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Last active July 6, 2024 08:19
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ASCII Characters
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Illegal quoting in line 36.
Dec Char Hex Ctrl Description
\0 NUL \x00 \c@ \0 (Null byte)
\1 SOH \x01 \cA (Start of heading)
\2 STX \x02 \cB (Start of text)
\3 ETX \x03 \cC (End of text) (see: UNIX keyboard CTRL)
\4 EOT \x04 \cD (End of transmission) (see: UNIX keyboard CTRL)
\5 ENQ \x05 \cE (Enquiry)
\6 ACK \x06 \cF (Acknowledge)
\7 BEL \x07 \cG (Ring terminal bell)
\8 BS \x08 \cH \b (Backspace) (\b matches backspace inside [] only)
\9 HT \x09 \cI \t (Horizontal tab)
\10 LF \x0A \cJ \n (Line feed) (Default UNIX NL) (see End of Line below)
\11 VT \x0B \cK (Vertical tab)
\12 FF \x0C \cL \f (Form feed)
\13 CR \x0D \cM \r (Carriage return) (see: End of Line below)
\14 SO \x0E \cN (Shift out)
\15 SI \x0F \cO (Shift in)
\16 DLE \x10 \cP (Data link escape)
\17 DC1 \x11 \cQ (Device control 1)
\18 DC2 \x12 \cR (Device control 2)
\19 DC3 \x13 \cS (Device control 3)
\20 DC4 \x14 \cT (Device control 4)
\21 NAK \x15 \cU (Negative acknowledge) (see: UNIX keyboard CTRL)
\22 SYN \x16 \cV (Synchronous idle)
\23 ETB \x17 \cW (End of transmission block)
\24 CAN \x18 \cX (Cancel)
\25 EM \x19 \cY (End of medium)
\26 SUB \x1A \cZ (Substitute character)
\27 ESC \x1B \c[ (Escape)
\28 FS \x1C \c\ (File separator, Information separator four)
\29 GS \x1D \c] (Group separator, Information separator three)
\30 RS \x1E \c^ (Record separator, Information separator two)
\31 US \x1F \c_ (Unit separator, Information separator one)
\32 SP \x20 \c (Space)
\33 ! \x21 \c! (Exclamation mark)
\34 " \x22 \c" (Quotation mark)
\35 # \x23 \c# (Number sign)
\36 $ \x24 \c$ (Dollar sign)
\37 % \x25 \c% (Percent)
\38 & \x26 \c& (Ampersand)
\39 ' \x27 \c' (Apostrophe)
\40 ( \x28 \c( (Left parenthesis)
\41 ) \x29 \c) (Right parenthesis)
\42 * \x2A \c* (Asterisk)
\43 + \x2B \c+ (Plus sign)
\44 , \x2C \c, (Comma)
\45 - \x2D \c- (Hyphen-minus)
\46 . \x2E \c. (Full stop)
\47 / \x2F \c/ (Solidus)
\48 0 \x30 \c0 (Digit zero)
\49 1 \x31 \c1 (Digit one)
\50 2 \x32 \c2 (Digit two)
\51 3 \x33 \c3 (Digit three)
\52 4 \x34 \c4 (Digit four)
\53 5 \x35 \c5 (Digit five)
\54 6 \x36 \c6 (Digit six)
\55 7 \x37 \c7 (Digit seven)
\56 8 \x38 \c8 (Digit eight)
\57 9 \x39 \c9 (Digit nine)
\58 : \x3A \c: (Colon)
\59 ; \x3B \c; (Semicolon)
\60 < \x3C \c< (Less-than sign)
\61 = \x3D \c= (Equals sign)
\62 > \x3E \c> (Greater-than sign)
\63 ? \x3F \c? (Question mark)
\64 @ \x40 \c@ (At sign)
\65 A \x41 \cA (Uppercase A)
\66 B \x42 \cB (Uppercase B)
\67 C \x43 \cC (Uppercase C)
\68 D \x44 \cD (Uppercase D)
\69 E \x45 \cE (Uppercase E)
\70 F \x46 \cF (Uppercase F)
\71 G \x47 \cG (Uppercase G)
\72 H \x48 \cH (Uppercase H)
\73 I \x49 \cI (Uppercase I)
\74 J \x4A \cJ (Uppercase J)
\75 K \x4B \cK (Uppercase K)
\76 L \x4C \cL (Uppercase L)
\77 M \x4D \cM (Uppercase M)
\78 N \x4E \cN (Uppercase N)
\79 O \x4F \cO (Uppercase O)
\80 P \x50 \cP (Uppercase P)
\81 Q \x51 \cQ (Uppercase Q)
\82 R \x52 \cR (Uppercase R)
\83 S \x53 \cS (Uppercase S)
\84 T \x54 \cT (Uppercase T)
\85 U \x55 \cU (Uppercase U)
\86 V \x56 \cV (Uppercase V)
\87 W \x57 \cW (Uppercase W)
\88 X \x58 \cX (Uppercase X)
\89 Y \x59 \cY (Uppercase Y)
\90 Z \x5A \cZ (Uppercase Z)
\91 [ \x5B \c[ (Left square bracket)
\92 \ \x5C \c\ (Reverse solidus, Backslash)
\93 ] \x5D \c] (Right square bracket)
\94 ^ \x5E \c^ (Caret, Circumflex accent)
\95 _ \x5F \c_ (Low line, Underscore)
\96 ` \x60 \c` (Grave accent)
\97 a \x61 \ca (Lowercase a)
\98 b \x62 \cb (Lowercase b)
\99 c \x63 \cc (Lowercase c)
\100 d \x64 \cd (Lowercase d)
\101 e \x65 \ce (Lowercase e)
\102 f \x66 \cf (Lowercase f)
\103 g \x67 \cg (Lowercase g)
\104 h \x68 \ch (Lowercase h)
\105 i \x69 \ci (Lowercase i)
\106 j \x6A \cj (Lowercase j)
\107 k \x6B \ck (Lowercase k)
\108 l \x6C \cl (Lowercase l)
\109 m \x6D \cm (Lowercase m)
\110 n \x6E \cn (Lowercase n)
\111 o \x6F \co (Lowercase o)
\112 p \x70 \cp (Lowercase p)
\113 q \x71 \cq (Lowercase q)
\114 r \x72 \cr (Lowercase r)
\115 s \x73 \cs (Lowercase s)
\116 t \x74 \ct (Lowercase t)
\117 u \x75 \cu (Lowercase u)
\118 v \x76 \cv (Lowercase v)
\119 w \x77 \cw (Lowercase w)
\120 x \x78 \cx (Lowercase x)
\121 y \x79 \cy (Lowercase y)
\122 z \x7A \cz (Lowercase z)
\123 { \x7B \c{ (Left curly bracket)
\124 | \x7C \c| (Vertical bar)
\125 } \x7D \c} (Right curly bracket)
\126 ~ \x7E \c~ (Tilde)
\127 DEL \x7F \c? (Delete)
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