120 -> 111;
120 -> 121;
120 -> 122;
44 [shape="box" color="black" label="[String>>at:@5#41[][]4]::Block>>value
Index: 44, Returns: 'ERROR'"];
44 -> 45;
101 [shape="box" color="black" label="[String>>at:@5#98[][]4]::Block>>value
Index: 101, Returns: (String)"];
101 -> 102;
122 [shape="box" color="black" label="[String>>at:@5#119[][]4]::Block>>value
Index: 122, Returns: (String)"];
122 -> 123;
135 [shape="box" color="black" label="[String>>at:@5#132[][]4]::Block>>value
Index: 135, Returns: 'ERROR'"];
135 -> 136;
41 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR', 1]::String>>at:
Index: 41, Returns: ('ERROR', *)"];
41 -> 42;
132 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR', (SmallInt)]::String>>at:
Index: 132, Returns: ('ERROR', *)"];
132 -> 133;
98 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), 1]::String>>at:
Index: 98, Returns: ((String), *)"];
98 -> 99;
119 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), (SmallInt)]::String>>at:
Index: 119, Returns: ((String), *)"];
119 -> 120;
14 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(Array), 1]::Array>>at:
Index: 14, Returns: *"];
25 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(Array), (SmallInt)]::Array>>at:
Index: 25, Returns: *"];
38 [shape="box" color="black" label="[1, 5, Array>>do:@7#36[][]6]::Number>>to:do:
Index: 38, Returns: 1"];
38 -> 39;
38 -> 130;
11 [shape="box" color="black" label="[1, (SmallInt), Array>>do:@7#9[][]6]::Number>>to:do:
Index: 11, Returns: 1"];
11 -> 12;
11 -> 23;
95 [shape="box" color="black" label="[1, (SmallInt), Array>>do:@7#94[][]6]::Number>>to:do:
Index: 95, Returns: 1"];
95 -> 96;
95 -> 117;
109 [shape="box" color="black" label="[0, (SmallInt)]::SmallInt>>-
Index: 109, Returns: (SmallInt)"];
107 [shape="box" color="black" label="[1, 1]::SmallInt>>-
Index: 107, Returns: 0"];
143 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Link, (Link), 1, ((List), *)]::MetaObject>>in:at:put:
Index: 143, Returns: *"];
21 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Link, (Link), 1, *]::MetaObject>>in:at:put:
Index: 21, Returns: *"];
22 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Link, (Link), 2, ?]::MetaObject>>in:at:put:
Index: 22, Returns: *"];
7 [shape="box" color="black" label="[List, (List), 2, 0]::MetaObject>>in:at:put:
Index: 7, Returns: *"];
114 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Char, (Char), 1, ?]::MetaObject>>in:at:put:
Index: 114, Returns: *"];
112 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Char, ?]::MetaChar>>basicNew:
Index: 112, Returns: *"];
112 -> 113;
112 -> 114;
89 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Char]::MetaChar>>newline
Index: 89, Returns: *"];
89 -> 90;
88 [shape="box" color="black" label="[String]::MetaString>>newline
Index: 88, Returns: *"];
88 -> 89;
47 [shape="box" color="black" label="[1]::Number>>printString
Index: 47, Returns: (*, ?)"];
47 -> 48;
76 [shape="box" color="black" label="[5]::Number>>printString
Index: 76, Returns: ?"];
76 -> 77;
35 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR']::String>>printString
Index: 35, Returns: 'ERROR'"];
31 [shape="box" color="black" label="[List]::Class>>printString
Index: 31, Returns: *"];
104 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(SmallInt)]::Number>>printString
Index: 104, Returns: ?"];
104 -> 105;
93 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String)]::String>>printString
Index: 93, Returns: (String)"];
33 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR']::Object>>printNl
Index: 33, Returns: 'ERROR'"];
33 -> 34;
33 -> 89;
91 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String)]::Object>>printNl
