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Created March 22, 2022 00:19
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A Pre EIP-1559 MEV/Multicall in pure Yul integrated with ApeBank and with Native GasTokens
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
object "Multicall" {
code {
// Deploy the contract
// Store gas token burn cost in zero slot
sstore(0, 0)
sstore(1, 0)
sstore(2, 0)
datacopy(0x0, dataoffset("MulticallRuntime"), datasize("MulticallRuntime"))
return(0x0, datasize("MulticallRuntime"))
object "MulticallRuntime" {
/* V2 TODOs
TODO(Consider zero decoding/encoding calldata for a gas savings)
TODO(Basefee gas futures)
code {
/* External functions */
switch selector()
case 0xb3a59b29 /* ostium(uint256[] calldata) external onlyOwner payable */
// Ensure data is in the shape of a uint256[>1]
if iszero(lt(0x64, calldatasize())) {
if iszero(eq(0x64, calldatasize())) {
revert_msg("Input must be a u256 of len >= 1")
// Decode input array
let index := calldataload(0x4)
// The length of the array is the first word after the signature
index := add(method_offset(), index)
let len := calldataload(index)
// Increment the index to the first data word
index := increment(index)
// Start the multicall
adMulticall(index, len)
case 0xb3ab0995 /* function largeApeCallback(address sender, uint wethToReturn, uint wbtcToReturn, uint daiToReturn, uint usdcToReturn, uint usdtToReturn, bytes calldata data) */
// Require sender is owner
require(eq(decodeAddress(0x0), owner()), "Unauthorized sender")
// Require caller is Ape Bank
require(eq(caller(), ape_bank()), "Unauthorized caller")
// Decode input array
let index := 0x124
// Here is the length of the uint256[]
let len := calldataload(index)
// Increment the index to the first data word of the uint256[]
index := increment(index)
// Start the multicall
adMulticall(index, len)
// Repay loan
let ethToReturn := callvalue()
if ethToReturn {
transfer_ether(ethToReturn, ape_bank())
let wethToReturn := decodeUint(0x20)
if gt(wethToReturn, zero()) {
transfer_ierc20(weth(), ape_bank(), wethToReturn)
let wbtcToReturn := decodeUint(0x40)
if gt(wbtcToReturn, zero()) {
transfer_ierc20(wbtc(), ape_bank(), wbtcToReturn)
let daiToReturn := decodeUint(0x60)
if gt(daiToReturn, zero()) {
transfer_ierc20(dai(), ape_bank(), daiToReturn)
let usdcToReturn := decodeUint(0x80)
if gt(usdcToReturn, zero()) {
transfer_ierc20(usdc(), ape_bank(), usdcToReturn)
let usdtToReturn := decodeUint(0xA0)
if gt(usdtToReturn, zero()) {
transfer_ierc20(usdt(), ape_bank(), usdtToReturn)
case 0xf3fef3a3 /* function withdraw(address token, uint256 amount) external onlyOwner */
withdraw(decodeAddress(zero()), decodeUint(word()))
case 0x47e7ef24 /* function deposit(address token, uint256 amount) external onlyOwner payable */
deposit(decodeAddress(zero()), decodeUint(word()))
case 0x70a08231 /* function balanceOf(address token) external view returns (uint256)*/
let token := decodeAddress(zero())
let ptr, tail := balanceOf(token, address())
return(ptr, tail)
case 0xd3ad716d /* function eth_to_weth(uint256 amount) external onlyOwner payable */
case 0x48a81ef9 /* function weth_to_eth(uint256 amount) external onlyOwner */
case 0xa0712d68 /* function mint(uint256 amount) external onlyOwner */
case 0xd8ccd0f3 /* function free(uint256 amount) external onlyOwner */
case 0xf292f1be /* function freeCost() external*/
let cost := freeCost()
let ptr, tail := obj_allocate(word())
mstore(ptr, cost)
return(ptr, tail)
case 0xf93f20d8 /* function gasTokenBalance() external*/
let bal := gasTokenBalance()
let ptr, tail := obj_allocate(word())
mstore(ptr, bal)
return(ptr, tail)
case 0xec01e0b7 /* function updateFreeCost(uint256) external onlyOwner */
default {
// Stop on undefined method
/* Main loop and helpers */
function adMulticall(index, len) {
// Turn on the money printer
let gas_start := gas()
let start := index
// The first data word is our multicall header
// Parse the multi call header
// The format is as follows (native endian):
// 1: bool pay_with_weth
// 2: bool burn_gastoken
// Bits 64-128: uint64 desired_block (block number)
// Bits 128-256: uint128 eth_to_coinbase (amount in wei)
let multiCallHeader := calldataload(index)
index := increment(index)
if lt(calldatasize(), add(start, mul(len, word()))) {
revert_msg("Incorrect data size")
{ let end:= add(start, mul(len, word())) }
lt(index, end)
{ index := increment(index) }
// TODO(Implement 8 8 byte pointer array for call return data objects)
let header := calldataload(index)
// Call Data Format
// uint256 txHeader
// Option<uint256 value>
// Option<bytes txData>
// A MethodID to call
// B Differentiates call type:
// For now: 0 = call
// 1 = assert_balance_output
// Later:
// Bit 1: call/delegatecall
// Bit 2: novalue/valuetransfer_call
// Bit 3: norevert/allowrevert
// Bit 4: assert_balance_output
// C Pointer number 1-4 (allowing for 15 in future release) of where output for this
// call should be saved for use in a future call.
