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Created May 3, 2023 20:54
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Save 0xallie/3c12f6ccc2dde69da17be2546d69a0db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. common issues (archive)

"Booted device" but not booted

This may happen when the downloading and patching process is interrupted. Please run ./ clean (use with sudo if on Linux), then try again.

If that doesn't fix it, it may be caused by an update from the Procursus repo. The quickest way to fix it is ./ --restorerootfs. Alternatively, you can manually restore /usr/libexec/dirs_cleaner from the rootfs snapshot using the sshrd script.

jbinit DIED!

The simplest way to fix this is rm -rf blobs (use sudo if on Linux), then force reboot your device and try to jailbreak again.

Advanced users can also try re-copying the other/rootfs files manually to the device using SSHRD.

Pressing "install" on each jb

DO NOT DO THIS. It resets your package lists and will likely break your jailbreak install eventually. Instead, press the gear icon, and then press Do All.

If you managed to mess up your jailbreak this way run ./ --restorerootfs <iOS version> (example: ./ --restorerootfs 15.6).

Use sudo if on Linux. Add --tweaks at the end of the command if you used tweaks, and --semi-tethered if you used semi-tethered.

End of central-directory signature not found

If the error message says, you are running an outdated version of palera1n and need to update using git pull. If that doesn't work, reclone using the following commands:

cd .. && sudo rm -rf palera1n && sudo git clone -b legacy --recursive --depth=1 --shallow-submodules && cd palera1n

Otherwise, this error most likely indicates a problem with your internet connection, and you simply need to try running palera1n again.

Found the USB handle followed by an error occurred

This will happen if the device is in a bad DFU state, which could randomly happen, or happen if you held the 2nd DFU button for too long (volume down on iPhone X, for example).

Reboot and rerun the script, and make sure to follow the DFU helper exactly, and let go as soon as it says it found the device in DFU.

pip error: legacy-install-failure



sudo apt install python3-dev


sudo dnf install python3-devel


sudo zypper install python3-devel

macOS Install Xcode Command Line Tools using:

xcode-select --install

If it still doesn't work, try the following command:

ARCHFLAGS="-arch $(uname -m)" python3 -m pip install --compile pyimg4

Permission denied (publickey,password)

Do ./ --clean && rm -rf blobs and try jailbreaking again.

"Killed" issue (not "Killed: 9")


You ran out of RAM. This most commonly happens on a Linux live USB.

Ways to fix the issue, ordered by which to try first: 1. Use palera1n-c or palen1x, it requires much less RAM and shouldn't have such issues 2. Close some apps, like Chrome and Discord. 3. Attempt a shallow clone (git clone --depth=1) 4. Clone palera1n onto persistent storage [note 1] 5. Install Linux onto your computer

If there is still not enough RAM: 6. Set up a swap area [note 2] that is at least 2 GB in size, especially for computers with less than 2 GB RAM

Note 1: How to use persistent storage from Linux live, with terminal

  1. If you have already cloned palera1n, please delete it! Usually this can be done with sudo rm -rf palera1n.
  2. You may want to install ntfs-3g first, on Ubuntu this can be done with sudo apt install ntfs-3g
  3. Run sudo lsblk to list your disks
  4. Locate the persistent storage you want to use, for example a Windows C: drive would be of type "ntfs" and at least 10 GB in size. Take a note of the device name, which starts with /dev.
  5. Mount the disk onto /mnt (example, please don't paste as is): sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda3 /mnt
  6. Change the working directory to /mnt: cd /mnt
  7. Try to clone palera1n again

Note 2: How to set up swap space Most Linux installers will set it up a swap area automatically during the install if you use guided partitioning (if such an option exists). If it didn't set up one for you, here's how to do it manually:

In order to create a 2 GB swap area as root:

  1. dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=2048
  2. chmod 600 /swapfile
  3. mkswap /swapfile
  4. echo '/swapfile none swap 0 0 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
  5. swapon /swapfile

Stuck at waiting for network

This is usually caused by a network issue.

  1. Make sure you're on the latest commit (git pull)
  2. Make sure you can access this site

If you can access it but the script still doesn't work, your network may be unstable or certain outgoing requests may be blocked. If you cannot access it, this may mean that your network is blocking it, or it's currently down.

It may also happen if you're using an AMD CPU (see !t amd).

fsck - required boot task executable not found

If your device enters an infinite respring loop after pressing Do All in the palera1n loader and the panic log returns userspace panic: boot task failure: fsck - required boot task executable not found, restore rootfs and rejailbreak.

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