Index: 91, Returns: (String)"];
91 -> 89;
91 -> 92;
34 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR']::Object>>print
Index: 34, Returns: 'ERROR'"];
34 -> 35;
34 -> 36;
92 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String)]::Object>>print
Index: 92, Returns: (String)"];
92 -> 93;
92 -> 94;
87 [shape="box" color="black" label="['ERROR', (String)]::Object>>error:
Index: 87, Returns: ?"];
87 -> 33;
87 -> 88;
87 -> 91;
32 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List), *]::Object>>error:
Index: 32, Returns: ?"];
32 -> 33;
32 -> 88;
110 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String), (String)]::Object>>error:
Index: 110, Returns: ?"];
110 -> 33;
110 -> 88;
110 -> 91;
52 [shape="box" color="black" label="['-']::Object>>class
Index: 52, Returns: String"];
61 [shape="box" color="black" label="['array indexing error (index ']::Object>>class
Index: 61, Returns: String"];
30 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(List)]::Object>>class
Index: 30, Returns: List"];
70 [shape="box" color="black" label="[(String)]::Object>>class
Index: 70, Returns: String"];
111 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Char, ?]::MetaChar>>new:
Index: 111, Returns: *"];
111 -> 112;
90 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Char, 10]::MetaChar>>new:
Index: 90, Returns: *"];
71 [shape="box" color="black" label="[String, (SmallInt)]::MetaString>>new:
Index: 71, Returns: (String)"];
54 [shape="box" color="black" label="[String, *]::MetaString>>new:
Index: 54, Returns: (String)"];
148 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Array, ?]::MetaArray>>new:
Index: 148, Returns: (Array)"];
1 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Array, 10]::MetaArray>>new:
Index: 1, Returns: (Array)"];
20 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Link]::Class>>new
Index: 20, Returns: (Link)"];
6 [shape="box" color="blue" label="[List]::Class>>new
Index: 6, Returns: (List)"];
5 [shape="box" color="black" label="[List]::MetaList>>new
Index: 5, Returns: (List)"];
5 -> 6;
5 -> 7;
113 [shape="box" color="black" label="[Char]::Class>>new
Index: 113, Returns: (Char)"];
13 [shape="box" color="red" label="[1]::Array>>do:@7#9[][]6
Index: 13, Returns: *"];
13 -> 14;
13 -> 15;
24 [shape="box" color="red" label="[(SmallInt)]::Array>>do:@7#9[][]6
Index: 24, Returns: *"];
24 -> 15;
24 -> 25;
40 [shape="box" color="red" label="[1]::Array>>do:@7#36[][]6
Index: 40, Returns: *"];
40 -> 41;
40 -> 128;
131 [shape="box" color="red" label="[(SmallInt)]::Array>>do:@7#36[][]6
Index: 131, Returns: *"];
131 -> 128;
131 -> 132;
97 [shape="box" color="red" label="[1]::Array>>do:@7#94[][]6
Index: 97, Returns: *"];
97 -> 98;
97 -> 115;
118 [shape="box" color="red" label="[(SmallInt)]::Array>>do:@7#94[][]6
Index: 118, Returns: *"];
118 -> 115;
118 -> 119;
129 [shape="box" color="red" label="[('ERROR', *)]::Object>>print@6#34[][]5
Index: 129, Returns: *"];
116 [shape="box" color="red" label="[((String), *)]::Object>>print@6#92[][]5
Index: 116, Returns: *"];
16 [shape="box" color="red" label="[*]::List>>addAll:@4#8[][]3
Index: 16, Returns: *"];
16 -> 17;
45 [shape="box" color="red" label="[]::String>>at:@5#41[][]4
Index: 45, Returns: 'ERROR'"];
45 -> 46;
102 [shape="box" color="red" label="[]::String>>at:@5#98[][]4
Index: 102, Returns: (String)"];
102 -> 103;
123 [shape="box" color="red" label="[]::String>>at:@5#119[][]4
Index: 123, Returns: (String)"];
123 -> 124;
136 [shape="box" color="red" label="[]::String>>at:@5#132[][]4
Index: 136, Returns: 'ERROR'"];
136 -> 137;
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