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Pydantic - Google Cloud Secret
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union, Mapping
from google.api_core.exceptions import GoogleAPIError
from google.auth.exceptions import GoogleAuthError
from import secretmanager
from pydantic import BaseSettings, Field
from pydantic.env_settings import env_file_sentinel, read_env_file
from pydantic.utils import deep_update
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_google_cloud_secret(key) -> Optional[str]:
if not os.getenv(GCS_APP_KEY):
LOGGER.debug("Not fetching secret from GCS: %s not present", GCS_APP_KEY)
client = secretmanager.SecretManagerServiceClient()
response = client.access_secret_version(key)
except (GoogleAuthError, GoogleAPIError) as e:
LOGGER.error("Could not fetch (%s) from GCS: %s", key, e)
class GoogleCloudSecretSettings(BaseSettings):
Fetch setting value from Google Cloud Secret Manager.
Local environment variables, env file, manually passed kwargs still take
preference over values in GCS.
Will fail silently if secret cannot be fetched for any reason
def _build_gcs_values(
self, _env_file: Union[Path, str, None] = None, _env_file_encoding: Optional[str] = None
) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]:
if self.__config__.case_sensitive:
env_vars: Mapping[str, Optional[str]] = os.environ
env_vars = {k.lower(): v for k, v in os.environ.items()}
env_file = _env_file if _env_file != env_file_sentinel else self.__config__.env_file
env_file_encoding = _env_file_encoding if _env_file_encoding is not None else self.__config__.env_file_encoding
if env_file is not None:
env_path = Path(env_file).expanduser()
if env_path.is_file():
env_vars = {
env_path, encoding=env_file_encoding, case_sensitive=self.__config__.case_sensitive
env = dict()
for field in self.__fields__.values():
cloud_key = field.field_info.extra.get("cloud_key")
cloud_key = cloud_key.lower() if not self.__config__.case_sensitive else cloud_key
if not isinstance(cloud_key, str):
if not env_vars.get(cloud_key):
env[field.alias] = get_google_cloud_secret(env_vars[cloud_key])
return env
def _build_values(
init_kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
_env_file: Union[Path, str, None] = None,
_env_file_encoding: Optional[str] = None,
_secrets_dir: Union[Path, str, None] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return deep_update(
self._build_gcs_values(_env_file, _env_file_encoding),
self._build_environ(_env_file, _env_file_encoding),
class Settings(GoogleCloudSecretSettings):
# GCS_MY_KEY_RESOURCE_NAME=projects/<id>/secrets/<resource-name>/versions/latest
# in environment variables or .env file
MY_KEY: str = Field(cloud_key="GCS_MY_KEY_RESOURCE_NAME")
conf = Settings()
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"MY_KEY: {conf.MY_KEY}")
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