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Attestation for ZKP2P Trusted Setup Ceremony V2.4 MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm 0xSachinK-73331595 and I have contributed to the ZKP2P Trusted Setup Ceremony V2.4.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (zkp2p-venmo-send-v2)
Contributor # 2
Contribution Hash: 7129a4bd f36add2f 0c1e7edf cc7d4094
2b09d57a 5359f0cb e6856c82 d76cc37d
0d7a8a14 e2bfc5db 276f864c c10dd48d
20f94fdc 5e68b7ed 8a73f932 daa2efa9
Circuit # 2 (zkp2p-venmo-registration-v2)
Contributor # 6
Contribution Hash: f1f4c55e 3f844935 c3899bd2 8ea58111
97165660 1c177281 a10979cc a6f8b626
cef4aab8 d033a79d 09edff1d 9cbd55c4
16273c3c 25d7bed1 9b387eef 5a301805
Circuit # 3 (zkp2p-hdfc-send)
Contributor # 8
Contribution Hash: 0522f7b8 a23bfa35 bee071eb c92f1f3a
c2b6275b 0f667fbc fd1df442 979ff521
f4f560b3 1d149034 6fce7a6c 37914ca3
f5a0aac6 4db40a1d 4ff57c33 6e7bbbd1
Circuit # 4 (zkp2p-hdfc-registration)
Contributor # 6
Contribution Hash: 674c7453 24611d05 0e179212 f4eca6a6
116ecfb7 1c8717bf 362f453c db022893
1ea03eaa 30251302 34e682f7 770b4622
ed4e4303 1c2ef342 4f06182f dde16824
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