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Last active May 7, 2018 16:12
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This is a program with two procedures MIN and MAX to find the minimum and the maximum grade in a set of grades. For example, if the grades are: 81, 65, 78, 83,74, 57, 88, 92, 51 ,80 ,60, then the minimum grade is 51 and the maximum grade is 92.
The program saves the results in a new memory locations starting at offset 500h.

.model flat, stdcall
.stack 4096
ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword
org 100h
grades db 81, 65, 78, 83,74, 57, 88, 92, 51 ,80 ,60
org 500h
results db 2 dup(?)
main proc
call max
call min
call ExitProcess
main endp
mov dl,byte ptr [grades]
mov esi, offset grades + 1
mov cx,10
looph: cmp dl,byte ptr[esi]
ja cond
mov dl,byte ptr[esi]
cond: inc esi
loop looph
mov byte ptr [results],dl
mov esi,offset grades
mov dl,byte ptr[grades]
inc esi
mov cx,10
loophe: cmp dl,byte ptr[esi]
jb condi
mov dl,byte ptr[esi]
condi: inc esi
loop loophe
mov byte ptr[results+1],dl
end main
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