// D Length, in words, of the output to store to pointer at C
// E Length, in words, of the input blob
// F Internal Call Code - to access private functions
// G Internal token address - to load target contract address from a stored constant.
// H Gas limit
// I Target contract address
// TODO(Process call)
// let pointerNumber := and(shr(194, header), 0xf)
// let internalCall := and(shr(172, header), 0xff)
// let gasAllowance := and(shr(160, header), 0xffffff)
// I cut a bunch of these desirable features to reach a V1 of this code faster.
index := increment(index)
let value := 0
// If callType is call with input data and value
switch and(shr(198, header), 0xf)
case 0 {
let input_size := mul(and(shr(180, header), 0xff), word())
let ptr, new_index, tail := build_call(decodeMethod(header), index, input_size)
// Make call
let success := call(gas(), and(header, addressShape()), value, ptr, sub(tail, ptr), ptr, mul(and(shr(188, header), 0xff), word()))
if iszero(success) { revert_forward(ptr) }
// Let's make the index one word less to account for the end of loop increment
index := decrement(new_index)
// Value transfer call
case 1 {
// Load the value word
value := calldataload(index)
index := increment(index)
let input_size := mul(and(shr(180, header), 0xff), word())
let ptr, new_index, tail := build_call(decodeMethod(header), index, input_size)
// Make call
let success := call(gas(), and(header, addressShape()), value, ptr, sub(tail, ptr), ptr, mul(and(shr(188, header), 0xff), word()))
if iszero(success) { revert_forward(ptr) }
// Let's make the index one word less to account for the end of loop increment
index := decrement(new_index)
case 2 {
// callType is assert balance
let balance_ptr, balance_tail := balanceOf(and(header, addressShape()), address())
let expected := calldataload(index)
// Require balance greater than or equal to expected.
require(iszero(lt(expected, mload(balance_ptr))), "Balance too low")
case 3 {
// callType is assert owner balance
let balance_ptr, balance_tail := balanceOf(and(header, addressShape()), owner())
let expected := calldataload(index)
// Require balance greater than or equal to expected.
require(iszero(lt(expected, mload(balance_ptr))), "Balance too low")
// Check block number
// Burn gastoken, withdraw weth if needed, bribe coinbase if needed
pay_miner(multiCallHeader, gas_start)
function build_call(method, index, size) -> ptr, new_index, tail {
// Load the input data to memory
ptr := allocate_unbounded()
// Encode method to memory
mstore(ptr, encodeMethod(method))
// Set offset
tail := add(ptr, method_offset())
{ let end:= add(index, size) }
lt(index, end)
{ index := increment(index) }
mstore(tail, calldataload(index))
tail := add(tail, word())
new_index := index
function timekeeping(header) {
// This is for uncle/time bandit protection
// If the timekeeping flag (0x10) is set
// Parse desired block number
let desired_block := sixtyFourBitMask(shr(64, header))
if iszero(eq(desired_block, zero())) {
// Require that we are in desired block
require(eq(number(), desired_block), "Mined in wrong block.")
function pay_miner(header, gas_start) {
// Get value of eth to send to miner
let eth_to_coinbase := oneTwentyEightBitMask(shr(128, header))
// Check if we are paying with weth
if gt(eth_to_coinbase, zero()) {
if and(shr(1, header), 1) {
// Burn gastoken if needed and get the cost
let amount, cost := calculate_burn(header, gas_start)
// Correct the miner payment for gas burn cost
switch gt(eth_to_coinbase, cost)
case 1 {
eth_to_coinbase := sub(eth_to_coinbase, cost)
case 0 {
eth_to_coinbase := zero()
// Send funds to miner, checking again to see if we need to send any.
if gt(eth_to_coinbase, zero()) {
transfer_ether(coinbase(), eth_to_coinbase)
function calculate_burn(header, gas_start) -> amount, cost {
// Last of all, burn tokens if required (0x4) to reduce the gas cost.
