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Created September 11, 2024 06:54
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Script to find specific bluetooth controllers and monitor their idle time for disconneciton.
#!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -u
Script to automatically disable the bluetooth gamepad when
there is no activity for a specified time. It matches /dev/input
with bluetooth mac addresses for DS3 controllers to force a BT disconnect.
This is necessary, because DS3 timeout cannot be configured without a PS3
due to a proprietary timeout implementation by Sony.
use -m or --maxidletime command to set idle time between 1s and 10800s (3h)
the default is 3600s (1h)
Modify specfic_names list to include any other controllers that need monitoring.
Мake the script executable and add it to autorun in desktop mode
or better yet a systemctl service to recover it if it crashes.
###### Service Setup ######
File |
Description=jstimeout daemon auditd.service
ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 10
Commands |
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --user jstimeout.service
systemctl start --user jstimeout.service
import struct
from datetime import datetime as dt
import sys
import os
import select
import time
from threading import Thread, Event
import argparse
# List of known devices to query from /proc/bus/input/devices
specific_names = ["Sony PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller", "Sony Computer Entertainment Wireless Controller"]
# Dictionary to keep track of running threads by their uniq identifier and dev path
running_threads = {}
# Argument parser to accept maxidletime from command line
def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Bluetooth gamepad idle disconnect script.")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--maxidletime', type=int, default=3600,
help='Maximum idle time in seconds before disconnecting. Must be between 1 and 10800 seconds.')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Validate maxidletime
if not (1 <= args.maxidletime <= 10800):
print("Error: maxidletime must be a number between 1 and 10800 seconds.")
return args.maxidletime
# Function to parse /proc/bus/input/devices and return matching devices with "js" handler and uniq field
def parse_input_devices(specific_names):
devices = []
current_device = {}
with open("/proc/bus/input/devices", "r") as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
# Identify the device name
if line.startswith("N: Name="):
device_name = line.split('=')[1].strip('"')
current_device['name'] = device_name
# Identify the uniq field
elif line.startswith("U: Uniq="):
uniq = line.split('=')[1].strip()
current_device['uniq'] = uniq
# Identify the handler
elif line.startswith("H: Handlers="):
handlers = line.split('=')[1].strip().split()
current_device['handlers'] = handlers
# End of a device block, add to list if it matches specific names and has "js" in handlers
elif line == "":
if ('name' in current_device and
current_device['name'] in specific_names and
'uniq' in current_device and
any("js" in handler for handler in current_device['handlers'])):
current_device = {}
return devices
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Error: Unable to open /proc/bus/input/devices. Are you running this on a system with /proc available?")
return []
# Input checker function that listens for device events
def input_checker(dev, uniq_and_dev, device_event):
while os.path.exists(dev):
while True:
EVENT_SIZE = struct.calcsize("llHHI")
file = open(dev, "rb")
while True:
r, w, e =[file], [], [], 0)
if file in r:
event =
struct.unpack("llHHI", event)
# commenting out to de-clutter journalctl logs
# print(f"movement detected for {uniq_and_dev}")
# Clean up and remove from running_threads when done
if uniq_and_dev in running_threads:
del running_threads[uniq_and_dev]
# Timer function to disconnect device if idle for too long
def timer(devid, maxidletime, dev, uniq_and_dev, device_event):
currtime =
prevtime = currtime
while True:
currtime =
if os.path.exists(dev):
if device_event.is_set():
# commenting out to de-clutter journalctl logs
# print(f"date updated for {uniq_and_dev}")
prevtime = currtime
if (currtime - prevtime).total_seconds() >= maxidletime:
print(f"Device {uniq_and_dev} has been idle for {maxidletime} seconds, disconnecting...")
os.system(f"echo disconnect {devid} | bluetoothctl")
os.system("echo exit | bluetoothctl")
# Clean up and remove from running_threads when done
if uniq_and_dev in running_threads:
del running_threads[uniq_and_dev]
# Main function to initiate threads for matching devices
def start_threads_for_devices(devices, maxidletime):
global running_threads
for device in devices:
for handler in device['handlers']:
if handler.startswith('js'): # Ensure the handler is a joystick
dev_path = f"/dev/input/{handler}"
uniq_and_dev = (device['uniq'], dev_path)
# Check if a thread is already running for this device's uniq and dev_path
if uniq_and_dev not in running_threads:
print(f"Starting threads for device: {device['name']} (Handler: {dev_path}, Uniq: {device['uniq']})")
# Create a per-device event
device_event = Event()
# Start input checker thread
t1 = Thread(target=input_checker, args=(dev_path, uniq_and_dev, device_event))
# Start timer thread
t2 = Thread(target=timer, args=(device['uniq'], maxidletime, dev_path, uniq_and_dev, device_event))
# Track the running threads by (uniq, dev_path)
running_threads[uniq_and_dev] = {'input_checker': t1, 'timer': t2}
# Periodically query for new devices and start threads if needed
def query_devices_periodically(maxidletime):
global running_threads
while True:
devices = parse_input_devices(specific_names)
if devices:
start_threads_for_devices(devices, maxidletime)
# commented out to minimize journalctl clutter
# print(f"No devices found matching names: {specific_names}")
pass # nop cause not printing
# Check for new devices every 5 seconds
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get maxidletime from command-line arguments
maxidletime = parse_arguments()
print(f"Starting Joystick Idle Monitoring w/ Idle Cutoff of {maxidletime / 60} minutes")
# Start querying devices in a loop
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