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Created July 17, 2023 15:05
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# System Configuration Files
/etc/issue # A message to be printed before the login prompt.
/etc/motd # Message of the day banner content.
/etc/passwd # User account information.
/etc/group # Group information.
/etc/resolv.conf # DNS resolver configuration (for triggering IDS signatures).
/etc/shadow # Encrypted user passwords.
/etc/mtab # Mounted filesystems information.
/etc/inetd.conf # Configuration file for the internet services.
/var/log/dmesg # Kernel ring buffer log.
# Web and Application Files
.htaccess # Configuration file for web server access control.
config.php # Application configuration file.
# SSH-related Files
id_rsa # Private SSH key.
id_rsa.keystore # Keystore for SSH private keys. # Public SSH key.
known_hosts # Known hosts for SSH connections.
# Log Files
/etc/httpd/logs/access_log # Apache access log.
/etc/httpd/logs/error_log # Apache error log.
/var/www/logs/access_log # Web server access log.
/var/www/logs/access.log # Web server access log.
/usr/local/apache/logs/access_log # Apache access log.
/usr/local/apache/logs/access.log # Apache access log.
/var/log/apache/access_log # Apache access log.
/var/log/apache2/access_log # Apache access log.
/var/log/apache/access.log # Apache access log.
/var/log/apache2/access.log # Apache access log.
/var/log/access_log # General access log.
# User Files
.bash_history # Command history for the user.
.profile # User profile script.
.mysql_history # MySQL command history.
.my.cnf # MySQL configuration file.
# Proc Files
/proc/sched_debug # Information about running processes.
/proc/mounts # Mounted filesystems information.
/proc/net/arp # ARP table information.
/proc/net/route # Routing table information.
/proc/net/tcp # TCP connections information.
/proc/net/udp # UDP connections information.
/proc/net/fib_trie # Routing table information.
/proc/version # Kernel version information.
/proc/self/environ # Environment variables for the current process.
/proc/[PID]/cmdline # Command line arguments for a specific process.
/proc/[PID]/environ # Environment variables for a specific process.
/proc/[PID]/cwd # Current working directory for a specific process.
/proc/[PID]/fd/[#] # File descriptor for a specific process.
# Cron Files
/etc/shells # List of valid login shells.
/etc/crontab # System-wide cron jobs configuration file.
/etc/cron.d/* # Directory containing cron jobs configurations.
/etc/cron.daily/* # Directory containing daily cron jobs.
/etc/cron.weekly/* # Directory containing weekly cron jobs.
/etc/cron.monthly/* # Directory containing monthly cron jobs.
/etc/cron.hourly/* # Directory containing hourly cron jobs.
/etc/cron.allow # Whitelist of users allowed to use cron.
/etc/cron.deny # Blacklist of users denied access to cron.
# Network and System Files
/etc/hosts # Hostname to IP address mappings.
/etc/network/interfaces # Network interfaces configuration.
/etc/sysctl.conf # Kernel parameters configuration.
/etc/rc.local # System startup script.
/etc/passwd- # Backup file for user account information.
/etc/group- # Backup file for group information.
# System Logs
/var/log/messages # System messages log file.
/var/log/syslog # System log file.
/var/log/auth.log # Authentication-related log file.
/var/log/secure # Security log file.
# User SSH Files
/home/[username]/.ssh/authorized_keys # Authorized SSH keys for a specific user.
/home/[username]/.ssh/id_dsa # DSA private SSH key for a specific user.
/home/[username]/.ssh/ # DSA public SSH key for a specific user.
/home/[username]/.ssh/id_ecdsa # ECDSA private SSH key for a specific user.
/home/[username]/.ssh/ # ECDSA public SSH key for a specific user.
/home/[username]/.ssh/id_ed25519 # Ed25519 private SSH key for a specific user.
/home/[username]/.ssh/ # Ed25519 public SSH key for a specific user.
/home/[username]/.ssh/id_rsa # RSA private SSH key for a specific user.
/home/[username]/.ssh/ # RSA public SSH key for a specific user.
# Application Configuration File
/opt/app/config.ini # Configuration file for an application.
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