// EIP-3529
// V3 consideration: This will be gone because of London hard fork.
// Will be based on basefee and v3 could implement a native gas future.
// TODO(Imelpment)
cost := zero()
if and(shr(2, header), 1) {
// Let's say on average, that our data is 70% zeroes, so split the diff between 16 and 4
let initial_gas := add(21000, mul(16, calldatasize()))
// Initial call cost gas, plus gas used from the start, less gas remaining, also account for sstore for free cost
let gas_used := add(sub(add(initial_gas, gas_start), gas()), 24205)
// If we are wrapped in a flash loan
if iszero(eq(caller(), owner())) {
// Then we should add about 30k gas to cover the call
gas_used := add(gas_used, 31000)
// This accounts for the burn cost per token
amount := div(gas_used, 24954)
cost := mul(amount, freeCost())
/* Fund management */
// Returns the balanceOf(token) as a memory object
function balanceOf(token, addy) -> ptr, tail {
// Get an unbounded pointer
ptr := allocate_unbounded()
switch eq(token, eth())
case 0 // Return the IERC20 token balance of this address
// Store the method signature for balanceOf(address)
mstore(ptr, encodeMethod(0x70a08231))
mstore(add(ptr, method_offset()), addy)
// Get balance from contract
let success := staticcall(gas(), token, ptr, 0x24, ptr, word())
if iszero(success) { revert_forward(ptr) }
case 1 // Return the eth balance of this address
mstore(ptr, selfbalance())
// We are returning 32 bytes (uint256)
tail := finalize_allocate(ptr, word())
// Deposits amount of token
function deposit(token, amount){
// TODO(Make this work)
switch iszero(callvalue())
case 1 // Transfer IERC20 from owner account to this address
if eq(token, eth()) { revert_msg("Eth must be sent with callvalue") }
transfer_ierc20_from(token, owner(), address(), amount)
case 0 // Return the eth balance of this address
if iszero(callvalue()) {
// Zero amount
revert_msg("Wei sent must be > 0")
function deposit_to_weth(amount) {
// Allocate 64 bytes
let ptr := allocate_unbounded()
// Store the method signature for deposit(uint256)
mstore(ptr, encodeMethod(0xb6b55f25))
// TODO(Set a gas limit here ?)
let success := call(gas(), weth(), amount, ptr, method_offset(), ptr, zero())
if iszero(success) { revert_forward(ptr) }
// We don't need a free, because we never finalized the allocation
function transfer_ether(dest, amount) {
// Could make sense, but messes with testing.
//if iszero(dest) {
// Zero address
// revert(0, 0)
if iszero(amount) {
// Zero amount
revert_msg("Wei amount must be > 0")
// Allocate 0 bytes
let ptr := allocate_unbounded()
// gas use allowed, miner address, wei to miner, zero bytes input data,
let success := call(gas(), dest, amount, ptr, zero(), ptr, zero())
// If the tx didn't send, we should revert.
