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Last active December 24, 2023 05:27
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Convert transactions in CAS to tradelog for TMOAP tracker
import argparse
import re
import csv
import decimal
import sys
import logging
from getpass import getpass
import pandas as pd
from decimal import Decimal
from casparser import read_cas_pdf
STAMP_DUTY = Decimal("0.00005")
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# ISIN -> Google Finance ticker mapping
"INF082J01036": "MUTF_IN:QUAN_LT_EQUI_1X8K58Y",
"INF109K013N3": "MUTF_IN:ICIC_PRU_SHOR_1II1866",
"INF082J01382": "MUTF_IN:QUAN_INDI_ESG_3483GU",
"INF082J01416": "MUTF_IN:QUAN_NIFT_50_1R4GRR6",
"AXIS Mutual Fund": "Axis MF",
"Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund": "Franklin MF",
"HDFC Mutual Fund": "HDFC MF",
"ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund": "ICICI Prudential MF",
"Quantum Mutual Fund": "Quantum MF",
"Quantum Nifty 50 ETF Fund of Fund - Direct Plan Growth": "INF082J01416",
"Quantum Nifty 50 ETF Fund of Fund - Direct Plan Growth - ISIN: INF082J01416": "INF082J01416",
"Quantum Small Cap Fund - Direct Plan Growth - ISIN: INF082J01432": "INF082J01432",
def round_up(x, exp=Decimal("1.0")):
return x.quantize(exp, rounding=decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)
def amount_before_duty(val, p=STAMP_DUTY):
val = Decimal(val)
return round_up(val + val * p)
def stamp_duty(val, p=STAMP_DUTY):
return round_up(Decimal(val) * p, exp=Decimal("0.01"))
def parse_folios(folios):
for folio in folios:
yield from parse_folio(folio)
def parse_folio(folio):
for scheme in folio["schemes"]:
yield from parse_scheme(scheme, amc=folio["amc"])
def parse_scheme(scheme, amc="", drop_dupes=True):
warning: Will probably not work if there are transactions from
before stamp duty was a thing (July 2020)
frame = pd.DataFrame.from_records(scheme["transactions"])
if frame.empty:
frame["isin"] = scheme["isin"]
frame["amfi"] = scheme["amfi"]
frame["name"] = scheme["scheme"]
frame["amount"] = frame["amount"].apply(Decimal)
frame.loc[frame["units"].notnull(), "units"] = frame.loc[
frame["units"].notnull(), "units"
frame["amc"] = amc
pre_drop = frame.shape
if drop_dupes is True:
post_drop = frame.shape
if pre_drop != post_drop:
LOGGER.warning("Dropped duplicates (%s -> %s)", pre_drop, post_drop)
# filters
type_purchase = frame["type"].isin(["PURCHASE_SIP", "PURCHASE"])
type_stamp_duty = frame["type"].isin(["STAMP_DUTY_TAX"])
frame["fees"] = frame["amount"].apply(amount_before_duty).apply(stamp_duty)
# ensure stamp duty calculated correctly: breaks for MF mergers, comment out if needed
assert frame[type_purchase]["fees"].sum() == frame[type_stamp_duty]["amount"].sum()
yield from frame[~type_stamp_duty].to_dict(orient="records")
class TxnType:
BUY = "Buy"
SELL = "Sell"
ZERO = Decimal("0")
def get_finance_ticker(isin):
return ISIN_MAP[isin]
def get_investment_account(amc):
return AMC_MAP[amc]
def cas_to_trade_log(cas_dict, out=sys.stdout):
warning: Only handles BUY AND SELL type transactions
# (date, transaction_type, symbol, quantity (units), price/unit, amount_before_fees, fees, fund house)
csv_writer = csv.writer(out)
for txn in sorted(parse_folios(cas_dict["folios"]), key=lambda x: x["date"]):
is_purchase = txn["amount"] > ZERO
# print("::",txn["isin"] or txn["name"])
TxnType.BUY if is_purchase else TxnType.SELL,
get_finance_ticker(txn["isin"] or NAME_MAP[txn["name"]]),
txn["units"] if is_purchase else txn["units"] * Decimal("-1.0"),
txn["amount"] if is_purchase else txn["amount"] * Decimal("-1.0"),
txn["fees"] if not pd.isnull(txn["fees"]) and is_purchase else "0",
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("file", help="Path to CAS PDF")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", dest="password", help="Password to CAS PDF")
args = parser.parse_args()
cas_dict = read_cas_pdf(
args.file, args.password or getpass("Password:"), force_pdfminer=True
if __name__ == "__main__":
CLEAN_MF = re.compile(r"(fund|plan|-|option)", re.IGNORECASE)
def clean_name(name):
return CLEAN_MF.sub("", name).replace(" ", " ").strip()
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