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Attestation for ZKP2P Trusted Setup Ceremony V2 MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm 0xSachinK-73331595 and I have contributed to the ZKP2P Trusted Setup Ceremony V2.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (zkp2p-hdfc-send)
Contributor # 7
Contribution Hash: ce0ab3be e1ca089b 43e59bbf 6bd7f0c0
fcf0521b 3515d350 10da6e78 75611682
f07e6d07 64a3f8db d98109d5 e36640f8
88a3e3bb 0e8d5d94 758893b8 e4761d92
Circuit # 2 (zkp2p-hdfc-registration)
Contributor # 7
Contribution Hash: 03a92859 ab0e84d8 19621440 b4db4879
50b4b430 e39b61ca ec44f2bd 793c67ee
b397ff60 e63d1d83 ea6ddca5 bc642637
ad1a0894 9c7ab093 7608e3a2 2d77ef91
Circuit # 3 (zkp2p-venmo-send-v2)
Contributor # 6
Contribution Hash: 3ace8027 46bc02bd db37aee7 7af24443
8c63348d a7491474 dbc6d883 52962db6
3c2112e9 673ddb50 fdd85903 40d177fa
58678b78 6fb0f4aa eb0f3b00 8c344444
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