if iszero(success) { revert_forward(ptr) }
// We don't need a free, because we never finalized the allocation
function transfer_ierc20(token, dest, amount) {
if iszero(amount) {
// Zero amount
revert(0, 0)
let ptr := allocate_unbounded()
// Store the method signature for transfer(address,uint256)
mstore(ptr, encodeMethod(0xa9059cbb))
mstore(add(ptr, method_offset()), dest)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x24), amount)
let success := call(gas(), token, zero(), ptr, 0x44, ptr, word())
if iszero(success) { revert_forward(ptr) }
require(eq(mload(ptr), 1), "ERC20 Transfer failed")
// We never finalized the allocation, so we have nothing to free
function transfer_ierc20_from(token, source, dest, amount) {
if iszero(amount) {
// Zero amount
let ptr
revert_msg("Amount must be >= 1 wei")
let ptr := allocate_unbounded()
// Store the method signature for transferFrom(address,address,uint256)
mstore(ptr, encodeMethod(0x23b872dd))
mstore(add(ptr, method_offset()), source)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x24), dest)
mstore(add(ptr, 0x44), amount)
let success := call(gas(), token, zero(), ptr, 0x64, ptr, word())
if iszero(success) { revert_forward(ptr) }
require(eq(mload(ptr), 1), "ERC20 TransferFrom failed")
// We never finalized the allocation, so we have nothing to free
// Transfers amount of token to contract owner
function withdraw(token, amount){
switch eq(token, eth())
case 0 // Send IERC20 token to ower
transfer_ierc20(token, owner(), amount)
case 1 // Send eth to owner
transfer_ether(owner(), amount)
function withdraw_from_weth(amount) {
// Allocate 64 bytes
let ptr := allocate_unbounded()
// Store the method signature for withdraw(uint256)
mstore(ptr, encodeMethod(0x2e1a7d4d))
mstore(add(ptr, method_offset()), amount)
// TODO(Set a gas limit here ?)
let success := call(gas(), weth(), zero(), ptr, 0x24, ptr, zero())
if iszero(success) { revert_forward(ptr) }
// We don't need a free, because we never finalized the allocation
// Mint Native Gastoken
function mint(amount) {
require(gt(amount, zero()), "Amount must be > 0.")
let bal := gasTokenBalance()
let indexSlot := add(gasTokenStartSlot(), bal)
{ let endSlot:= add(indexSlot, amount) }
lt(indexSlot, endSlot)
{ indexSlot := add(indexSlot, 1)}
sstore(indexSlot, 1)
// Update cost basis based on the rough cost of creation * 2
updateCost(mul(gasprice(), 20046))
sstore(gasTokenBalanceSlot(), add(bal, amount))
// Burn Chi Gastoken
function free(amount) {
let bal := gasTokenBalance()
require(iszero(gt(amount, bal)), "Amount > bal.")
let indexSlot := sub(add(gasTokenStartSlot(), bal), 1)
{ let endSlot:= sub(indexSlot, amount) }
gt(indexSlot, endSlot)
{ indexSlot := sub(indexSlot, 1)}
sstore(indexSlot, 0)
sstore(gasTokenBalanceSlot(), sub(bal, amount))
/* Global Constants
Yul does not support an idea of constants out of the box, so where constants
are used multiple times, I store them here as functions for global access.
function owner() -> o {
// Hard coding the owner at deploy time to the stack saves gas
// per owner restricted call.
o := 0x36273803306a3c22bc848f8db761e974697ece0d
// Token addresses
function weth() -> w {
w := 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2
function eth() -> e {
e := 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE
function chi() -> c {
c := 0x0000000000004946c0e9F43F4Dee607b0eF1fA1c
function wbtc() -> w {
w := 0x2260FAC5E5542a773Aa44fBCfeDf7C193bc2C599
function dai() -> d {
d := 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F
function usdc() -> u {
u := 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48
function usdt() -> u {
u := 0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7
function ape_bank() -> ab {
ab := 0x00000000454a11ca3a574738C0aaB442B62D5D45
// Constant values
function zero() -> z {
z := 0x0
function method_offset() -> m {
m := 0x4
function word() -> w {
w := 0x20
function method_shift() -> s {
s := 0xE0
function addressShape() -> a {
a := 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
function uint64Shape() -> u {
u := 0xffffffffffffffff
function uint128Shape() -> u {
u := 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
/* Utility */
function notPayable() {
require(eq(callvalue(), zero()), "This is not payable")
function onlyOwner() {
require(eq(owner(), caller()), "Unauthorized access detected.")
function revert_msg(message) {
let ptr := allocate_unbounded()
mstore(ptr, message)
revert(ptr, word())
function revert_forward(ptr) {
// No need to free the object here, because we are stopping.
