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Created October 17, 2018 13:01
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pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import { SafeMath } from "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import {RLP} from "../lib/RLP.sol";
import { RLPEncode } from "../lib/RLPEncode.sol";
import { BytesLib } from "../lib/BytesLib.sol";
contract ValidatorSet {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using SafeMath for uint8;
// using BytesLib for bytes32;
int256 constant INT256_MIN = -int256((2**255)-1);
uint256 constant UINT256_MAX = (2**256)-1;
using RLP for bytes;
using RLP for RLP.RLPItem;
using RLP for RLP.Iterator;
event NewProposer(address indexed user, bytes data);
struct Validator {
uint256 votingPower;
int256 accumulator;
address validator;
bytes32 pubkey1;
bytes32 pubkey2;
address public proposer;
uint256 public totalVotingPower;
uint256 public lowestPower;
Validator[] public validators;
constructor() public {
totalVotingPower = 0;
lowestPower = UINT256_MAX;
function addValidator(address validator, uint256 votingPower, bytes32 pubkey1, bytes32 pubkey2) public {
require(votingPower > 0);
validators.push(Validator(votingPower, 0, validator,pubkey1, pubkey2)); //use index instead
if (lowestPower > votingPower ) {
lowestPower = votingPower;
totalVotingPower = totalVotingPower.add(votingPower);
function getPubkey(uint256 index) public view returns(bytes){
return BytesLib.concat(abi.encodePacked(validators[index].pubkey1), abi.encodePacked(validators[index].pubkey2));
// return BytesLib.concat(new bytes(), new bytes(validators[index].pubkey2));
function getValidatorSet() public view returns (uint256[] ,address[]){
uint256[] memory powers= new uint256[](validators.length);
address[] memory validatorAddresses= new address[](validators.length);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < validators.length; i++) {
return (powers,validatorAddresses);
function selectProposer() public returns(address) {
require(validators.length > 0);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < validators.length; i++) {
validators[i].accumulator += int(validators[i].votingPower);
int256 max = INT256_MIN;
uint8 index = 0;
for (i = 0; i < validators.length; i++) {
if (max < validators[i].accumulator){
max = validators[i].accumulator;
index = i;
validators[index].accumulator -= int(totalVotingPower);
proposer = validators[index].validator;
emit NewProposer(proposer, "0");
return proposer;
// Inputs: start,end,roothash,vote bytes,signatures of validators ,tx(extradata)
// Constants: chainid,type,votetype
// extradata => start,end ,proposer etc rlp encoded hash
// todo : check proposer verify signatures for validators
bytes public chainID = "test-chain-5w6Ce4";
bytes public roundType = "vote";
bytes public voteType = "0x02";
// constructor (bytes _chainID, bytes _rountType , bytes _voteType ){
// chainID=_chainID;
// roundType=_rountType;
// voteType=_voteType;
// }
// @params start-> startBlock , end-> EndBlock , roothash-> merkelRoot
function validate(bytes vote,bytes sigs,bytes extradata)public view {
RLP.RLPItem[] memory dataList = vote.toRLPItem().toList();
require(keccak256(dataList[0].toData())==keccak256(chainID),"Chain ID not same");
require(keccak256(dataList[1].toData())==keccak256(roundType),"Round Type Not Same ");
// require(keccak256(dataList[5].toData())==keccak256(_voteType),"Vote Type Not Same");
// validate extra data using getSha256(extradata)
// decode extra data and validate start,end etc
RLP.RLPItem[] memory txDataList;
// require(txDataList[1].toUint() == start,"Start Block Does Not Match");
// require(txDataList[2].toUint() == end, "End Block Does Not Match");
// validate with get proposer from stake manager
// proposerFromData = txDataList[0].toData();
// require(keccak256(txDataList[3].toData())==keccak256(roothash));
// rootHashFromData = txDataList[3].toData();
//slice sigs and do ecrecover from validator set
function getSha256(bytes input) public returns (bytes20) {
bytes32 hash = sha256(input);
return bytes20(hash);
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