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Created December 13, 2021 08:45
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Scaffold an EF Core DbContex with nullable reference types

Scaffold an EF Core DbContex with nullable reference types

Requirement: .NET 6 (at least preview 5, where the Scaffold with nullable reference types feature landed and at least rc.2.21480.5 to work with the SQLPro Studio demo database)


  1. Create a new dummy project (required to run the dotnet ef CLI tool)
mkdir efscaffold && cd efscaffold
dotnet new classlib
rm Class1.cs
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design

Using the .NET 6.0 SDK, <Nullable>enable</Nullable> should be defined in the csproj file.

  1. Add the EF Core provider matching the database you want to scaffold. This example is for SQL Server:
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
  1. Add the dotnet-ef CLI tool
dotnet new tool-manifest
dotnet tool install dotnet-ef

You can invoke the tool from this directory using the following commands: 'dotnet tool run dotnet-ef' or 'dotnet dotnet-ef'.

Tool 'dotnet-ef' (version '6.0.0') was successfully installed. Entry is added to the manifest file ~/efscaffold/.config/dotnet-tools.json.

  1. Scaffold your context and entities inside the Database directory
mkdir -p Database
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold --verbose --force --output-dir Database --no-onconfiguring --context SqlProSampleContext ";Database=sqlprosample;User=sqlproro;Password=nh{Zd?*8ZU@Y}Bb#" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
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