revert(ptr, add(ptr, returndatasize()))
function require(condition, message) {
if iszero(condition) { revert_msg(message) }
// Contract abi method selector
function selector() -> m {
if lt(calldatasize(), method_offset()) {
// Stop if less than 4 bytes (method signature) of calldata provided
m := decodeMethod(calldataload(zero()))
function increment(location) -> new_location {
new_location := add(location, word())
function decrement(location) -> new_location {
new_location := sub(location, word())
/* Calldata Management */
/* Decoders */
// Decode method from word
function decodeMethod(data) -> m {
m := shr(method_shift(), data)
function decodeAddress(offset) -> v {
v := decodeUint(offset)
if iszero(iszero(and(v, not(addressShape())))) {
revert(zero(), zero())
function sixtyFourBitMask(value) -> v {
v := and(value, uint64Shape())
function oneTwentyEightBitMask(value) -> v {
v := and(value, uint128Shape())
// Offset in number of bytes from start of calldata
function decodeUint(offset) -> v {
let pos := add(method_offset(), offset)
if lt(calldatasize(), add(pos, word())) {
revert(zero(), zero())
v := calldataload(pos)
/* Encoders */
// Decode method from word
function encodeMethod(data) -> m {
m := shl(method_shift(), data)
/* Memory Management
This is a very simple system, which really only accounts
for one memory object at a time.
// Allocate unbounded memory from the free pointer
function allocate_unbounded() -> ptr {
ptr := mload(zero())
if iszero(ptr) {
ptr := word()
mstore(zero(), ptr)
// Finalize unbounded allocation to size
function finalize_allocate(ptr, size) -> tail {
tail := add(ptr, size)
mstore(zero(), tail)
// Allocate a new object of size
function obj_allocate(size) -> ptr, tail {
// Get free pointer
ptr := allocate_unbounded()
tail := finalize_allocate(ptr, size)
// Store at an offset inside an object
function obj_store(ptr, offset, value) -> tail {
// TODO(There is a bug here)
switch iszero(offset)
case 0x0 {
ptr := add(ptr, offset)
mstore(ptr, value)
tail := add(ptr, word())
case 0x1 {
mstore(ptr, value)
tail := add(ptr, word())
// Load contents of an object at offset
function obj_load(ptr, offset) -> value {
value := mload(add(ptr, offset))
// Deallocate an object
function deallocate(ptr) {
mstore(zero(), ptr)
/* End memory management */
/* Storage Management */
function gasTokenCostSlot() -> s {
s := 0
function gasTokenBalanceSlot() -> t {
t := 1
function gasTokenStartSlot() -> g {
g := 2
function gasTokenBalance() -> b {
b := sload(gasTokenBalanceSlot())
function updateCost(cost) {
sstore(gasTokenCostSlot(), cost)
function freeCost() -> c {
// Burn cost 3 times higher than purchase cost.
c := sload(gasTokenCostSlot())
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity = 0.8.6;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
// This allows for deployment at a more gas efficient address
contract MulticallBotFactory {
event Deployed(address addr, uint256 salt);
// 21. Compute the address of the contract to be deployed
// NOTE: _salt is a random number used to create an address
function getAddress(bytes memory bytecode, uint _salt) public view returns (address) {
bytes32 hash = keccak256(
// NOTE: cast last 20 bytes of hash to address
return address(uint160(uint256(hash)));
// 2. Deploy the contract
// NOTE:
// Check the event log Deployed which contains the address of the deployed TestContract.
// The address in the log should equal the address computed from above.
function deploy(bytes memory bytecode, uint _salt, address payable _owner) public payable {
address addr;
NOTE: How to call create2
create2(v, p, n, s)
create new contract with code at memory p to p + n
and send v wei
and return the new address
where new address = first 20 bytes of keccak256(0xff + address(this) + s + keccak256(mem[p…(p+n)))
s = big-endian 256-bit value
assembly {
addr := create2(
callvalue(), // wei sent with current call
// Actual code starts after skipping the first 32 bytes
add(bytecode, 0x20),
mload(bytecode), // Load the size of code contained in the first 32 bytes
_salt // Salt from function arguments
if iszero(extcodesize(addr)) {
revert(0, 0)
emit Deployed(addr, _salt);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity = 0.8.6;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
interface Multicall {
function balanceOf(address token) external view returns (uint256);
function deposit(address token,uint256 amount) external;
// TODO(Consider a bytes blob here)
function ostium(uint256[] calldata program) external payable;
function withdraw(address token, uint256 amount) external;
function eth_to_weth(uint256 amount) external payable;
function weth_to_eth(uint256 amount) external;
function free(uint256 amount) external;
function freeCost() external view returns (uint256);
function updateFreeCost(uint256) external;
function largeApeCallback(address sender, uint wethToReturn, uint wbtcToReturn, uint daiToReturn, uint usdcToReturn, uint usdtToReturn, bytes calldata data) external payable;
function mint(uint256 amount) external;
receive() external payable;
fallback() external payable;
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