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Last active March 18, 2020 18:19
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My solution to Inaction from SuSeC CTF 2020
CTF: SuSeC CTF 2020 -
Challenge: Inaction -
Flag: SUSEC{5m4Rt___p0W___cH4lL3n93}
import re
from sys import exit, stderr
from typing import List
from pwn import remote
# Global Constants #
# Connection Information
PORT = 3114
# Code constants
RE_INT = re.compile(br'\d+')
P = 2**2281 - 1
PAD = 2228
def solve(val: int, i: int) -> str:
"""Solve the challenge for i iterations.
Checks both candidate roots for the next set of roots.
If one deadends, we use the other.
for _ in range(i):
vals = prime_mod_sqrt(val, P)
candidate_1, candidate_2 = min(vals) ^ PAD, max(vals) ^ PAD
check = prime_mod_sqrt(candidate_1, P)
val = candidate_1 if check != [] else candidate_2
return str(min(val, (val * -1) % P))
def main() -> None:
"""Main challenge interaction.
We connect, and try and solve 40 challenges with 40 iterations
r = remote(SERVER, PORT)
r.recvuntil(b'-\ny') # Server welcome message
# Solve 40 challenges with 40 iterations each
stage = 40
for _ in range(stage):
y = grab_int(r.recvline())
sol = solve(y, stage)
r.sendlineafter(b'solution:', str(sol))
# Utility Functions #
def grab_int(data: bytes) -> int:
"""Grab an integer from a bytestring."""
search_results =
if search_results:
return int(
print(f'[!] Error parsing server challenge: {data}', file=stderr)
# Sourced from stack overflow because I don't wanna
# reinvent the wheel during a CTF :P
# 43210/tonelli-shanks-algorithm-implementation-of-prime-modular-square-root
def legendre_symbol(a: int, p: int) -> int:
"""Legendre symbol
Defined if a is a quadratic residue modulo odd prime.
ls = pow(a, (p - 1) // 2, p)
if ls == p - 1:
return -1
return ls
def prime_mod_sqrt(a: int, p: int) -> List[int]:
"""Square root modulo prime number
Solve the equation: x^2 = a mod p
and return list of x solution
a %= p
# Simple case
if a == 0:
return [0]
if p == 2:
return [a]
# Check solution existence on odd prime
if legendre_symbol(a, p) != 1:
return []
# Simple case
if p % 4 == 3:
x = pow(a, (p + 1) // 4, p)
return [x, p - x]
# Factor p-1 on the form q * 2^s (with Q odd)
q, s = p - 1, 0
while q % 2 == 0:
s += 1
q //= 2
# Select a z which is a quadratic non resudue modulo p
z = 1
while legendre_symbol(z, p) != -1:
z += 1
c = pow(z, q, p)
# Search for a solution
x = pow(a, (q + 1) / 2, p)
t = pow(a, q, p)
m = s
while t != 1:
# Find the lowest i such that t^(2^i) = 1
i, e = 0, 2
for i in range(1, m):
if pow(t, e, p) == 1:
e *= 2
# Update next value to iterate
b = pow(c, 2**(m - i - 1), p)
x = (x * b) % p
t = (t * b * b) % p
c = (b * b) % p
m = i
return [x, p - x]
if __name__ == '__main__':
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